The Meaning Behind The Song: I'll Be There For You by The Rembrandts - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: I’ll Be There For You by The Rembrandts

The Meaning Behind The Song: I’ll Be There For You by The Rembrandts

The theme song for the popular 90s sitcom Friends, “I’ll Be There For You” by The Rembrandts, is a catchy tune that has become synonymous with the show. The upbeat rhythm, catchy lyrics, and iconic claps have made it one of the most recognizable TV theme songs of all time. But what is the meaning behind this famous song?

The Song’s Origins
“I’ll Be There For You” was written by The Rembrandts in collaboration with Friends producers Marta Kauffman, David Crane, and Kevin S. Bright. The producers approached the band about creating a theme song that would capture the spirit of the show.

According to Danny Wilde, half of The Rembrandts duo, the song came together quite quickly. In an interview with NPR, he explained that they were given a videotape of the pilot episode and asked to come up with a song that would reflect the show’s vibe. The band wrote and recorded a demo within a few hours, then played it for the producers over the phone. The producers loved it, and the rest was history.

The Lyrics
At just 44 seconds long, “I’ll Be There For You” packs a lot into a short amount of time. The opening lyrics, “So no one told you life was gonna be this way,” set the tone for the song’s message: life can be tough, but friends are there to help you get through it.

The chorus is the most memorable part of the song, with its repeated line of “I’ll be there for you.” The lyrics continue, “When the rain starts to pour, I’ll be there for you, like I’ve been there before. I’ll be there for you, ’cause you’re there for me too.” The message is clear: friendship is a two-way street, and being there for each other through thick and thin is what makes a friendship strong.

The Verse
The verse of the song adds a touch of humor with its references to some of the show’s running jokes. The lyrics mention “smelly cat,” a reference to Phoebe’s song about a smelly feline friend, and “the chick and the duck,” Joey’s pet birds that lived in the apartment. The verse also mentions “Monica, Chandler, and Ross,” the three characters who share apartments on the show.

The iconic claps that occur during the song’s breakdown were not originally a part of the song. According to Wilde, the producers asked the band to add something “percussive and fun” to the song. The claps were added, and they have since become a hallmark of the song and the show.

The Message
“I’ll Be There For You” is a feel-good song that celebrates the power of friendship. At its core, the song is a reminder that we all need someone to lean on sometimes. Whatever life throws our way, having people who care about us and will support us can make all the difference.

The song’s message has resonated with fans of the show for over two decades. Even today, fans still sing along to the song and repeat its catchy chorus. The song has taken on a life of its own outside of the show, becoming a symbol of the importance of friendship.


“I’ll Be There For You” by The Rembrandts is more than just a theme song to a popular TV show. Its catchy melody and uplifting lyrics have made it an anthem for friendship and support. The song’s message is universal, reminding us all of the importance of having people in our lives who will be there for us no matter what. And let’s not forget those iconic claps that make us all want to sing along. As the song says, “I’ll be there for you, ’cause you’re there for me too.”

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