21 Questions A Therapist Will Ask You in Couples Counseling

21 Questions Your Therapist Will Ask You During Couples Counseling

by | Last updated Apr 11, 2024

As a couples therapist, I’ve learned that the questions I ask during couples during counseling sessions are like keys. Each one is designed to unlock deeper levels of intimacy, understanding, and conflict resolution in a relationship.

I’ve seen firsthand how the right question, at the right time, can offer a new perspective, promote understanding, and kindle empathy between partners. In this article, I am sharing some of the most common questions you might be asked during counseling. Whether you’re actively engaged in couples counseling, wondering about premarital counseling questions, or just curious about what goes on in couples therapy sessions, this curated list of questions will hopefully shed some light.

What a Couples Therapist Will Ask You in the First Session

Starting couples counseling is like entering a new chapter in your relationship. The questions you’ll be asked asked during the first session set the tone for what’s to come and plays a crucial role in establishing a foundation of trust and openness.

Exploring Your Relationship History

In the first session, your therapist will focus on understanding the history of your relationship. These questions are pivotal. They not only provide your couples therapist with valuable insights into the roots of your connection but also invite you, as a couple, to revisit those initial sparks of attraction and affection. This reflection often rekindles fond memories and lays a positive groundwork for our journey ahead in therapy.

  • “How did you meet?”
  • “What first attracted you to each other?” Why did you chose each other?

Understanding Present Challenges

During the initial session, identifying the challenges in your relationship is paramount. This line of questioning is often a bit heavier and might feel charged, as it can involve confronting some of the most difficult issues you’re facing as a couple. But this is an essential step in fostering open dialogue, where each of you has the opportunity to share your individual perspectives and concerns. Your therapist will be actively listening to both partners’ perspectives, while also observing how you both react and respond as the other speaks. This often reveals differing interpretations of shared experiences, illuminating areas where communication could be improved and a deeper understanding is needed. The simplest couples counseling question that facilitates this discovery is:

  • “What brings you to therapy now?”

I will sometimes recommend that couples take the proactive step of talking about this together before our first session. It’s an early exercise in collaboration and mutual understanding, setting a positive tone for the therapy process. Achieving a united front on this question can be a significant early victory, drawing you closer together even before the therapy journey formally begins. However, highly escalated couples or couples entrenched in a volatile fighting cycle should avoid this exercise and wait until the first session where the therapist can mediate the conversation, ensuring a more productive discussion without escalating to conflict.

Setting Goals for Therapy

Finally, your therapist will ask questions to help set clear goals for your therapy journey. The discussion is often centered around the question:

If you’re considering major life changes (e.g. moving in together, marriage, having a child), you’ll discuss how those potential changes fit into your goals. The first session in couples therapy establishes the foundation for our work together and sets the tone for a journey of understanding, healing, and deepening connection.

Questions for Exploring Communication Patterns

In any relationship, the bedrock of connection is effective communication. As you progress in couples therapy, a key area of focus often becomes unraveling and understanding the unique ways you and your partner communicate. This exploration is facilitated through specific couples counseling communication questions, which are vital in uncovering not just what is communicated, but how it is done – the tone, the style, and the emotions that underpin your words.

Identifying Communication Styles

One of the first steps is to identify each partner’s communication style. These questions help reveal how you express yourself and how you interpret your partner’s communication. This can bring to the forefront any differences in styles or potential misunderstandings. Example couples therapy questions for identifying communications styles include:

  • “How do you usually express your needs to your partner?” Do you tend to be the kind of person who pursues and wants to work through conflict right away or someone who withdraws and needs their space before talking?
  • “Can you think of any specific examples of situations where your communication styles clashed or led to misunderstandings?”

Exploring Emotional Responses

Communication is deeply intertwined with emotions. These questions are aimed at helping you understand the emotional context of your interactions. Reflecting on emotional responses can be enlightening in understanding how these emotions affect communication. Your couples counselor might ask questions like:

  • “How comfortable are you expressing your emotions to each other? Are there any emotions you tend to hold back or shy away from expressing and if so why?” What are you afraid of?
  • “How do you feel your partner reacts when you express strong emotions like anger, sadness, or disappointment?”

Improving Listening Skills

Another critical aspect of communication is active listening. This line of questioning by your therapist opens a discussion about the quality of listening in your relationship. It’s not unusual to find a discrepancy between what one partner perceives as listening and what the other feels. Recognizing and addressing these differences can be a crucial step in fostering deeper understanding and empathy. One question a couples therapist could ask to assess listening in your relationship are:

  • “When you share something important with each other, what are some ways you know your partner is really listening?”

Enhancing communication is an ongoing endeavor in couples counseling. It requires patience, a willingness to understand and adjust to each other’s communication styles, and a commitment to practice and improve. Engaging with these and other communication-focused questions can lead to breaking down barriers and establishing a stronger, more transparent, and empathetic dialogue between you and your partner.

Couples Counseling Questions for Deepening Emotional Intimacy

Moving deeper into the heart of couples therapy, a pivotal aspect that often comes into focus is emotional intimacy. This area of therapy aims to unravel the layers of your emotional experiences and vulnerabilities. These questions are designed to create a supportive space where you and your partner can openly explore and express your deeper feelings, fears, and desires.

Exploring Emotional Needs

Understanding each other’s emotional needs is a cornerstone of fostering emotional intimacy. This understanding is key to strengthening your emotional bond, as it guides each partner in how to meet the other’s emotional needs more effectively. Example questions include:

  • “What are some things that make you feel loved and appreciated by your partner?”
  • “Is there anything you wish your partner was more emotionally open about sharing with you?”

Addressing Past Hurts

Past hurts and unresolved issues are common in all relationships, and their impact can linger, casting shadows on the relationship in the present. Discussing past hurts with a couples therapist can help both partners feel validated and understood, creating a foundation for forgiveness and reconciliation, essential steps in healing your relationship. A couples counselor could inquire about past hurts by asking:

  • “Looking back at your relationship, can you think of any moments where either of you felt significantly hurt, unheard, or misunderstood?”
  • “Are there any unresolved conflicts or issues from the past that you feel still need to be addressed, even though they may be uncomfortable to discuss?”

Cultivating Shared Experiences

Building emotional intimacy isn’t just about addressing challenges; it’s also about creating and celebrating shared experiences and dreams. These questions encourage you to look forward, plan together, and dream together, fostering a sense of partnership and shared purpose in your relationship. One question you could be asked would be:

  • “Looking back at the early days of your relationship, can you remember specific activities or adventures you shared that helped you feel closer and more connected?”

The journey through emotional intimacy in couples therapy is both challenging and rewarding. It requires vulnerability and trust, but the outcome is a deeper, more resilient connection. Through these and other thoughtfully posed relationship therapy questions, couples can discover new facets of their relationship and reinforce their emotional bond.

Couples Therapy Questions for Addressing Conflict and Resolution

Conflict is an inevitable part of any relationship, but it’s how couples manage and resolve these conflicts that matters most. Through couples counseling, couples work to transform conflicts from sources of tension into opportunities for growth and understanding.

Understanding Conflict Patterns

Recognizing how each of you approaches conflict is a crucial first step. Understanding these patterns is essential for breaking negative cycles and developing healthier ways of resolving disputes.

  • “If we think about conflict as a spectrum, with avoidance on one end and aggression on the other, where would you say each of you naturally tend to fall?”

Unmasking each partner’s fighting style (e.g. do you both pursue, or does one partner pursue while the other withdraws?) is crucial for assessing how the couple engages in and navigates through conflict and disagreements.

Exploring Underlying Issues

Often, the immediate disagreement isn’t the real issue at hand. Delving deeper can reveal hidden emotional triggers or unresolved issues that are contributing to the conflict.

  • “When you think about the conflicts you’ve been experiencing recently, are there any recurring themes or patterns you’ve noticed?”

Developing Conflict Resolution Skills

Building effective conflict resolution skills is key to navigating future conflicts successfully. Learning these skills not only helps in the current situation but also strengthens your relationship for future challenges.

  • “Thinking back on recent disagreements, what would you each say is your biggest challenge in navigating conflict together?”
  • “When was a time when you felt you actually navigated a disagreement really well as a team? What made it different?”

Navigating through conflicts in a relationship is challenging, but with the right approach, it can lead to significant growth and deeper understanding. In couples therapy, exploring these questions can help you develop new strategies and skills, enhancing your ability to work through disagreements and strengthen your bond.

Questions for Cultivating Shared Goals and Dreams

In a lasting relationship, aligning shared goals and dreams is crucial. In this section of couples therapy, you’ll explore questions designed to help both you and your partner understand and align your aspirations for the future. These questions go beyond just dreaming together; they’re about actively planning and building a life that fulfills both of you.

Aligning Life Goals

Understanding and articulating both personal and shared visions for the future and expectations of the relationship (or expectations for marriage) is critical. These questions ensure that each partner feels their aspirations are acknowledged and integrated into the relationship’s trajectory.

  • “When you envision your future together, what are some key values or themes that you see defining your life as a couple?”

Balancing Individuality and Togetherness

Finding a healthy balance between individual ambitions and the collective dreams is vital. These questions encourage you to support each other’s personal goals while fostering a strong, united partnership.

  • “How do you currently navigate between spending time together and pursuing your own interests and hobbies?”

Planning for Shared Experiences

Setting intentions and making concrete plans for shared activities is a fantastic way to strengthen your connection. These questions are about envisioning and creating meaningful experiences together.

  • “Imagine an ideal week in your relationship, where shared activities are seamlessly woven in. What would that look like?”

Navigating the realms of conflict resolution and shared goal setting is a journey towards deeper understanding and a stronger partnership.

Final Words

The questions you might encounter in couples therapy serve as keys, unlocking doors to deeper intimacy, understanding, and smoother pathways for resolving conflicts in your relationship. However, it’s ultimately up to each couple to grasp these keys, unlock the doors, and step through into a realm of shared vulnerability and trust.

The true strength of couples counseling lies not just in the questions themselves, but in your mutual willingness to engage in open, honest, and empathetic dialogue. Once you possess these keys, you have the power to open these doors at any moment – be it within the confines of a therapy session or in the everyday interactions of your home life. This journey, taken together, can lead to profound growth and a strengthened bond, transforming challenges into opportunities for deeper connection and understanding.

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