Blackberry: Converted BAR files on your device to install

Blackberry: Converted BAR files on your device to install

  • May 31, 2024
  • 1827
  • 0

In this practical tip we will show you how you converted BAR files on your current Blackberry install.

Developer mode on the Blackberry to activate

For the Blackberry Playbook Tablet, as well as the new OS10 smartphone the canadian mobile pioneer, has created an Android Runtime. Thus, you can install converted Android Apps on your device. To do this, you must turn on your Blackberry phone or Playbook Tablet the first the developer mode.
  1. Open the "settings" of your Blackberry device by swiping with a swipe gesture from the top edge of the screen to the bottom.
  2. Navigate to the menu item "security and privacy".
  3. There you will find the Option "developer mode". Tap on the latch to activate it.
  4. Now you can set a password for developer mode. This is needed to later with the PC to the Smartphone access.
  5. Your Status LED informs you about the active developer mode.
Enable developer mode

Converted to install Apps on the Blackberry

To install the Apps with the BAR Format on your Blackberry, you need the free program "DDPB". This allows you to here download.
  1. Open the program "DDPB". On the left side you will see two input fields for IP address and password.
  2. Enter in the upper field of your "developer IP address". You can find this on your device already enabled "developer mode". In the box below, write your pre-determined password.
  3. With "Add" integrate your BAR file in the App list of the "DDPD".
  4. Now you just have to click on "Install" to install the former Android Apps on your Blackberry.
  5. The pre-installed App, you will find as usual in other Apps on your Smartphone. The developer mode, you can now disable again.
Apps to install "DDPB"
Caution: Unfortunately, not all converted Apps will not work on your Blackberry. In addition, it must be installed on the Playbook Version 2.0.
How you Android APK in BAR-files convert read in this practical tip.




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