Mourinho gets the boot from the team

Mourinho gets the boot from the team


José Mourinho: The Special One Still in Demand Despite Recent Setbacks

Mourinho gets the boot from the team

Mourinho gets the boot from the team

José Mourinho still has a poster. Despite his recent setbacks, ' The Special One' is still in high demand, becoming an attraction for Fenerbahçe's favorite candidate in the elections. Gone are the days when Mourinho, who won the treble with Inter and was recently signed by Florentino, made fun of Manuel Pellegrini for moving from coaching Real Madrid to signing with Málaga. "I won't end up like Pellegrini, if I leave Madrid it won't be for Málaga, I'll go to a top team in England or Italy. "I have no problem coaching a big club again." This boast seems unnecessary as the doors to top European teams are closing and his current teams are struggling.

What he excels at is collecting payouts. For contracts that were terminated prematurely, Mourinho has received over 80 million euros. This sum includes settlements from his last six clubs, except Inter where he completed his contract. Chelsea paid him 18 million the first time they let him go and over 8 million the second time. Real Madrid had to pay him an additional 17 million for his departure. Manchester United set a record with a goodbye payment of 19.6 million. He received 15 million from Tottenham and, this season, when he was sacked from Roma, he got an extra three million.

While it's understandable that he's entitled to what was agreed upon, the total of 80 million for not working seems excessive.

This content has been translated and adapted from the Spanish version of the digital newspaper
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