Transavia is the airline of choice for affordable flights!
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Single flight

Prices are one way. The prices shown are subject to change, depending on the availability of the fare. You will see the final ticket price once you start the payment process.

Manage your booking

In My Transavia, you can view your booking, add hold luggage, add special luggage, reserve a seat or request medical services.

Online check-in

For many of our flights, you can check in online from 30 hours to 4 hours before departure.

Our top destinations

Prices are one way. The prices shown are subject to change, depending on the availability of the fare. You will see the final ticket price once you start the payment process.

Transavia crew

Welcome at Transavia

Transavia is a low-cost airline that for the past 50 years has taken great pleasure in flying passengers to over 110 destinations in Europe and North Africa. Transavia stands for accessibility and affordability: whether you are planning a holiday or a business trip, you will always find a flight that fits your budget. Transavia operates from the Netherlands and France.

Read more about Transavia

Want to fly affordably to more than 100 destinations in Europe? Book a flight with Transavia! View all of our destinations

Have a carefree trip!

  • Founded in 1965, so 50 years of reliability. We have bases in the Netherlands and France.
  • You can always take one free item of hand luggage on board.
  • Manage your booking online, anywhere and anytime

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