Insane Clown Posse - The Marvelous Missing Link: Lost Lyrics and Tracklist | Genius
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The Marvelous Missing Link: Lost

Insane Clown Posse

About “The Marvelous Missing Link: Lost”

“The Marvelous Missing Link: Lost” Q&A

  • What have the artists said about the album?

    The album was discussed in a Detroit News article from April 27, 2015:

    The ‘Lost’ record is the missing link between you and your salvation,“ says Bruce [Violent J], his face covered in a thick layer of greasepaint. "Have you ever known someone who has the holy ghost? They’re all super happy and super positive? That person has found the link, they have belief, they have faith. Someone without belief, they can be bitter, they can be lost. Once you find your missing link, you find your faith, you find your salvation. That’s it, that’s the concept.”

    The idea came from his own relationship with his faith, as well as interactions with his mother.

    “My mom’s been to hell and back. She’s been through divorce, she married the wrong man, a man that molested her kids, but she’s not bitter about that anymore, and she doesn’t blame herself for that,” Bruce says. “Thinking about that, and seeing my mom come out unscathed because of her faith, that has a lot to do with what we’re talking about.”

    Faith, for ICP, isn’t about any particular religion; Bruce admits he’s never read the Bible. It’s about finding something to believe in, whether that’s in one’s relationship with their spouse, their children or with art.

    Bruce and Utsler [Shaggy 2 Dope] say they have found that faith in each other, and, after two and a half decades, they’re still best friends.

    “If you could read our text messages, you would know this is my brother,” Bruce says. “We reach out and tell each other we love each other just to say it. Nobody’s reading that; that’s ours. We were given this bond, that’s our gift. I was given him, and he was given me. I have faith in him.”

    During an interview with Loudwire from October 28, 2015, Shaggy 2 Dope said:

    Usually when we record records, we want to do them super duper quality, and kind of like Dre producing. Like everything full and surround. But with The Missing Link, we just wanted to get dirty with it. We lined up doubles up so much. The recording process was a little bit faster because we wanted to be so meticulous with everything. What we did was we recorded the first one and we were like, “This isn’t done, but it’s only one record.” We didn’t want to put out two records, a double record, I mean. So this is what is going to happen. It came to us. We were going to do Lost and then three months later, we were going to release Found.
    Basically what Lost is, it’s a more down record. It’s a bring you down record. It’s harder beats. It’s more fucked up subject matter, you know. And then what Found is, it is more uplifting and it is more lighter shit. So basically, Lost is what you are doing when you are lost in life. You don’t have no hope. You don’t have no outlook. As whereas Found is now that you have found, everything is gravy. Everything is good. […] Something similar we did with Shangri-La. With that record we did Shangri-La first which was great. Our lives were better at that time. As soon as we started recording Hell’s Pit, it’s crazy cause our mindsets just turned dark. Even our personal life during that record, things were getting all fucked up and shit. It took a while to bounce back from that. And that was also a record that we are like very intricate and tweaking every high hat. But with this we started out with the Lost record. And it did bring us down but we got back with Found you know.

    During an episode of The Juggalo Show recorded on February 12, 2015, Violent J said:

    The Missing Link is the chain between you and your salvation, if you will, between you and your faith. Now what that faith is, it could be anything. It could be religion. It could be your happiness. It could be, you know, a million things, but it’s the missing link as if there’s something missing between you and that happiness, between you and that completion. That’s the Missing Link, you know, and in your life it’s either lost or it’s found, you know? If you live in a gloomy life, and everything is depressing, and your link is missing, you know, you don’t have that salvation in your life. You don’t have that completion. You don’t have that faith, you know? But if it’s found, and you’re 100% complete of a person, then your link is found. It’s not missing for you, you know? So the question you’re left asking yourself is, is your link missing, or is your link found? That is the Marvelous Missing Link. The first record, Lost, it’s heart-pounding pulsing fast, but it’s also very grim, very ruthless. I’m coming straight out and letting you know, even though ICP is synonymous with comedy, there’s no comedy on that record, on the Lost record. It’s serious. It’s grim. It’s not like Hell’s Pit to where you’re in Hell, but it’s like you’re looking at things through negative lenses, you know? That’s what the Lost record is like. However, it’s not slow. It’s fast. It’s like panic. If panic had a sound, it would be The Marvelous Missing Link: Lost, you know? […]

    On a real tip, you know, I suffer from depression. I find myself living in that lost realm quite a bit of times, you know what I’m saying? And so it’s easy to get into that mind frame when I’m creating music and speak from that realm, you know, ‘cause unfortunately, a lot of times I find myself there when I don’t wanna be there, you know what I mean? I also suffer from a great deal of happiness, you know what I mean? I got Juggalos in my life. I got a wonderful family. I get to work with my friends and my family, you know. I live a very blessed, wonderful life, you know? But even the greatest life in the world, unfortunately, doesn’t save some people from depression, which is a medical condition, you know what I mean? It hits some of us, you know, real low, below the belt. Right in the fuckin’ balls. I think Juggalos are all similar in a lot of ways, and I think we all have similar experiences, and I think a lot of Juggalos are gonna be able to relate to a lot of what’s going on on the Lost record, you know. Unfortunately, a lot of Juggalos find themselves in those bits of anger and those bits of down-trodden times, you know? I think a lot of Juggalos deal with the same anxieties and anger inside sometimes.

    During an interview with The Hatcher Herald from February 28, 2015, Violent J said:

    I believe of all the Joker’s Cards we’ve ever released this one’s message is the most blatant and in your face. It’s not as hidden and subliminal as some of the others. One listen to “The Marvelous Missing Link” and you know immediately what this bad boy is all about.
    First, we have “Lost”. Some people are lost. They live life without any hope, or faith. Everything has a negative tint to it because they see the bad side to every situation. The cup is half empty instead of half full. They live life without salvation. They live in fear of death because they believe that’s the end of them. They live with the heavy burden of fear over them and it sucks. It’s painful living in the dark surrounded by fear all the time.
    This might sound crazy to you, and I hope it doesn’t, but religion is awesome because it provides people with hope. Look at old lonely people…for many people, God is all they have. But God is all they need. They need hope. We all need hope. God is all we need. I’m not talking about a specific religion, any religion. Faith is all we need. I know that in today’s world, it’s uncool to be religious. You’ve got science constantly shutting down everything the religions say. You got 10,000 religions all battling each other about who’s right or wrong.
    But for any person who truly believes in their heart in a greater power, they have hope. They have salvation, they have faith. They lead a happier life. They believe in an afterlife so they don’t fear death. I don’t know about you, but that’s how I want to be. I wanna look at the world in full color. I don’t want an iron mask or mortality stuck to my face. I wanna be free to see things in a positive way. I want faith and salvation.

    “The Missing Link” like all other Joker’s Cards is a character of the Dark Carnival. If you live in the dark without faith, “The Missing Link” will ignore you. Your link will be missing, he won’t come to you because you live without hope. He will hide from you behind his mask. He will avoid you. Your link will be missing, you will not be grounded, you will not be complete. Instead you will be lost, in a freefall going nowhere. But if you can somehow find faith, truly in your heart, if you can find salvation somehow in today’s day and age… if you can find faith in a higher power, of any religion, if you live with hope, he will come to you, he will come to you and complete your link. You will be found. You will be grounded. You will not fear death. You will see life in full color. you will look at life in a positive light and you will know in your heart there is an afterlife.
    This world is set out to scare you. The whole world is based on fear. Look at the news. Look at all the murder shows on TV. If you have faith in your heart, you wont fear any of that shit. Your link will be completed. You won’t wear that heavy iron mask on your face. You won’t carry that heavy burden of fear and worry with you in your life. You can live your life completed. Your link will be found and you will be complete. I hope that makes sense. That is “The Marvelous Missing Link.” All Joker’s Cards leave you with a question to ask yourself. “The Marvelous Missing Link's” question is, “Is your link Lost or Found?”

    After doing such a huge project as “The Mighty Death Pop” all with Mike E. Clark, Shaggy and myself decided we wanted to go way out and do something totally different sounding with these albums. Mike is a versatile ninja, don’t get me wrong, but we wanted our entire recording process to change up for “The Marvelous Missing Link” and what better timing. Remember “The Mighty Death Pop” was a total of four albums. That project was huge, and Mike E. Clark did all of that music himself. Then we followed it up with the “House of Wax” EP that was released within The First Six Joker’s Card Box Set. I think Mike wanted to take a break from the studio for a while anyway because he’s been touring a lot with Kid Rock and taking up the task of learning new things out on the road like house sound and all that. He’s been very busy, and so the timing was just right for us all to take a break. We absolutely love Mike E. Clark and there will be much, much more ICP/ Mike E. Clark music in the future. But for this project, we chose several different ninjas.
    One guy we’ve been working with is Se7en from over at the Strange Music camp. That guy is just incredible, he’s beyond amazing. Once we would explain to him exactly what we were looking for, he would nail it down to the finest point of freshness. He has contributed some head crackin’, pulse pounding tracks that have been fun to fuck with.
    Also we’ve been working with our own super ninja, Kuma. He has laid down some tracks and is part of our full-time studio team helping us record and mix these bad boys.
    Also we’ve been working with the producer of the 6th Joker’s Card, “Shangri-La” and “Hell’s Pit”: Good ole' Mike P has returned to the scene and he’s been delivering some super heavy wicked shit our way. SUPER HEAVY
    But the main ninja we’ve been working with is Young Wicked aka Otis from AMB. He has fully come around and has become a fuckin' true prodigy in the studio. He amazes us with his beats and we’ve been using his incredible singing skills on multiple songs. People absolutely can’t believe it’s even him! His singing is just way off the charts. Plus he’s come a long fuckin’ way in the studio. He can pick up any instrument and freak the fuck out of it, He’s like Prince in this bitch. He is a mainstay here at Psychopathic Records and were mad proud to have him. When we first signed the Axe Murder Boys all those years ago, we felt they had the ability to develop into something amazing one day and they have. “The Garcia Brothers” album is undeniable and as a producer and artist, Young Wicked has grown into a Godzilla of talent. I stand firmly by my words. He is truly unfukwitable.
    All in all we miss working with Mike because he’s the ninja of ninjas, but it’s been a blast working on all these way different sounding tracks and stringing them all together to fit as one super phat project. We absolutely fuckin’ love these two new albums. It’s very refreshing, uplifting, and brand new sounding, yet somehow on many of the songs Shaggy and I sound more classic than we have in years.
    The other day I was on a long-ass drive and I listened to “The Mighty Death Pop” album. At the time when we first finished “Death Pop,” I thought it sounded like some old school ICP, but after comparing it to, “The Marvelous Missing Link,” I’d say the new albums sound way more ‘90s as far as our vocal pitch and delivery goes, but the tracks sound like some modern ass 2015 hardcore wicked shit. It’s like if you’re dying of thrust and some topless hottie hands you a big gulp cup full of icy lemonade and then blows your dick flute.

    The “Lost” album is hard, fast, serious and straight to the point of what “The Marvelous Missing Link’s” message is all about. The message ain’t hidden or anything like that. Instead, it’s crammed right down your throat and shoved up your ass. It’s scary. I handed the album out to five Juggalos to closely review and three mentioned that to them The “Lost” album is scarier than the “Hell’s Pit” album. There is no humor on “Lost.” It’s all about PANIC and SHOCK. It is a rollercoaster ride through the caverns of hell at full speed. It slows down as it climbs the steep hills but then it winds and whips its way back down at a 1000 miles an hour. It’s also laced with sad and grim stories. There is a lot of storytelling on both albums. “Lost” is like battling an anxiety attack, yet it’s enjoyable. It’s a guilty pleasure that’s dark and very, very heavy. It’s like standing right in front of the devil… fascinating and terrifying at the same time. It’s like killing somebody but for a good cause. I’d say its some of the best wicked shit we’ve ever made.
    The “Found” record is everything ICP is known for, but executed very well. There is storytelling, humor, sex songs, anthems, party tracks, and then some. This record is about positivity but in ICP’s crazy way. In other words, it’s still violent and bloody at times but it’s not scary. It’s like watching a scary movie with all your homies and some hotties, so it’s an enjoyable scary as to where “Lost” is like watching it alone. “Found” is spiritual and touching and deep at times. “Found” invokes happiness. It’s like sunshine gleamin off the hood of a fresh ass, new car or a night out on the town with your best friends. Its also got head bangin, fist pounding, rage releasing jams on it. It can also make you ponder, stop and think about things, but in a good way hopefully. It’s like you finally got up and kicked that bully’s ass. I’d say the “Found” album is classic Insane Clown Posse, thriving' and schoolin' shit in 2015, byatch!

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