Joyful Giving, Fully Living | Barnabas Foundation
Life Stories

Joyful Giving, Fully Living

July 31, 2023
By Barnabas Foundation

It was as children that Bruce and Barb first learned the importance of giving back to the Lord.

“It was always expected that we gave a certain percentage to the church,” Barb remembers. “That was modeled to both of us by our parents.”

“My folks always told me to exceed the minimum and look for greater opportunities for generosity,” says Bruce.

When Bruce’s parents passed away in 2012, he was left to fulfill their charitable wishes as the executor of their estate.

“They dictated that a percentage of their assets would go towards Kingdom causes,” explains Bruce.

He contemplated starting a foundation but found it to be complex and burdensome. Looking for a simpler solution, Bruce reached out to Barnabas Foundation.

By starting a Stewards Fund (donor-advised fund) funded by his parents’ estate, Bruce and his siblings were able to fulfill their parents’ charitable wishes and ensure that their legacy would continue well into the future.

“Barnabas Foundation took the burden out of the process and handled the complex work,” says Bruce. “We’re so thrilled we did it. We can’t speak highly enough about the people we interact with.”

In 2016, Bruce and Barb decided to start their own Stewards Fund account. They fund their account by giving appreciated assets, which not only increases their giving capacity but also reduces their taxes.

However, for Bruce and Barb, their Stewards Fund is not about the tax benefits.

“It helps us with the mission of being eternally minded and working the mechanics of a generous heart,” explains Bruce. “We know that when we go to be with the Lord one day, we will have made a positive impact on His Kingdom.”

“We’ve come to understand that material things do not bring us fulfillment,” Bruce continues. “They can provide some levels of comfort, but they’re not going to keep us healthy and happy. If there’s a need, we want to exceed what that need is in giving.”

Bruce and Barb pray their children will also catch their passion for generosity.

“We try to model the joy of giving to our children and grandchildren,” says Barb. “It’s fun to help somebody, whether it is with your time, making a gift or lending a listening ear. It’s a joyful thing, and it’s not out of obligation. God has provided us with these resources so that we can share them with others.”

“We want to use our resources to benefit the Kingdom,” concludes Bruce. “We are an instrument of His grace, and that is the ultimate gift. We fully live when we freely give.”

This content is written as part of Generosity Today (2023, Issue 3).