The Chelsea Smiles - The Chelsea Smiles - Metal Temple Magazine

The Chelsea Smiles

The Chelsea Smiles

When I saw their name, to tell you the truth, it sounded a bit funny […]
By Harry Papadopoulos
March 11, 2009
The Chelsea Smiles - The Chelsea Smiles album cover

When I saw their name, to tell you the truth, it sounded a bit funny to my ears. On second thought it brought back the Glasgow smile to mind (which I would prefer as a band's name too, haha). And that's what happened when I listened to their second, and self-titled, full album from THE CHELSEA SMILES.

Born in 2004 in the US, THE CHELSEA SMILES is the child of Todd Youth (ex-DANZIG). The band released an EP one year later with Christian Black (ex-Dee Dee Ramone band, ex-THE STRYCHNINE BABIES) on vocals. Their first album, Thirty Six Hours Later was with Skye Vaughan Jayne on guitars and vocals. But, once again, the SPINAL TAP syndrome (not with the drummers) appeared and Skye left the band. So RJ Ronquillo became a part of the crew, just a few months ago. He is an in-demand studio player, meeting Todd Youth through the various studio work they both do in the L.A. area.

Without having any clue about their previous releases, I can say that I enjoyed this one. Well it's nothing extravagant, innovative, or something that you'll say that you haven't listened to it before, but it's an album that will make you have a good time for fourty minutes. If we should link them to some bands in order to specify their sound, those would be NEW YORK DOLLS, (hints from) THE DANDY WARHOLS, RAMONES and MISFITS among others. Their punk Rock style is nothing new but is full of life and joy. The good thing about this album is that, even though you will say many times that ... this part reminds me of this... and this part reminds me that..., their influences are so well filtered that you will know they are there but won't mind about it. The guitars and the sound in the keyboards will take you back some years and the choruses in some songs will make you sing along. The production is the one that a punk Rock album should have. The album has some tracks that can definitely go into the charts (well, on the other hand, I don't know if this is good for the scene) if only they have the proper promotion. Well it's better to see bands like THE CHELSEA SMILES there rather than 'emo' Rock acts.

Just to make a summary, this self-titled album is going to give you some good times with friends, drinking beer, or whiskey, or being on the road driving, but without drinking alcohol. An album full of energy, with some nice riffs, that you may have listened to before but since it's been played like that, who cares?

P.S.: The cover in The Last Time from ROLLING STONES stays loyal to the original; it's a good version but doesn't give that something extra that I always want to listen from a cover take.

6 / 10

Had Potential

"The Chelsea Smiles" Track-listing:

Take You Away
On The Run
I'm Gone
Action Coming Down
Leave You Cold
Nothing To Lose
So Low
Little Misfit
Gotta Get Some
The Last Time
Broken Lullabies

The Chelsea Smiles Lineup:

Todd Youth - Vocals, Guitars
RJ Ronquillo - Guitars, Vocals
Johnny Martin - Bass
Karl Rosqvist - Drums

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