10-Minute Morning Yoga Stretch | Get Healthy U TV

10-Minute Morning Yoga Stretch

Sheila Chenier
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Duration:   11  mins

Check out this 10-minute Morning Yoga Stretch! An energizing yoga practice at the start of your day, may just be the thing you need to jumpstart your internal alarm clock. (Of course feel free to use it any time of day, but stretching in the morning is the perfect mood lifter.)

Doing yoga first thing in the morning has both mental and physical benefits. From awakening your senses to cultivating a sense of purpose, increasing flexibility and beginning to move your muscles, yoga has the ability to wake your body up and improve the quality of the remainder of your day. Instead of hoping out of bed and rushing to your to-do list, start your day peacefully and set your intention by doing this morning yoga workout with Get Healthy U TV Trainer Sheila Chenier.

Whether you’re a yoga beginner or a regular yogi, this quick workout is perfect to squeeze in when you’re looking to get the blood flow moving throughout your body. Designed for people of all fitness levels, Sheila will guide you through a vinyasa flow sequence including a sun salutation, triangle pose and more! When moving through a vinyasa sequence you’ll find yourself connecting your body, mind and breath through each movement.

Sheila will guide you through a yoga sequence with extra focus on breath awareness. She will walk you through a guided flow and make you aware of how your breath can stimulate the depth of your stretch and poses you will go through. Challenge yourself to tap into your inner self to set your intention for the rest of your day as you work through this 10-minute morning yoga flow.

In just 10-minutes this morning yoga stretch routine will lengthen you, stretch you and help to align your day! If you enjoyed this 10-minute morning yoga stretch you may also want to try our yoga flowetry program or stress relief yoga!

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7 Responses to “10-Minute Morning Yoga Stretch”

  1. Shelly Hollingsworth

    Guess I need something pre-beginner. I have to work my way up to these.

  2. Meg

    THANK YOU for this clear guided 10 min journey. I have a teen new to exercise and this is the perfect amount of time, pace and clarity needed for them! Thank you for sharing these and being here! ❤️

  3. Rose Chiu

    i need to work at the movement that goes into a plank and back up again 😃 I'm hoping this will help stretch out my aching parts from yesterday's full workout.

  4. Alan

    Just discovered Shelia and did the yoga stretch. Perfect pace and instruction. All instructors are great but as I get older I appreciate her pace, voice and guidance. Thanks Judy


    I do this one at all different times of the day. It's always great! Thank you Sheila!

  6. SUSAN

    Thank you so much for this. Such a great way to start the day with gentle movement. Looking forward to making it a part of my daily morning routine!

  7. Theresia Hamilton

    Thank you, this is an excellent video, very clear instructions. Just what I needed today!

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