Nero619 HCTP Mods **New attires, wrestlers and previews added

Nero619 HCTP Mods **New attires, wrestlers and previews added


PostJun 24, 2021#1

Hello and welcome to my HCTP mod collection.

Below you will find all of the HCTP mods that I have been working on. You can download any of the mods below and use/modify them freely; if you would like to use any of my mods in your own mods just be sure to inform and credit me. In order to download a mod just press its name to open the spoiler tag, and press on its name/description within the spoiler tag and it will take you to the Mega website. The newest creations will be given either a -NEW- or -NEW PREVIEW- tag.

The main tools you need to install these mods are PAC Editor which is available for free on this forum, and the PAC list for HCTP (also found on this forum). If you don't want to bother with learning how to mod, I have released a free mod entitled "HCTP 2X" that includes almost every mod listed below and more features in one ISO file.


Here it is at last. I have finally gotten around to compiling and releasing my mod for HCTP. This project started off back in March of this year with me first learning how to make some attires for this game. Over the past six months I have learnt a great deal about modding from the likes of MepsiPax, Aguila316, KOFHER077, Kodeine and Ryukumma in particular. I want to say thank you to everyone that has ever followed and complimented my modding work and been so very patient with me over this mods long development. I wanted to release a bug-free mod that showcases my best work and the best work of the modding community as a whole, and I believe that I have achieved just that. 

Why did I make this mod? Well, I feel that for as brilliant a game that HCTP is, it did fall short in a few area. When compared to the breadth of features offered in the previous game SYM, there were some obvious steps backwards taken by the developers pertaining to the attire count, art style, lack of commentary and selection renders. While some of these backwards steps can be chalked up to a lack of development time, others were a more stylistic choice. My mod "HCTP 2X" aims to present HCTP as it should have been with more attires, improved and retextured/resculpted wrestler models, partially added commentary and real-life selection pictures. This version of my mod has been a six month project that is still only 90% done and is currently at version one. I will release an update to my mod later this year that will add in some more attires and other changes that I will remain mum about for now. The Youtuber Sean O'Connor has posted many videos showcasing my mod in an earlier stage and some in its current Version 1 form. I will also post that earlier beta version of my mod here just for fun, because I know that some will find it interesting how my mod has changed over its development based on user feedback and suggestions. 

Here are some previews of my mod for you all to enjoy along with download links to the Version 1 and the earlier beta of my mod right below. Enjoy.

[+] Selection Picture Previews

[+] Gameplay Previews



  • Is this mod free or do I need to pay for it? This mod is completely free and is not a paid mod. If anyone tells you otherwise, they are a dumb dumb.
  • But I want to give you money for your hard work Nero619, your mod brought my dog back to life and repaired my marriage. Can't you please accept my money? Listen up jackass, save that money of yours up and go get yourself a college education so that you can move out and stop mooching off of your parents like the fat, yellow bellied bottom feeder that you are. Seriously, if you truly want to part with your money give it to your local food shelter, trust me, in this current pandemic many have lost their jobs and need the help. I being the rich heir to a Nigerian prince's fortune, don't need your dirty money and am fine without it.
  • How do I install this mod? You play this mod directly off of the included ISO and copy the included save file onto your memory card through USB if you are playing on PS2,  or use the appropriate premade memory cards I have included if you are playing on either PCSX2 or PS3. If you are a dumbass noob and experience issues when either launching or playing my mod, don't come crying and whining to me like the prissy bitch that you are and instead please first use the internet (i.e. Google or Bing if you hate yourself) to research and solve your issue. Trust me, your issues will have most likely been addressed in some forum post on another website. I fully stand behind my mod's quality and assure you that there are no bugs or issues with it that affect its ability to boot and play. Only if after extensively consulting the internet you still can't get the mod to work, please message me on Discord or the LGM forums so that I can feel like some white chick on Facebook being bombarded with all these Indian guys sliding into my DMs.
  • Is every mod listed in the lower sections of this page included in your mod? No, but almost all of them are and there are many more mods in my "HCTP 2X" mod that are not listed here (see poster above). The lower sections of this page are for if you want to easily download and access any of my individual created mods.
  • Is Test still dead? Sadly, yes :'(.
  • Does this mod work on a real PS2, PS3 or PS4? Yes, it does. If you decide to play my mod on a real PS2 system, please try to play it over your network, burned on a disc or via internal hard drive on a fat PS2. I highly recommend NOT playing the game off of an external HDD drive as the PS2's USB 1.1 port is very weak and not meant for playing video games, it is just meant for USB accessories (i.e. mouse, keyboard, etc.)
  • Does this mod restore the cut commentary option from HCTP? Not quite, I have added some of the cut HCTP commentary lines found on the SVR Public Beta on top of the crowd chants. So this means that only the wrestlers with existing crowd chants will have commentary lines.
  • Why did you replace Jimmy Snuka with Jeff Hardy? Two words, Nancy Argentino.
  • Can I use my normal HCTP save game file? No, sadly the mod is not compatible with save game files from the base game, older "HCTP 2X" versions, or other mods, due to the added and updated content.
  • Will you add Jeff Hardy, Ultimate Warrior or Hulk Hogan's cut HCTP models back into the game? No, those models are not known to exist publicly so I can't add them. I have added Jeff Hardy's SYM model with attires and conversions done by Aguila316 and MepsiPax respectively. I have also made and posted custom recreation models for Hogan and Warrior here as individual downloads within the "Individual Attire Downloads" section of this thread.
  • [+] What'chu talkin' 'bout, Willis?
    Lik dis if u cri everytime 😢
  • How do I learn to mod? First pay me $69 and then we'll talk. Seriously though, there are many modding tutorials on YouTube and even on this forum that helped me out a lot if you can't afford the $69.
  • Why didn't you add (insert attire here) to the mod? Well, HCTP seems to have an attire limit of around 201 attires and I am currently sitting at 198 attires and the game will soon buckle under its weight if I add more attires. I do take attire requests though and can include separate attires in the Individual Attire Downloads section.
  • Why are you such a nice guy, Nero619? Because I was programmed that way, *beep-boop*.
  • Are the newly created wrestlers (i.e. Stamboli, Jamal, Rosey etc.) included in your "HCTP 2X" mod? No. I have included Jeff Hardy in place of Jimmy Snuka in my mod, but I have not included any other new wrestlers in my mod. You are free to add them yourselves using the appropriate files that I have provided and tools found on this forum.
  • Are you going to change (a certain particular detail)? If it is a bug, yes. Otherwise, probably not, as this mod is focusing on bug fixes and adding new content. There are more fixes still to be done, so I don't have enough time to arbitrarily change other things. However, the appropriate mod tools and tutorials are widely available so these changes can be made as other mods by other people.
  • Can I take and use a mod from your "HCTP 2X" mod that isn't included in the other sections of this page? Absolutely you ugly fuck. As mentioned above, uploading new attires with photos, descriptions and links is a mind-numbing process that I wish on no other soul, so you can take anything from my mod that I made and use it as long as you credit me. As for using mods that are credited to other modders in the "HCTP Mod Credits" document, please contact those modders whose mods you would like to use first before using them.
  • Can I edit your mod and/or use your mod as a base for my own mod? Sure, just ask first and credit me. 
  • Can I stream or upload videos of your mod? Of course you dipshit. If however you modify my mod in any way before recording it please point out and describe what you have changed in the video description or during the video.
  • Can I extract textures from your mods and/or can you provide them? Sure dumbfuck. You are welcome to use my mod textures as long as you credit me. I won't provide my textures as PNG format since they are very easy to obtain and convert yourself from PAC files and I want you to learn something for once you lazy shit. Just use X-packer to export the textures out of the PAC file and then use OPTPiX iMageStudio or Noesis to open and convert the TM2 image files. 
  • What will be in next update for this mod? Expect more attires, updated multi-man/season selection pictures, arena and backstage retextures, model sculpt changes, more active commentary lines, more new loading screens, music in the free slots, minor attribute adjustments and bug fixes.
  • When will the update for this mod arrive? I don't fucking know you shit-for-brains, stop asking me so many questions! Some time later this year or early 2022 you bastard!
Individual Attire Downloads

All textures are my own or modified from previous game textures. For the wrestlers with high and low-poly slots (RVD, HBK, Y2J etc), I have included low and high-poly slots where possible. For all other wrestlers, all of my attire mods can be used in both high and low poly slots as none of them exceed 550KB in size and will work in multi-man matches as long as all other wrestlers in the match are also the appropriate file size. 

I'm also open to attire suggestions and I will upload them here as they are completed. My end goal is to create a minimum of 5 alternate attires per wrestler in HCTP which includes backstage, street and ring attires all with accurate logos and colors.

Thank you all for still loving and playing these games like I do.

Total attire count is currently - 112
Amount of HCTP wrestlers I have modded - 40/65

[+] A-Train (2 Attires)
Bask in A-Train's hairy glory!
A-Train - Late 2002/ Royal Rumble 2003
[+] Batista (4 Attires)
Recreate the Animal's run with D-Von and Evolution.
Batista - Black and red/ Red and gold/ Black and red w/ wrist tape/ Base attire with fixed skin, attire colors and logos 
[+] Big Show (3 Attires)
Well, it's the Big Show and he's got accurate attires now, ugh!
Big Show - Black Pants (Credit: Converted from Aguila316)/ Two-shoulder/ One-shoulder
[+] Booker T -NEW PREVIEW-
Booker T had a much better model in the early prototypes of HCTP, and I am working on a re-sculpt of the retail Booker T model to look like the prototype model.
[+] Brock Lesnar (4 Attires)
Brock lives near I will only praise him. What a great man!
Brock Lesnar - Waist tape (Survivor Series 02)/ Waist tape (WM19)/ White Sweatpants/ Skull trunks (Mid 03)
[+] Chavo Guerrero (3 Attires)
Oooooohhhhh Chavo!
Chavo Guerrero - Black/ Red/ Yellow
[+] Chris Benoit (2 Attires)
Cleaner face, less jank and not as murdery.....yet. 
Chris Benoit - Purple/ Red
[+] Chris Jericho (1 Attire)
My boy got his WM X8 attire in this game....Yukes, you just made the list!
Chris Jericho Red tights (Late 2002)
[+] Christian (5 Attires)
Captain Charisma is back with wrist tape and a cleaner face.
Christian - Base attire/ Gold tights/ Purple tights/Red singlet/White tights with retexture and resculpt 
[+] Eddie Guerrero (2 Attires)
RIP you legend. You will always be an A+ player.
Eddie Guerrero - Gray/ Green
[+] George Steele (1 Attire)
I mean, who else was gonna give this guy another attire?
George Steele - Green striped

His shirt attire is a work in progress

[+] Goldberg (2 Attires)
A more friendly Goldberg. He now likes you slightly more.
Goldberg - Black w/ retexture and logos/ Black with white trim
[+] Hillbilly Jim (1 Attire) -NEW-
Why the hell was this change made?! Jim looked perfect in early HCTP media but ended up looking like a bowl of mush in the retail game. 
Hillbilly Jim - Early HCTP
[+] Hulk Hogan (1 Attire) -NEW-
One of many omitted characters from HCTP has returned to the fray. Hogan was removed from HCTP following his departure from the WWE in June 2003 yet many leftovers of Hogan remain in HCTP. Most notably is Hogan's blood texture which is located in Linda McMahon's PAC file for some reason (Hogan's ex-wife's name was Linda, coincidence? I think so). In creating an accurate Hulk Hogan model I consulted his leftover blood texture to get his skin and bandana color right, one low resolution screenshot to get his body shape accurate and his unused selection picture to get his eye color right. I am confident in saying that outside of the beta Hulk Hogan model, this is the best it gets if you would like to to play as Hogan in HCTP. 
Hulk Hogan - HCTP 2003 Recreation
[+] Jamal (1 Attire) -NEW-
Here is Jamal, one-half of the destructive 3 Minute Warning (3MW) tag team that alongside Rosey wreaked havoc in WWE before their untimely disbanding in June 2003. In HCTP, both Jamal and Rosey have character slots albeit without any models or selection pictures in sight. The team of 3MW was never publicly confirmed by any gaming publication as making the HCTP roster which makes the presence of their slots that much more intriguing. I have created a model for Jamal that captures his late 2002 3MW run alongside Rosey. I used a7med7assan5's Umaga as a base for Jamal because of the unmirrored arms and legs and have matched Jamal's textures and sculpt to HCTP's art style. I have also included selection pictures and recommended stats for Jamal so you can get him into your game that much quicker.
Jamal - White Tank (08-05-2002)
[+] Jamie Noble (3 Attires) -NEW-
Here is the trailerpark redneck himself, Jamie Noble! Noble debuted in June 2002 and missed out on SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth, although he was present in the game as a Sample Model in CAW mode. Unfortunately, Noble would again miss out on the next game Here Comes the Pain despite having a preset move set and being present in the game intro alongside Nidia. The only appearance that Noble ever made in a video game was in WWE RAW 2 and having an unused call-name in SVR 2009. I used Chavo Guerrero as a base for Noble due to the detailed tights and the elbow pad present on the model. I have shaped Noble's sculpt and created textures that match HCTP's art-style so you can feel like you're playing an alternate universe version of HCTP. Credit to yumboy11 for extracting out Noble's RAW 2 model which helped me shape Noble's model.
Jamie Noble - Light Blue/ No Way Out 2003/ Khaki

[+] John Cena (1 Attire)
Word life, this is basic face fix-anomics. More to come.
John Cena - Jean shorts w/ retextured face
[+] Johnny Stamboli (1 Attire) - NEW-
Interestingly, both Nunzio and Johnny Stamboli were confirmed by IGN to be making the HCTP roster as late as August 18th 2003, however by September 4th both Stamboli and Nunzio were removed from the game due to a reported lack of development time needed to complete their models and gimmicks (presumably movesets, animations, music and titantron). Now this begs many questions, how much if any of Nunzio and Stamboli was completed for HCTP before being cut, why were Nunzio and Stamboli confirmed and then removed over just a 17 day period, why do neither Nunzio or Stamboli have any character slots or references leftover on the retail game whatsoever and are there any leftovers of either wrestler on a HCTP prototype out there. While we wait for those questions to be answered, I have embarked on creating a model for Johnny Stamboli and many others. In creating Stamboli's model, I used Rodney Mack's model as the base because of the unmirrored tattoos and piercings and have done my best to match Stamboli's textures and model sculpt to HCTP's art style. I have also included selection pictures and recommended stats for Stamboli so I hope that you enjoy playing as him as much as I enjoyed making him.
Johnny Stamboli - Black trunks
[+] Kane (1 Attire)
See how much happier he looks? :)
Kane - Unmasked w/ retextured face
[+] Kevin Nash (1 Attire)
Remember this attire? No? I guess you could say that about his entire 2003 run.
Kevin Nash - Black tank and pants
[+] Kurt Angle (3 Attires)
With a more realistic sculpt (Nero619) and retexture (viper12) take this wrestling machine to the limit.
Kurt Angle - American with gold/ White with blue and red/ Team Angle
[+] Matt Hardy (3 Attires)
Matt Fact: Did you know that Matt is the only Hardy in HCTP? More attires are coming for the loyal Mattitude followers.
Matt Hardy - Team Xtreme 2002/ Rebellion 2002/ Base attire with Mueller logos
[+] Molly Holly (4 Attires) -NEW-
One of the more baffling omissions from HCTP as Molly was consistently active throughout 2002 and 2003 and even has an empty character ID slot. Considering that so many women (Jazz, Trish, Lita) just had their SYM attires recycled for this game I wonder why Molly wasn't treated the same. Even if she had an outdated attire, she would still have been present in the game. Thanks to MepsiPax for SYM conversion and attire suggestions.
Molly Holly - Retextured Blue/Blue & Black/Purple/Red

[+] Nunzio (3 Attires) -NEW-
Despite being confirmed for HCTP, Nunzio never made the game due to a reported lack of development time. Here he is with various attires for you to try out! Credit to Mepsi for converting William Regal's SYM model which I used as the base.
Nunzio - Green/ Red/ Black

[+] Randy Orton (2 Attires)
Randy was the future of this business, but he was given such an outdated attire. Thanks to MepsiPax for the retexture.
Randy Orton - Blue 2002/ Blue thunderbolt
[+] Rey Mysterio (3 Attires)
Dear Yukes, why did you give Rey only one attire in HCTP? Was the demand for kung-fu Bischoff really that high?
Rey Mysterio - Red/ Pink (SmackDown 2002-07-11)/ Silver (SummerSlam 2002)

Coming Soon - Rey Mysterio HCTP prerelease attire recreation with darker skin and different pants logos

Currently a work in progress

[+] Ric Flair (1 Attire)
Ric Flair - Suit (2002)
[+] Rico (3 Attires)
Team this guy up with Billy and Chuck....wait, they're not in the game? How about 3MW....they're not here either? What about Jackie Gayda....SHE'S NOT IN EITHER? AAAAAGGHHH!!
Rico - Black leather suit/ Brown pants/ Silver pants (Survivor Series 2002) and Umbro logo
[+] Rikishi (3 Attires)
The big man is back with a cleaner face, more colors and a fatter ass.
Red logo/ Shirt #1 (2002)/ Shirt #2 (2002) with face retexture
[+] Road Warrior Hawk (1 Attire)
Hawk - NWA
[+] Roddy Piper (1 Attire) -NEW-
In early media for HCTP, Roddy Piper had a completely different look. Piper had an 1980s long hair look that was replaced with his 2003 look by the retail game. I would have liked to have seen both looks included in two separate slots like Hogan and Undertaker.
Roddy Piper - Young Beta

[+] Rodney Mack (4 Attires)
I liked the White Boy Challenge. So what?
Rodney Mack - Red short pants/ Black short pants/ Base fixed/ Silver trunks
[+] Rosey (1 Attire) -NEW-
Here is Rosey, one-half of the destructive 3 Minute Warning (3MW) tag team that alongside Jamal wreaked havoc in WWE before their untimely disbanding in June 2003. In HCTP, both Jamal and Rosey have character slots albeit without any models or selection pictures in sight. The team of 3MW was never publicly confirmed by any gaming publication as making the HCTP roster which makes the presence of their slots that much more intriguing. Perhaps, 3MW suffered a similar fate to Luther Reigns in SVR 2006, where the talent left the WWE well before the game's roster was announced and gameplay was first shown so their appearance in HCTP was never officially confirmed. It is interesting to note that whereas Jamal was fired from WWE in June 2003, Rosey remained under contract and regularly performed on the RAW brand until his release in March 2006.  Understandably, Jamal would have been removed from HCTP due to him not being under contract with the WWE anymore, but why was Rosey removed from HCTP when he was still in WWE. Could this have been a case of WWE not wanting to associate itself anymore with Jamal who had been fired due to an altercation with police and ordering THQ to remove all mention of Jamal (titantron, stables) from the game? Maybe I am overthinking this and 3MW was actually omitted from the game because there was not enough time for Yukes to finish them. But what about Stamboli and Nunzio, they were confirmed for HCTP by THQ and then removed because they could not be finished in-time. Why were 3MW not given the same announced and then removed treatment as the FBI? It is most likely in my opinion that 3MW was completed for the game and removed after Jamal's firing, but the specifics of Rosey's omission are still a mystery, Undoubtedly, a HCTP prototype would answer these questions for us and until then all we can do is speculate and recreate, which you see here. I have created a model for Rosey that captures his late 2002 3MW run alongside Jamal. I used a7med7assan5's Umaga as a base for Rosey because of the unmirrored arms and legs and have matched Rosey textures and sculpt to HCTP's art style. I have also included selection pictures and recommended stats for Rosey so you can get him into your game that much quicker. There is a slight bug with Rosey's eyes when he makes a shocked facial expression and he is missing his ponytail but I will fix the ponytail issue later as it requires some time to sculpt in.
Rosey - Blue jersey
[+] Scott Steiner (3 Attires)
"The Big Bad Booty Daddy is gonna make you beg and plead for mercy!"
Scott Steiner - Royal Rumble 2003/ No Way Out 2003/ Red Tights
[+] Sean O'Haire (4 Attires)
He had the look, the wrestling ability, the promo and a clueless company to misuse him.
Sean O'Haire - Base attire/ Purple/ Vengeance 2003/ Black and Green with fixed colors and logos
[+] Shawn Michaels (1 Attire)
Why did you give HBK brown kneepads Yukes? Was his attire not already brown enough?
Shawn Michaels - Resculpted brown w/ fixed kneepads and Trace logos

[+] Stacy Keibler (3 Attires) -NEW-
Imma take you back to the days that was best, the days that Keibler managed Test.
Stacy Keibler - Early HCTP recreation/ Early HCTP recreation w/ black belt/Early HCTP recreation with mosaic shorts

[+] Steve Austin: (4 Attires)
Kick Bischoff's ass with a jorted out rattlesnake. 
Steve Austin - NWO 03/ WM19/ Shirt (2003)/ Vest (WM19)
[+] Test: (3 Attires)
Is this guy still dead?
Test - Gray/ Black (2003-04-23)/ White (Judgement Day 2003)
[+] The Rock (3 Attires)
"Finally, The Rock doesn't look like garbage anymore!"
The Rock - Blue Brahma Bull/ Red Brahma Bull/ White Brahma Bull (Backlash 2003) with retexture and edited sculpt
[+] Torrie Wilson (1 Attire) -NEW-
She no longer looks like a radioactive Barbie doll
Torrie Wilson - Green base fixed
[+] Triple H: (5 Attires)
"In this business-aahh, I am the game-aahh and I look much better now-aahh!"
Triple H - Black Trunks/ Red Trunks/ Purple Trunks/ Black Biker Shorts/ Suit (RAW 02-03-2003) with retexture
[+] Ultimate Warrior (2 Attires) -NEW-
Another wrestler that missed out on HCTP is back. Ultimate Warrior was announced for HCTP and showcased in early promotion for the game but removed from the final product due to licensing negotiations between Warrior and THQ terminating without entering into a contract according to documents released during one of many lawsuits between Warrior and WWE in 2008. What likely happened with Warrior in HCTP was that THQ decided to feature Warrior in HCTP as an unlockable "Legend" wrestler and got the go-ahead from WWE to do so but had not reached out to Warrior yet to discuss licensing under the assumption that negotiations between them and Warrior would be quick and could wait until much later in HCTP's development cycle. However, as was seen many times in history, Warrior was not the easiest person to do business with and THQ had no doubt underestimated the difficulties of negotiating with Warrior to be featured in HCTP. It is possible that due to monetary differences or a lack of time and willingness on THQ's part to negotiate and obtain the license to feature Warrior, that he was not included in the final product. Something else to note is that the Acclaim game "Showdown: Legends of Wrestling" released in June 2004 just eight months following HCTP's October 2003 release and featured Warrior in it. According to an article from IGN, the Warrior was originally in negotiations with THQ to be featured in HCTP but opted to be featured in Acclaim's LOW game instead. Be it monetary reasons, a more appealing presentation and focus on legends in LOW or familiarity with working with Acclaim on "WWF In Your House" (1996), Warrior's decision resulted in his removal from HCTP. However, with the advent of mods we can reclaim what we should have gotten and create what we desire to be in our games. In creating an accurate Ultimate Warrior model I consulted early ass low-resolution HCTP media, Warrior's leftover HCTP selection picture and photoshoots of Warrior in his intended HCTP regalia. Many thanks to Mepsi for the Bradshaw base and improving Warrior's texture sizes that let me add more detail to Warrior's trunks. Everything from Warrior's sculpt to his textures have been painstakingly created and tweaked to look just right so I hope that you enjoy playing as Warrior. I have included two attires for Warrior, one of his intended HCTP attire and another of a purple trunk attire that I liked.
Ultimate Warrior - Turquoise HCTP Trunks/ Purple Trunks 
[+] Ultimo Dragon (1 Attire)
Give this 1990s Japanese wrestling legend a better run than he had with WWE...…please.....I beg you.
Ultimo Dragon - Holographic Black (SD! 07-10-2003)

Coming Soon - Ultimo Dragon HCTP prerelease attire recreation with lighter blue and different logos

[+] Undertaker (2 Attires)
Undertaker - Big Evil Shirt (02-06-2003)/ Singlet with Bandana (04-03-2003)
[+] Val Venis (2 Attires)
Val Venis - Base HCTP fixed/ Chief Morley (Early 2003)
[+] Victoria (3 Attires)
HCTP was released in October 03, but Victoria has an attire from August of 2002 before her psycho character ever existed. What the hell Yukes?
Victoria - Pink (RAW 08-05-2002 - Debut)/ Black (RAW 12-02-2002)/ Brown (Armageddon 2002) with darkened gear and hair
[+] Vince McMahon (1 Attire)
"Honey? Where's my salmon suit?"
Vince McMahon - Black and Pink Suit (RAW 02-10-2003)

Loading Screens

Inject the available Brock tm2 screen as a BPE over the original bpe file found in "_startup.pac". As for the Jeff tm2 screen, inject it over any tim2 ranging from 0000.tim2 - 001A  in "MENU.pac". Use PAC Editor to install both of these screens.

[+] Custom Loading Screens
Spice up your loading screens during the long wait.

Brock Lesnar - Startup/ Jeff Hardy Loading Screens

Custom Selection Pictures

Write the included "SPFA.pac" over the original "SPFA.pac" in "MENU.pac" using PAC Editor. I have separate PAC files for two-man matches and Rumbles coming soon.
[+] Custom Selection Pictures
See how it looks just like SYM? Well, that was the goal.

Real selection picture collection

Special Thanks to:

Please see the "HCTP Mod Credits" page for the credit information of every mod used in my "HCTP 2X" mod
a7med7assan5 for the Batista, Brock Lesnar, Steve Austin, Chis Benoit and Triple H base attires and SYM conversions
MepsiPax for the Randy Orton retexture, SYM conversions
eatrawmeat391 for PAC Editor
mark/Rampage for providing textures
HarlotEffect for providing move sets
80las for providing the PAC list for HCTP
Tekken57 for X-Packer
Ryukuuma and FranzZockt for their HCTP tutorials
Rich Whitehouse for Noesis
OLD AGE 03 for his HCTP arena file index
Aguila316 for providing a template to base this page off of
Yukes for making these great games


PostJul 15, 2021#2

Are you gonna make a Jeff Hardy mod for this? Since way too many people try to make the HCTP Jeff. And I hope one day we will see the real model being playable when we find a lost HCTP build with the playable Jeff!


PostJul 21, 2021#3

Rick Astley wrote:
Jul 15, 2021
Are you gonna make a Jeff Hardy mod for this? Since way too many people try to make the HCTP Jeff. And I hope one day we will see the real model being playable when we find a lost HCTP build with the playable Jeff!
I was planning on making a custom model for Jeff but I lack the skills to do that.
I hope that the Jeff model is found one day too. The PSW DVD with the HCTP previews featuring Jeff was burnt on July 18th 2003. Since we have already gotten July builds of SVR 2006 and SVR (Hidden Palace), getting a HCTP build is a possibility. 🙏🙏


PostJul 24, 2021#4

Is it possible to re-create alternate attires using textures from WWE WrestleMania XIX/RAW 2? For example, if I wanted to give Sean O’Haire this outfit;
2DCF4AAE-CF25-4A57-BEDD-34681A47B9A7.jpeg (58.45KiB)

PostJul 24, 2021#5

Or if I wanted to put custom T-Shirts on certain character models.


PostJul 29, 2021#6

nickweintraub wrote:
Jul 24, 2021
Or if I wanted to put custom T-Shirts on certain character models.
Hey Nick, nice to see you here.
Apologies for the delayed response. I will be making more attires separately for this thread and have more attires planned, including this O'Haire attire. I am just in the final stages of working on my patch for HCTP. Unfortunately, I don't have much experience with adding custom shirts to existing character models as that would require sculpting which I am very bad at. But it is possible though.


PostAug 02, 2021#7

Nero619 wrote:
Jul 29, 2021
nickweintraub wrote:
Jul 24, 2021
Or if I wanted to put custom T-Shirts on certain character models.
Hey Nick, nice to see you here.
Apologies for the delayed response. I will be making more attires separately for this thread and have more attires planned, including this O'Haire attire. I am just in the final stages of working on my patch for HCTP.  Unfortunately, I don't have much experience with adding custom shirts to existing character models as that would require sculpting which I am very bad at. But it is possible though.
I wish that I knew how to do the things that you did. Is there, like, a tutorial video on that teaches how to do that stuff?


PostSep 06, 2021#8

nickweintraub wrote:
Aug 02, 2021
Nero619 wrote:
Jul 29, 2021
nickweintraub wrote:
Jul 24, 2021
Or if I wanted to put custom T-Shirts on certain character models.
Hey Nick, nice to see you here.
Apologies for the delayed response. I will be making more attires separately for this thread and have more attires planned, including this O'Haire attire. I am just in the final stages of working on my patch for HCTP.  Unfortunately, I don't have much experience with adding custom shirts to existing character models as that would require sculpting which I am very bad at. But it is possible though.
I wish that I knew how to do the things that you did. Is there, like, a tutorial video on that teaches how to do that stuff?
Hey Nick. Sorry, I am only now seeing this message. There are many tutorials available on YouTube that teach modding. Please feel free to join the LGM discord server as there are always people posting mods there.


PostSep 19, 2021#9

Having trouble downloading the mod I keep getting this message
242259442_875736406402587_6039743978480798814_n.jpg (937.46KiB)


PostSep 23, 2021#10

nigelbishop36 wrote:
Sep 19, 2021
Having trouble downloading the mod I keep getting this message
I'll upload the full ISO of my mod shortly since some have reported issues with installation.

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