Gov. Whitmer Condemns 'Death To America' Chants At Dearborn Rally | SCNR
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Gov. Whitmer Condemns 'Death To America' Chants At Dearborn Rally

'This hateful rhetoric is unacceptable, and does not represent Michigan or Dearborn'

Gov. Whitmer Condemns 'Death To America' Chants At Dearborn Rally

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has condemned chants of "Death to America” and "Death to Israel" by activists at a rally in the state last week.

Activists were recorded chanting violent slogans during the Al-Quds Day rally in Dearborn, Michigan on April 5.

Shortly after the demonstration, President Joe Biden's administration issued a statement “[condemning] these abhorrent and antisemitic remarks in the strongest terms." The Biden administration also noted that they did not wish to receive votes from those who chanted at the rally.

Despite overwhelming objection to the activists' chants, Whitmer, along with Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib, did not immediately issue a response.

"This hateful rhetoric is unacceptable, and does not represent Michigan or Dearborn," Whitmer’s office said in a Sunday statement to Fox News Digital. "The Dearborn community is full of hardworking, proud Americans."

"Our state is diverse and we are proud of it," her office added.

Tlaib has not issued a statement as of Monday, though clashed with one Fox Business reporter at the Capitol last Thursday.

"I don't talk to Fox News," the Michigan representative declared, accusing the outlet of invoking "racist tropes" and Islamophobia.

Dearborn's Mayor Abdullah Hammound said activist's chants were "unacceptable and contrary to the heart" of the city in an X post.

"We reject all inflammatory and violent statements made at the gathering," Mayor Hammound said. "Dearborn is a city of proud Americans; the hateful rhetoric heard on Friday does not reflect the opinion of the members of this community."

"The Dearborn community stands for peace and justice for all people. We are proud to call this city and this country home," he added.

One protestor at the rally addressed critics who have referred to their protests on International Al-Quds Day as "anti-America."

"Gaza has shown the entire world why these protests are so anti-American," the activist said. "It's the United States government that provides the funds for all of the atrocities that we just heard about."

"This is why Imam Khomeini, who declared the International Al-Quds Day, this is why he would say to pour all of your chants and all of your shouts upon the head of America," he continued as other protestors began chanting "Death to America!"

"It's not Genocide Joe that has to go," he continued in reference to Biden. "It is the entire system that has to go."

The activist went on to say the United States did "not deserve to exist on God's earth."

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