Chelsea Winstanley | NZ On Screen
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Chelsea Winstanley

Producer, Director [Ngāti Ranginui]

Chelsea Winstanley was Oscar-nominated in 2020 for her work as a producer on Jojo Rabbit. Winstanley produced 2018 documentary Merata: How Mum Decolonised the Screen, about Māori director Merata Mita, and also worked on vampire hit What We Do in the Shadows. Her directorial CV includes short films, a 2005 documentary on activist Tame Iti, and being part of the team of Māori women behind acclaimed anthology film Waru. In 2020 Winstanley announced the launch of LA and Aotearoa-based production company This Too Shall Pass — to tell "authentic stories with unique cultural perspectives".

I made a decision that I want to concentrate on working with women, since throughout most of my career I’ve been helping men make movies. I thought, I need to stop doing that in order for us to have some kind of equal representation. Chelsea Winstanley, in an interview with Now Toronto, 23 October 2019