Paul Fitzgerald in What an Iconic Film Can Teach About Teamwork and Business

Paul Fitzgerald in What an Iconic Film Can Teach About Teamwork and Business

WALTER HILL’S 1979 cult classic film The Warriors is a story that transcends its era to offer timeless insights for entrepreneurs and business leaders. The film follows the titular street gang on a neon-lit odyssey through the seedy underbelly of a fictitious future New York City.

Hunted by “the armies of the night,” framed for the murder of messianic gangland figure Cyrus, the Warriors must find their way home from a summit at Van Cortlandt Park to Coney Island.

The film’s journey, tales from its production and enduring cult status can all impart lessons to business owners concerning the power of teamwork, the importance of integrity and the resilience needed to navigate through uncharted territories.

Wear Your Colors: Leadership in Crisis

In the opening act, the gang’s leader, Cleon, meets his untimely demise. In the absence of a clear contingency plan and with a muddled hierarchy, the threat of disarray looms. In business, unexpected events can lead to leadership vacuums at different levels.

Cleon’s “Warlords,” Swan and Ajax, clash over who will fill the leadership void. The stark contrast between their leadership styles is on display during an early standoff with the Orphans. Where Ajax is rash to “waste” them, Swan parlays with their leader to at least temporarily peacefully move through their territory.

When the Orphans’ leader has second thoughts and challenges the Warriors to remove their colors to pass through their territory as civilians, Swan declines. Swan acquiesced to a more peaceful approach within reason (what’s a few Molotov cocktails between friends?) of what his fellow Warriors would be willing to accept but held his ground where he needed to. Their colors, a proud declaration of identity, speak to staying true to your brand without compromise.

Swan steps up to lead the Warriors through his actions. A reminder that whether in a boardroom or the neon-lit labyrinth of New York’s underbelly, leadership is not necessarily contingent on a title. The integrity of a project can be compromised in the absence of strong and decisive leadership. In times of uncertainty, don’t hesitate to put your idea forward, whether you are CEO, middle-management or, indeed, “Warlord,” a free-flowing exchange of ideas is the lifeblood of healthy operation and organizational growth. This can even involve difficult decisions like keeping your gangland “colors” on and turning down deals that don’t align with your brand’s image. Don’t hesitate to innovate while staying true to the company’s vision and objectives, even under pressure.

The Warriors’ Journey Back to Coney Island

Falsely fingered for the murder of Cyrus, the night turns against the Warriors. A foe is lurking behind the paint-chipped walls of every empty subway platform, boppers gather at lonely midnight storefronts and every tempting invitation is a trap.

Their journey, much like a business’s path to success, is riddled with distractions and obstacles, yet their singular goal — to reach Coney Island — remains the beacon, guiding them through the night. Like in business, it is the clear goal and the teamwork to reach it that sees the Warriors through the night.

When working on a project, set clear and actionable short- and long-term goals to fulfill your company’s vision. Good leaders should be flexible and capable of adapting, and while these initial goals may well be moving targets, don’t sacrifice long-term gain for short-term distractions.

For instance, pivoting from the company’s tenets to appease investors and chase quick revenue-generating avenues or compromising product quality in a bid to inflate profit margins may pay short-term dividends, but how do they affect the larger picture?

The Warriors vs. The Wanderers

In an off-screen gangland clash of sorts, Director Walter Hill raced to complete production on his film to beat his competition, The Wanderers, to the box office by five months. Hill’s innovative solutions offer their own lessons for projects facing a time crunch.

This led to accelerated production under budgetary pressures which mirrored the challenges businesses face in resource-limited scenarios. Hill and the production crew got creative; real gang members stand in as extras to fill out the crowd at Cyrus’s summit; a stunt double plays Fox as he meets his grizzly demise beneath an oncoming train following reported clashes with actor Thomas G. Waites; and the cast and crew had several run-ins with real gang members as they shot in authentically seedy locations. These constraints, instead of hindering, fueled creativity and innovation. In business, such constraints often lead to inventive solutions, proving that limited resources need not be a barrier to success.

The Truth Will Win Out “in the City”

At the end of the Warriors’ dark night, the group arrives home. Luther, the leader of the rival gang, the Rogues, and the man responsible for shooting Cyrus and framing the Warriors for wasting Cyrus is waiting for them. He stalks them through a desolate amusement park beneath the pier at dawn and lures them to a beachfront showdown with his iconic call: “Warriors…. come out to play.” It is then the Riffs arrive, exonerating the Warriors of their accusations and putting an end to their running.

In business today, protecting your reputation is more important than ever. False rumors, misunderstandings and bad press can compromise your reputation and damage your brand irreparably if mishandled. Be transparent and maintain open communication with your stakeholders and partners. Take responsibility when responsible, along with proactive steps, to rectify any issues without buckling to external pressure.

Much like the DJ in the film spreads word of the Warriors’ guilt and tracks them through the city in real time, you may find your brand at the mercy of a social media firestorm or the insatiable appetite of the omnivorous 24-hour news cycle, ready and eager to swallow you. The Warriors are a prescient roadmap for success in navigating modern misinformation.

As dawn breaks, the Warriors, dirt-caked and weary, finally gaze upon the ocean — their symbol of home. It is leadership, teamwork, an uncompromising vision and a commitment to principles that lead them to the shore.

The following column written by Paul Fitzgerald, CEO of Salt & Pepper Media Inc., was published on on February 6, 2024. 

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