The Meaning Behind The Song: Unfaithful by Rihanna - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Unfaithful by Rihanna

The Meaning Behind The Song: Unfaithful by Rihanna

Rihanna is known for her hit songs such as “Umbrella,” “We Found Love,” and “Diamonds,” but “Unfaithful” is one of her most poignant and emotional songs. It was released in 2006 as the lead single from her second album, “A Girl Like Me.” The song explores the harsh realities of infidelity and the pain it brings both to the person being cheated on and the cheater themselves. This article will delve into the meaning behind the song and explore the different ways that listeners can interpret its powerful lyrics.

The Lyrics of “Unfaithful”

The lyrics of “Unfaithful” tell a devastating story about a woman who is cheating on her partner. The song begins with the lines “Story of my life, searching for the right but it keeps avoiding me. Sorrow in my soul, ’cause it seems that wrong really loves my company.” These lines convey the pain and confusion the woman is experiencing as she realizes that she is in an unhealthy relationship and is struggling to find a way out.

The chorus of the song is particularly poignant, as Rihanna sings “I don’t wanna do this anymore. I don’t wanna be the reason why. Every time I walk out the door, I see him die a little more inside. I don’t wanna hurt him anymore. I don’t wanna take away his life. I don’t wanna be a murderer.” These lines show the deep guilt that the woman feels about her infidelity and the recognition that her actions are hurting the man she loves.

As the song progresses, the lyrics become darker, with the woman expressing her desire to be punished for her actions. She sings, “Send me off to bed forevermore. Make sure they know I’m forevermore. Make sure they know I murdered me.” These lines suggest that the woman feels as though she has lost a part of herself through her infidelity and wants to be punished for it.

Interpreting the Lyrics of “Unfaithful”

The lyrics of “Unfaithful” can be interpreted in a number of ways depending on the listener’s perspective. Some see the song as a cautionary tale about the dangers of cheating and the emotional toll it can take on those involved. Others interpret the song as a more nuanced exploration of the complex emotions that can drive someone to cheat.

One interpretation of the song is that it is a commentary on the societal expectations placed on women to be faithful and submissive in relationships. The woman in the song feels trapped and suffocated by her relationship and her infidelity is a way for her to reclaim some of her autonomy. This interpretation is supported by the lines “I must confess that in my loneliness, I feel no need for emptiness.”

Another interpretation of the song is that it is a reflection on the human desire for excitement and novelty. The woman in the song is bored with her relationship and seeks out the thrill of being with someone new. This interpretation is supported by the lines “I don’t wanna do this anymore. I don’t wanna be the reason why.”

Ultimately, the true meaning behind “Unfaithful” will vary from person to person. However, what is clear is that the song is a powerful and emotional exploration of the complexities of human relationships and the pain that can result from infidelity.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What inspired Rihanna to write “Unfaithful?”

Rihanna has never revealed what specifically inspired her to write “Unfaithful,” but she has stated in interviews that the song draws on her own experiences with heartbreak and the pain of infidelity. She has also said that she wanted to explore the issue of cheating from a female perspective, which is something that is often not addressed in popular music.

2. How was “Unfaithful” received by critics and the public?

“Unfaithful” received mixed reviews from music critics upon its release. Some praised its emotional intensity and Rihanna’s powerful vocals, while others criticized the lyrics for being melodramatic. However, the song was a commercial success, reaching the top 10 in several countries and earning both platinum and gold certifications.

3. What impact did “Unfaithful” have on Rihanna’s career?

“Unfaithful” was one of the songs that helped establish Rihanna as a major force in the music industry. It showcased her powerful vocals and emotional range, and helped her to further differentiate herself from other pop stars of the time.

4. What message is Rihanna trying to convey through “Unfaithful?”

The message of “Unfaithful” is open to interpretation, but one possible message is that infidelity is deeply painful for everyone involved and should be avoided if possible. The song also explores the complex emotions that can drive someone to cheat and the turmoil that can result from that decision.

5. What is the significance of the lyrics “Story of my life, searching for the right but it keeps avoiding me” in “Unfaithful?”

The line “Story of my life, searching for the right but it keeps avoiding me” is significant because it speaks to the woman’s sense of hopelessness and the sense that she is trapped in an unhealthy relationship. It conveys the frustration and confusion that comes with trying to find happiness in difficult circumstances.

6. How does the chorus of “Unfaithful” convey the woman’s guilt about her infidelity?

The chorus of “Unfaithful” is particularly powerful because it shows the depth of the woman’s guilt and the impact that her infidelity is having on her partner. The repeated lines “I don’t wanna do this anymore. I don’t wanna be the reason why” show that the woman recognizes the harm that she is causing and is struggling with the decision to continue.

7. What is the significance of the line “I don’t wanna be a murderer” in “Unfaithful?”

The line “I don’t wanna be a murderer” is significant because it shows the woman’s recognition that her actions are causing significant harm to her partner. It also speaks to the idea that infidelity can often feel like a kind of emotional murder, as it destroys trust and erodes the foundation of a relationship.

8. Does “Unfaithful” suggest that forgiveness is possible after infidelity?

The song does not take a definitive stance on the issue of forgiveness after infidelity. However, the fact that the woman is struggling with feelings of guilt and remorse suggests that she recognizes the harm that she has caused and may be open to making amends. Ultimately, whether or not forgiveness is possible will depend on the specific circumstances of the relationship and the willingness of both parties to work through their issues.

9. Why do some people find “Unfaithful” problematic?

Some people find “Unfaithful” problematic because they believe that it romanticizes or trivializes infidelity. They argue that the emotional turmoil depicted in the song is ultimately a kind of indulgence that feeds into a cultural narrative that glorifies infidelity as an exciting and glamorous activity.

10. How does “Unfaithful” compare to other songs about infidelity?

“Unfaithful” is unique in that it explores the issue of infidelity from a female perspective and acknowledges the pain that it can cause both to the cheater and the person being cheated on. Other songs about infidelity, such as Dolly Parton’s “Jolene,” tend to focus more on the anger and betrayal that comes with being cheated on.

11. Is “Unfaithful” a feminist song?

Whether or not “Unfaithful” is a feminist song is open to interpretation. Some argue that the song is feminist in that it explores the issue of infidelity from a female perspective and acknowledges the complex emotions that can drive someone to cheat. Others argue that the song reinforces traditional gender roles by suggesting that it is the woman’s responsibility to be faithful in a relationship.

12. What other songs by Rihanna explore themes of love and relationships?

Rihanna has explored themes of love and relationships in many of her songs, including “Love on the Brain,” “Take a Bow,” and “Stay.” These songs deal with a range of emotions related to love, including heartbreak, forgiveness, and the struggle to move on.

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