Crossover SUVs? - April 2022 Babies | Forums | What to Expect
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Crossover SUVs?

In the market for a new car in the next 6-18 months… okay I know that’s a long time frame ��

I’m doing a ton of research but curious— which hybrid cross over do you have? What do you love what do you hate? Why did you rule out the competition?

Anyone have a Hyundai Tucson? I’ve never owned a Hyundai and it makes me nervous but the features look beyond compare! Warranty too! If you have one have you had any issues? Pros/cons?


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Oh and I’ve seen car mama reviews! Just looking for more opinions!

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we don't have a hybrid but we love our Hyundai!! my husband's first car was a Hyundai and it lasted a good 250k miles. I was pretty tempted to take advantage of the 0.99% APR that Tesla is currently offering but we really haven't had any issues with our  Santa Fe and suspect it'll serve us well for many more years to come!

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I didn’t know Tesla was offering that. We’ve considered Tesla but Elon is a little too whacky for me to support ������

I also don’t like the wood grain on the interior. I wish manufacturers would stop with that nonsense!

Honda finally took it out but they added the annoying orange stitching.

I’m such a plain Jane- I just want a clean, black interior, like in the Tucson!

Thanks for sharing!!

We have a 2009 civic and a 2012 4Runner.

It’s time to think about replacing the civic!

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I love my Honda CRV. I’ve owned two and always happy with it. Low maintenance, reliable, and spacious enough for our family of three.

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We just got a Hyundai Santa Fe! Not the newer ones, but a 2019 and we love it! We have 2 kids, one forward facing and one rear facing and it’s more than enough space. The trunk space is also amazing!

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I am so impressed by Hyundai the more I research. I’m surprised by everything they offer- safety, tech, warranty, etc. and I happen to like the aesthetics on the newer models quite a bit, which has been a challenge for me with cars!

I know a lot is shifting in the automotive industry so we’ll probably consider other cars over the next year or so, but it’s fun to look and get a sense of what we like!

We have even been considering just replacing our civic with a civic lol. We go back and forth about need vs. want. We can keep using our 4Runner as the family car but I would like better mileage so we are considering a hybrid crossover.

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I got the Honda CRV hybrid sport and love it! Gas mileage is great.

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I love everything about it but I wish they didn’t put the orange stitching everywhere!!! I know a lot of people love it. Subaru does it too! I am such a plain Jane and it’s too distracting for me. Sadly, it rules it out for us. I’ve always like the CR-V and considered it a contender for the future!!

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I have a Hyundai Kona which is the smallest of their crossovers. I got the car before I first met my husband. It’s small but fits my toddler. My mom has a Hyundai Santa Fe which is very roomy. My car is almost paid off so I won’t upgrade until I really need to.. my husband also has a truck so we all fit comfortably there as well.

I love the Hyundai Palisade, but if you’re only going to have 2 kids, I think the Santa Fe is a great car. If you’re having more than 2, you’ll need a bigger car for sure.

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My SIL has a Tucson! It’s very very roomy! Every time I get in it, especially in the back seat, I think there’s so much leg room to the point I almost feel awkward. I’m average height, 5’3”. She loves her suv but has mentioned a few times she wishes she had more trunk space. It doesn’t seem like there’s a ton of room back there but there’s enough for what she does with 2 older kids.

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yes!! Car mom demo showed the roomy backseat!!

My kids are getting a bit older (5 and 2) so I feel like we’re exiting the stroller years. Also we have a 4 Runner as our other car, so we can use that if we really need something bigger. I am hoping to shift to a little better fuel economy in a car that can still serve as our family car. Right now our other car is a Honda civic and we can all fit but it’s tight and my husband is edgy and uncomfortable ��

Although, we do think it would be fine if they were both forward facing. So we are considering the 2025 hybrid civic as an option.

Then in some number of years we can look into the hybrid 4Runner or Grand Highlander.

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I love my Subaru Forester!!

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do these come in hybrid now?!

I saw some model years of the cross trek do, but they stopped so they must not have sold well enough ��

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I had the Lexus nx and absolutely loved it!!!

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they look so nice!! Probably more than we want to spend in the end.

We go back and forth!! Opportunity cost is so real on cars but also, having a nice car is always fun!!!

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totally, this was years ago. No kids, I leased it, silly to do now for me ��

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