

  1. 二一教育资源



感到:1. a flush of (表情绪的名词)=a wave of...=a feeling/sense of...一阵...
3. (表情绪的名词) flooded over sb=swept over sb
因...颤抖:tremble//shiver/shake (with fear, panic excitement, rage...)
流泪:1. Tears blurred one's eyes.
2. One's eyes got misty.
3. One's eyes misted/dimmed with tears.泪眼模糊
4. ...be close to tears几乎要哭了
5. tears (roll down one's eyes/cheeks/face)泪水落下
某人想到/明白...:1. It suddenly occurred to sb that 从句=It hit sb that 从句=It struck me that 从句 =It dawned on sb that 从句
2. (idea, thought...) occurred/came to sb.=...came/flashed into one's mind=...crowded in one's mind
3. One's mind began to race
主语+动作A+动作B and 动作C (三个并列谓语,动作依次发生)
句子+ing/ed, 或者ing/ed+句子(使用条件:同一逻辑主语,主动或被动,表示动作伴随,原因或结果)
过了一段时间:1. not long after that,...=shortly afterwards, ...=before long, ...=It didn't take long before 从句=It took some time before从句不久, ...
2. for an instant/moment一瞬间
有了结果:1. To one's surprise(delight)/Strangely enough, it turned out that 从句
2. But on second thoughts, ...但是转而一想,...
3. But what happened next was pure magic. 接下来发生的非常奇妙
1. Now, I was definitely grateful to her for extending a helping hand(伸出援手).
2. Molly and Shawn met on Tuesday, and she says she couldn’t thank him enough (非常感谢他)and everyone involved in for what they did for her.
1. Needless to say, they were deeply moved (他们被深深地感动了), especially Bernard who finally found a way to make money for his family.
2. He was touched that I, a complete stranger, cared so much about him (如此关心他) and said he was willing to work.
3. In a flash, with tears welling up in my eyes, I was touched beyond words (感动得说不出话来). I felt so warm as if there were nine suns in my chest.
4. I nodded in gratitude, eyes glistening with held-back tears(眼睛因强忍的泪水而闪耀).
5. Stunned and moved(惊讶又感动), I stared at the note, feeling a pang of guilt about my previous thought that all people were indifferent.
1. It is love that makes the world go round(是爱让世界运转)and Bernard felt it deep in his little heart.
2. Everyone was happy and sweet, exposing their sets of white teeth(露出他们洁白的牙齿).
3. I made up my mind to pass on “love” to others(传递爱给其他人). Just as a saying goes : “ Roses given, fragrance in hand(赠人玫瑰,手有余香). ”
4. From that day on, every time I meet someone who needs help, I always reach out to them, hoping to pass on the kindness (希望传递善意)that Mexican family offered me.
5. Sometimes, a small act of kindness may be powerful enough to make a huge difference(会有很大不同).
I was so happy to hear the news that I immediately shared it with my teacher.
When I was invited to the stage to receive the award, I expressed my thanks to my teacher. I said, “It’s you who make me fall in love with writing, my social studies teacher. Without your recognition and guidance, I couldn’t have written this article. Again thank you very much!”
“I knew you’d win! I am proud of you. You made it!” he said excitedly.
My teacher was waiting for me. Holding my hands, he said “Congratulations! You are a good writer, so keep writing.”
Since then, I have written many good works and now I am a famous writer. I owe my success to my social teacher who is a beacon in my life on the road to writing.
I never made friends easily, and for a time I did little more than get on speaking terms with some boys. 我从不轻易交朋友,有一段时间,我只是和一些男孩子说说话而已。
I found nothing in my pocket, a fact that seemed like a spear piercing into my heart ,which started to bleed immediately. 我口袋里什么也没找到,这事实就像一支长矛刺进了我的心脏,我的心脏立刻开始流血。
Looking around anxiously, I almost burst into crying.(我焦急地环顾四周,差点哭出来)
She was overwhelmed / overcome/ consumed with guilt and shame .(她被内疚和羞愧淹没)
A wave of guilt swept over me and I had to admit the fact that I had gone to the movies and that was the real reason why I was late.一阵内疚席卷了我,我不得不承认我去看电影了,这才是我迟到的真正原因。
They laughed loudly with Crawley screaming words like “What a finest broken watch!”他们大声笑着,卡劳利尖叫着说:“多好的一块坏表啊!”
“My mother wouldn't let me bring it,” I lied, desperation boiling inside me.“我妈妈不让我带,”我撒了个谎,绝望在我心里沸腾。
Meanwhile, Karie sat restlessly in her seat with her fingers crossed .与此同时,凯莉不安地坐在座位上,双手交叉着。
She told the teacher the truth , with her heart thumping / pounding/ pumping like a drum. 她把实情告诉了老师,心怦怦直跳。
Having paced up and down restlessly in front of the the teacher's office, she finally gathered courage and plodded in.(她在老师的办公室前不安地踱来踱去,终于鼓起勇气,慢吞吞地走了进去。
I unknowingly (不知不觉地) avoided interacting (interact) with anyone because I was afraid they’d laugh in my face .(我在不知不觉中避免与任何人互动,因为我害怕他们会当面嘲笑我)
Considering there was no way to persuade my mother to let me take the watch, I decided to wait for her to step outside and slip the watch into my pocket. So I did. 考虑到没有办法说服母亲让我带手表,我决定等她走出去,把手表塞进我的口袋里,我这样做了。
Karie stuffed the test paper into backpack and explained that she was just too excited. 凯莉把试卷塞进背包里,解释说她只是太兴奋了。
Raising her eyebrows in surprise, Mrs Rossi froze, as if rooted on the ground.罗西夫人惊讶地扬起眉毛,僵住了,仿佛在地上生了根。
ked up to him, his eyes sparkling with hope and determination.杰斯抬头看着他,他的眼睛里闪烁着希望和决心。
“That’s not the right way. Patience, Will. Patience,” a voice echoed in my ears after the boys left.这不是正确的方法。耐心,意志。当孩子们离开后,一个声音在我的耳边回响。
“What was done was done,” thought I to myself. “What is important now is to do correct things next.”“所做的已经做了,”我自己想。“现在重要的是下一步要纠正一些事情。”
Though anger, embarrassment and sadness hung heavily in the air, the voice drew me to the awareness of the mistakes I had made when I attempted to impress the boys.尽管愤怒、尴尬和悲伤重重地笼罩在空气中,但这个声音还是让我意识到我在试图给同学留下深刻印象时犯下的错误。
I shouldn’t have tried to integrate in such a hasty way, nor should I have stolen the watch behind my mother.我不该如此匆忙的方式试图融入,也不该把母亲身后的手表偷走。
After school, I would tell my mother honestly that I had stolen the watch out to impress friends who turned out not to be my true friends.放学后,我会诚实地告诉妈妈,我偷了手表是为了给那些不是我真正朋友的朋友留下好印象。
After saying that with her face flushed red, she handed the paper and the prize to the teacher. 说完这话,脸红了,她把纸和奖品交给了老师。
To my surprise, she smiled at me and expressed her apology for ignoring my loneliness as well as my difficulty with English communication.令我吃惊的是,她对我笑了笑,并为忽视我的孤独和英语交流的困难表示道歉。
Torn between the honor and conscience, she had a restless night, tossing and turning on bed. 她在荣誉和良心之间挣扎,一夜不安,在床上辗转反侧。
I plucked up my courage and took my first step onto the suspension bridge. 我鼓起勇气,向吊索桥走了第一步。
He saw Trashaun as a tough role model who had a seemingly similar born disability but led a brilliant life. 他认为特拉申是一个坚强的榜样,似乎有类似的先天残疾,但过着辉煌的生活。
We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude(那些值得我们感恩的事情我们经常当作理所当然).
But when the time came, I got up on stage and faced one of my greatest fears-and discovered I could do more than I ever gave myself credit for.(但当时机到来的时候,我站上舞台,面对我最大的恐惧之一——我发现我可以做的比我自己认为的更多。
Dad looked at the paper, with his lips curving into a smile. (爸爸看着报纸,他的嘴唇弯成了微笑)
Hearing that, Karie grinned from ear to ear, a wave of happiness flooding over her. (听到这话,卡里咧嘴一笑,幸福的浪潮涌上她的心头)(2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)
I looked at her, tears of love and gratitude welling up in my eyes.我看着她,爱和感激的泪水在我的眼睛里涌出。
I knew for sure that every time I lost patience in the future I would remember my grandfather’s words.(我确信,将来每次我失去耐心,我就会想起我祖父的话。)
It was the first time that I had truly realized the meaning of the gift --- patience. (我第一次真正体会到这份礼物—— 耐心的意义)
Aram said, “Thanks, Mrs Rossi, for teaching me how to make a cake to realize my dream.” Mrs Rossi held his hands, saying, “ It is you who teach me how to stick to my dream.”亚兰说:“谢谢罗西夫人,你教我如何做蛋糕来实现我的梦想。”罗西太太握着他的手说:“是你教我如何坚持我的梦想。
It dawned on Aram that “One should stick to his/her dream no matter what happens.” (亚兰明白了一个人应该坚持她的梦想,无论发生什么)
So thankful was he for Cathy’s honesty that he actually ended up donating a generous amount to VNSA to show his gratitude.他非常感谢凯茜的诚实,他向VNSA捐赠了一大笔钱来表达他的感激之情。
Bravery was the most significant quality that I wanted her to possess. 勇敢是我希望她拥有的最重要的品质
Afterwards, it was my turn to give a small lecture,in which I expressed my sincere gratitude to my mom and friends,bowing to them several times. 之后,轮到我做了一个小型讲座,在会上我向妈妈和朋友们表达了诚挚的感谢,并向他们多次鞠躬。
Then he patted Jayce’s head, “But I think this is the perfect way God made me. With five fingers, we also made it in lots of things just now. The missing arm is like a wing folded by an angel.Only when you're tough will you see the wing.他拍了拍杰斯的头,“但我认为这是上帝创造我的完美方式。”用五个手指,我们现在还做了很多东西。这个缺失的手臂就像一只被天使折叠起来的翅膀。只有当你很坚强的时候,你才会看到翅膀。
It's never too late to learn. Each individual has the right to accept more challenges and make more attempts.学习永远为时不晚。每个人都应该并且有权利去接受更多的挑战,做更多尝试。
【分析】individual这里表示“个人,个体”。make more attempts 做更多尝试。
Actually, every individual possesses talent. Be brave when you find it and also make efforts. You can create miracles in the end.
【分析】possess 拥有。create miracles表示创造奇迹。
It's never too late to go for your dream. As long as you grasp every opportunity and take full advantage of it, you will stand a chance to realize your dreams.追梦永远不晚。只要你抓住机会,充分利用机会,你就有机会实现梦想。
As long as we dare to dream and don't let difficulties get in our way, anything is possible.只要我们敢于梦想,不被困难所阻挡,一切皆有可能。
【分析】take full advantage of 充分利用, realize your dreams表示“实现梦想”
The journey to success is not smooth. It is full of challenges and difficulties. We should be brave to face them. As long as we don’t give up hope and make every effort to overcome all the difficulties, we will surely achieve our goal (success) finally.通往成功的路不会平坦,充满挑战和艰辛。我们要勇敢面对。只要不放弃希望并竭尽全力克服所有困难,我们最终会实现我们的目标(成功)。
【分析】smooth 表示“平坦的”overcome all the difficulties 表示“克服困难”;make every effort 表示“做出努力”;as long as,表示“只要”,引导条件状语从句。
When Coach Pitt said “Nice work!” to her at the finish line, Eva was surprised. What had seemed to be a challenging task to her minutes before was now accomplished. A mile was never what she had thought a long way!
Coach Pitt’s encouraging affirmation improved her self-identity. Fear and uneasiness began to fade away and a sense of confidence came to her.
It marked a turning point where she learned the trick that it was her persistence and appropriate strategy that mattered. Furthermore, she realized that she could overcome troubles in life as long as shifting the way of thinking.
To Eva, such experiences brought her a giant step of growth.
Thanking Coach Pitt, she had a great thought running in her mind.
Though sometimes it seemed an impossible mission, it eventually turned a precious opportunity for growth. It was a magic trick!
So nervous was he that (他太紧张了) he dropped the electric carving
I got into a panic(陷入惊慌之中) as I pressed firmly against the table and moved my head around trying to find the right angle, but it was no use.当我紧紧地压在桌子上,我的头移动试图找到正确的角度时,我陷入了恐慌(陷入惊慌之中),但这是没有用的。
Sweating and nearly tearing (汗流浃背,眼泪差点流下来),I could imagine how silly and strange I was at that moment based on the continuing laughter from my parents and Jason.汗流浃背,眼泪差点流下来,根据我父母和杰森持续的笑声,我可以想象出我当
Blushing scarlet instantly, she felt embarrassment almost wreathed her entirely.她立刻涨红了脸,感到尴尬几乎把她整个包围起来。
Dad's calm smile reflected his motto "All's well with us, never fear."爸爸平静的微笑反映了他的座右铭"一切都好,永远不要害怕。"
It was the first time that I had truly realized the meaning of patience.这是我第一次真正意识到耐心的意义。
We usually take life for granted, but the story shows us that there is always beauty in our heart.我们通常认为生活是理所当然的,但这个故事告诉我们,在我们的心中永远有美丽。
The words brought warmth to my heart and tears to my eyes. I felt lucky to be a part of this mischievous yet loving family. 这些话让我心中满是温暖,也让我热泪盈眶。我很幸运能成为这个淘气而又充满爱的家庭的一员。
Panic turned into desperation as I struggled, the weight of the pumpkin pressing down on me, my breath echoing in the confined space. My family's initial laughter turned into concern, and they gathered around, offering advice and encouragement. My mom's voice was soothing as she told me to stay calm, while my siblings' worried faces peered at me.
The room erupted in cheers, and I was met with hugs and relieved smiles. My face was red, and my pride slightly bruised, but the warmth of my family's support made it all worthwhile.
The image of me with a pumpkin stuck on my head became a symbol of our family's joy, creativity, and ability to turn even the most awkward situations into something positive. That year, the pumpkin carving wasn't just about competition; it was a reminder of the love, laughter, and togetherness that defined our family.
我妈妈瞪着我,这是在我有一个重组家庭之前她从未做过的事。“你可以捡起来的。”她说。“那才对。”My mother glanced at me. Something she never did before I had a stepfamily. “You could have picked it up. " she said. “That would have been the kind thing to do.”
他生气地握紧拳头,但是弟弟却激动地挥着手。He folded his fist angrily, but his younger brother waved his hands excitedly.
Jackson 试着说什么,但Carter太生气了,他一个字也听不进去。Jackson kept saying something, but so angry was Carter that he couldn't even hear a word .
我意识到我裙子上的蝴蝶结打得很不好。我本应该请妈妈帮忙的。I realized how poorly I tied the string on my skirt which was over leggings. I should have asked mom for help.
一想到我对他所做的一切,遗憾和内疚就像没休止的潮水一样向我袭来。 Thinking about what I had done to him, regret and guilt overwhelmed me like endless tides.
每当我想到亨利湿了的书,我的脸都会变红了。Whenever I thought of Henry's wet book, my face turned red.
Watching Shirley’s smile fading away, Peter frowned.看着雪莉的微笑渐渐消失,彼得皱起了眉头。
当她望过她三岁妹妹的桌子时,Amanda感觉她的心情像天空一样灰暗。Amanda felt as gray as the sky outside when she looked across the table at her three-year-old sister.
To cover his terrible action(为了掩盖他糟糕的行为,不定式作状语),the terrified boy glued the pieces together hastily and put the vase back to its place.
Fearing punishment(害怕惩罚,现在分词作状语), the suddenly inspired boy said that a neighbor's cat jumped in from the window and he couldn't drive it away no matter how hard he tried.
Glancing at the chocolates with hesitation,(犹豫地看着着巧克力,非谓语), the boy timidly raised his head before his mother.
“对不起,”他说到,轻轻的摸摸Jackson的头。“I'm so sorry."he said, gently petting Jackson's head.
他放下手,小心翼翼的看了Carter一眼,然后低下了头。He put down his hand, glanced cautiously at Carter and lowered his head.
To her surprise, she smiled at me and expressed her apology for ignoring my loneliness(为她忽略我的孤独道歉)as well as my difficulty with English communication.
他妈妈把手指放在他嘴唇让他停止说话,在他额头上吻了一下,然后走出了书房。His mother silenced him by gently putting her finger on his lips,gave a soft kiss on his forehead and walked out of the study.
“我想给你一个惊喜!”他指向一个包装精美的盒子,眼里闪烁着光芒。“I wanted to surprise you!” he pointed at a neatly wrapped box with his eyes gleaming.
看到他的家人围坐着,和谐地待在一起,卡特感觉到一种幸福感。Seeing his families sitting together and staying together harmoniously, Cater felt a surge of happiness.
欢快的歌唱飘荡在房间里,两姐妹沉浸在音乐的美中。Cheerful singing floating in the room, the two sisters immersed themselves in the beauty of the music.
如果没有亨利的帮助,我就不会顺利地完成我的演出了。 But for Henry's help, I wouldn't have finished my performance smoothly.
I looked at her, tears of love and gratitude welling(well) up in my eyes.
Afterwards, it was my turn to give a small lecture,in which I expressed my sincere gratitude to my mom and friends, bowing(bow) to them several times.
在这时,毫无预料地,Carter突然想起Billy躺在地上哭的回忆,一直在他脑海回旋,提醒着他一些事情。At that moment, unexpectedly, the memory of the sight of Billy crying on the ground occurred to Carter, hovering in his mind and reminding him something .
看着Jackson,Carter忍不住想象他的弟弟花整天小心涂好那辆车的情景。Looking at Jackson, Carter couldn't help imagining his little brother spending the whole day carefully painting the car.
“I just wish I knew how to help her," Amanda said to herself, thinking of Li's frightened eyes(想到Li害怕的双眼),
1. From then on, the three chocolates rang the alarm in his heart every time he intended to lie, reminding him to be honest提醒他要诚实(非谓语).
2. I nodded firmly, knowing a flower of kindness and friendship began to blossom(善良和友谊之花开放)in both of our hearts.
3.This experience transformed my attitude towards Henry and our relationship has also been harmonious(我们的关系变得和谐)since then.
4.正是亨利的善良让我感受到了我们家庭的温暖。我会用心珍惜它的。It was Henry's kindness that made me feel the warmth from our family. I will treasure it with all my heart.
mischievous yet loving family. 这些话让我心中满是温暖,也让我热泪盈眶。我很幸运能成为这个淘气而又充满爱的家庭的一员。
Knowing what they were preparing for, he was greatly surprised. So immediately, he offered to get involved in the kids’ job.
In a flash, sweet smell filled the air in the kitchen. To their delight, the breakfast was a success in the end.
"Happy Mother's Day, darling Mummy!" thrilled voice yelling from their throat, the twins hugged their mom tightly.
Moved and excited, mother held the twins with her warm arms as well. Her eyes widened at the sight of the breakfast tray.
Behind the children stood their father. To shed light on the game of the gift, he told the mother the whole story.
After learning about what happened, she rose quickly to gaze at the boy’s hand with moved tears rolling down her cheeks. “Thank you, my honey!” said the mother.
They were glad to see Poppy coming back to her usual self(他们很高兴看到Poppy又回到以前的自己), guiding the little dog on daily walks and even introducing to it her favorite toys.
2. Smiling ever so bright(笑得更加灿烂。), he called out to his parents, who tugged him in for a long hug.
3. Her parents watched them playing around and smiled with relief(轻松地笑了)–Poppy was back to her old cheerful self!
1. Terrified(非常害怕), Elli and I tried all the bear defense actions we knew.
2. Seeing the approach of the polar bear, I froze with terror, too scared to move an inch(被恐惧吓呆,害怕到动也不能动).
3. My wife Elli grasped my clothes and trembled, swallowing hard(抓住我的衣服,颤抖着,使劲吞口水).
4. A numbing chill gripped me(一种麻木的寒战擢紧了我).
5. Thinking of the wolf’s bloody mouth, Mac was nearly dead with fright(几乎给吓死)
6. I was seized by a strong sense of horror(被一种强烈的恐惧感所控制), my palms sweating.
1. At the sight of it, Elli waved her hands wildly(疯狂地挥手), screaming, “Help!”
2. When we were safe on the helicopter up in the air, I was amazed to spot (惊奇地发现)that the bear had finally torn down the fence and ran towards the food we left behind.
3. Having pulled the massive body out of the stump, Brian cleaned the wounds (清洁伤口)and then gave him careful treatment. Becky knelt down and tended to the wolf(蹲下来照顾狼)together with Brian.
4. I went near the innocent one and held it in my hand and wiped the puppy(擦干小狗) till he had become dry.
5. Using a rock as the supporting point, I unlocked the chain and set the wolf free(放走这只狼).
1. Elli and I learned our lesson(学到一个教训): Be aware of a bear with a toothache.
2. Despite the chill autumn wind, their home was filled with the warmth of love and reunion(充满爱和团聚的温暖).
3. The rain that came that day was a miracle(那天下的雨是一场奇迹), saving our farm, just like my boy saved a life.
4. Appearing to be feeling better, the wolf slowly raised his head and gave a gentle kiss to Becky’s hand as if to express thanks(好像在表达感谢). What a warm scene!
As my car neared it my thoughts drifted back to the moment when I rescued the hummingbird from the spider’s web. I rushed back to the deserted house. It was a great comfort that the original hole in the window was nowhere to be found.
A flash of movement caught my attention. I turned around to see the same hummingbird hovering in the air. It seemed that the bird was waiting for me, its beady eyes locked on mine as if trying to convey some deep, unspoken gratitude. .
I felt a surge of relief and awe at the sight of this sound and grateful creature, and I knew that I would always cherish the memories we shared as I climbed into my car and drove away.
1. Overwhelmed by guilt(充满内疚), Asad quickly picked up the wallet and strode to Fahad, “I found it over there, and I think it is yours. ”
2. Murmuring in a low voice(小声地低语), he dodged Asad’s shining eyes, somehow even not daring to look into them.
3. She now could do nothing but feel the regret burning in her heart(感觉内疚在她心里燃烧).
4. Ariana nodded, beginning to feel guilty(开始感到内疚).
1. Not knowing what to do(不知道该做什么) , he walked out of the classroom and sat on a bench in front of the canteen.
2. “The best thing you can do for Ashley is to treat her with kindness and sympathy(用善意和同情对待她).”
3. When Ariana gave the lunch to Ashley, she saw tears well up in Ashley’s eyes(眼泪都流出来了).
1. Because these were the people I considered my friends. I broke down in front of her. She apologized. But I felt cheated on. I told her about my decision of not wanting to continue this friendship further(我不再继续这份友谊的决定). We both missed each other. But neither of us wanted to give the last try.
2. During the trip, we intentionally avoided each other(有意避开彼此). However, I couldn’t help glancing at her when she turned back and I sensed the same.
1. Blushed, she broke the silence(打破沉默),“I am sorry again. I didn't mean to hurt you." Tears streaming down, she continued, “I should have talked to you earlier." I stood up and reached out to hug her (伸出手拥抱她), “I am sorry, too. I should have been more generous.”
2. But deep down, we both know all the argument is just about helping us to grow into a better individual (帮助我们成长为更好的个体)instead of enemies.
3. Therefore, we both learned to be tolerant and brave enough to always forgive(足够忍耐和勇敢去原谅).
1.得知我们将有一个晚餐,我非常激动。I'm thrilled to know that we'll have dinner together.
2.他非常激动,露齿而笑。 Excitement crept over his heart and made him grin from ear to ear.
3.这顿饭使我激动不已。想象一下我们将在机场畅饮。I'm buzzing for the dinner. Imagine, we're going to drink freely at the airport.
1. It was on that very day that Tom made his first friend in the new school, and he truly reckoned the value of sincerity and honesty(明白真诚和诚实的价值)in a relationship.
2. So as soon as the plane landed I called him and said, “Luke, that was such a wonderful thing you did for me (那是你为我做的最美妙的事情).Thank you.”
3.一个忠诚的朋友抵得上成千上万的亲戚。 It dawned on me that one loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.
4. If we really value our friends and friendship, always cherish their presence and show willingness to maintain and nurture the relationship(愿意保持和培养这段关系).
4. Appearing to be feeling better, the wolf slowly raised his head and gave a gentle kiss to Becky’s hand as if to express thanks(好像在表达感谢). What a warm scene!
To keep up with his pace, I completely gave up my idle ways and immersed myself in the project. Gradually, he changed his aloof attitude and even offered me help. It seemed that we had gone from strangers to comrades in arms.
To my comfort, as I expressed my concern by his bed, my teammate told me that he trusted me.
Tears of excitement and gratitude blurred my vision. But for my partner, nothing like this could have happened. So when he thumbed up with a rare big grin, it suddenly dawn on me that we were to become kind of lifelong friends.
1. So, my dad and I put on our new cowboy hats, got on our horses, and headed slowly towards the mountains(慢慢地向山走去).
2. Never had I seen such a lovely creature in my life, so I followed its track without thinking twice(不假思索地追随它的足迹).
3. In the process of seeking for it, I was totally immersed in the charm of nature(完全沉浸在大自然的魅力中).
4. What's worse, he didn't have any food or water with him, let alone his cell phone or other supplies(更不要说他的手机和其他日用品).
5. We were in the middle of nowhere, wearing only underwear, with our supplies burnt into ashes(把我们的物品烧成灰烬), including our cellphones.
Suddenly it occurred to us that we could keep to the track to guide us back.But it was getting darker and darker, thus making it increasingly difficult for us to make out the road.(突然我们想到我们可以坚持小路引导我们回去。但天色越来越暗,使我们走路越来越困难。)
1. Ultimately, we were back, safe and sound(安然无恙).
2. We jumped into the warm vehicle and the forester drove us to the ranger station(开车送我们去巡逻站), where we were given clothes and were able to call our parents.
That day was so unforgettable that it would stay in my memory forever.
Only then did I realize that it was bravery that can conquer whatever difficulty came in the way. 直到那时,我才意识到,正是勇敢才能克服一切困难。
1. Sitting in the guestroom, I found it really blissful to be accompanied by our beloved ones.(有我们所爱的人陪伴真的很幸福).
2. Despite feeling weak, Nicholas was generally in a good condition,and he was really happy as he was carried back to the ski resort to reunite with his family(和他的家人团聚).
3.As our van chugged((发动机缓慢运转时)发出突突声) down the freeway, I thought this trip might not be so bad after all. Good-bye, regular old summer vacation. Hello…Trip of a Lifetime(一生一次的旅程)
4. Appearing to be feeling better, the wolf slowly raised his head and gave a gentle kiss to Becky’s hand as if to express thanks(好像在表达感谢). What a warm scene!
1 The polar bear's massive paws clawed at the wire fence, each swipe leaving deep grooves in the wood, a testament to its immense strength and determination.北极熊的巨大爪子在铁丝网上挥击,每一次挥击都在木头上留下深深的沟痕,证明了它的巨大力量和决心。
2 With a low growl, the bear pushed against the fence posts, its breath visible in the cold air, turning its frustration into a physical challenge against our only barrier.伴随着低沉的咆哮声,北极熊推动着围栏的木柱,它的呼吸在冷空气中可见,将它的挫败感转化为对我们唯一屏障的物理挑战。
3 The bear's breath fogged in the cold air as it relentlessly pawed at the fence, each thud of its body against the barrier echoing ominously through the silent camp.在寒冷的空气中,北极熊的呼吸变得模糊,它不懈地用爪子抓挠着围栏,它的身体每次撞击障碍物都在寂静的营地中产生不祥的回响。
1 Elli's eyes mirrored the terror that gripped my heart, a silent understanding between us that this encounter could quickly turn from awe to horror.Elli的眼神反映出我心中的恐惧,我们之间的无声理解告诉我们,这次遭遇很快就能从敬畏转变为恐怖。
2 Our breaths came in short, sharp gasps, the cold air doing little to cool the panic that surged within us at the sight of the bear's relentless assault.我们的呼吸变得短促而急促,寒冷的空气几乎无法缓解我们内心因看到北极熊不懈攻击而涌现的恐慌。
3 Our hearts pounded in unison, a frantic rhythm that seemed to echo the bear's determined strides towards us, each beat a reminder of the thin line between awe and survival.我们的心脏齐齐怦怦跳动,一个狂乱的节奏,似乎回应着北极熊决意向我们靠近的步伐,每一次跳动都提醒着我们敬畏与生存之间微弱的界线。
1 In a moment of desperate ingenuity, I grabbed a slice of garlic bread, tossing it over the fence as a peace offering to the curious giant.
2 Elli nodded, her hands trembling as she prepared another piece, the simple act of throwing bread over the fence a stark contrast to the gravity of our situation.
3 Elli and I exchanged a determined glance, quickly gathering pots and pans to create a cacophony of sound, hoping to deter the advancing predator.
1 As the helicopter blades sliced through the air, the pilot expertly maneuvered the aircraft to land just outside our camp, a beacon of hope in the encroaching twilight.当直升机的叶片切割空气时,飞行员巧妙地操纵飞机降落在我们营地外,成为侵入黄昏中的希望之光。
2 As the helicopter's shadow fell over us, Elli's grip on my hand tightened, a silent prayer of thanks whispered between us for the timely rescue.当直升机的影子笼罩在我们身上时,Elli紧紧握住我的手,我们之间默默地祈祷感谢这次及时的救援。
3 The helicopter hovered above our camp, its downdraft sending a cloud of snow swirling around us as the pilot expertly lowered a rope ladder, signaling our path to safety away from the looming threat of the bear.直升机在我们的营地上空盘旋,它的下洗气流在我们周围掀起一阵雪云,飞行员巧妙地放下了一条绳梯,标志着我们远离北极熊威胁的安全路径。
4 As we made our escape, the pilot used the helicopter to create a cacophony of noise, effectively scaring the bear back into the wilderness, while a ranger on the ground prepared to guide the bear further away with non-lethal deterrents.当我们逃离时,飞行员使用直升机制造了巨大的噪音,有效地将北极熊吓回到了荒野,同时地面上的护林员准备使用非致命的威慑手段引导北极熊进一步远离。
1 Elli clung to my hand, her grip tight with relief as we were ushered into the helicopter, the fear in her eyes slowly replaced by tears of gratitude.Elli紧紧抓住我的手,当我们被引导上直升机时,她因解脱而紧握的手表达了她的感激之情,她眼中的恐惧慢慢被感激的泪水取代。
2 My heart pounded in my chest, a mix of adrenaline and relief flooding my senses as I took one last look at the camp, now safe from the bear's reach.我的心在胸腔里狂跳,当我最后一次看向营地时,一种由肾上腺素和解脱感混合而成的情绪充斥我的感官,现在我们已经安全地脱离了北极熊的触及范围。
3 The moment we were lifted off the ground, the tension that had gripped us began to unravel; we shared a look that conveyed volumes, a silent acknowledgment of having survived an ordeal together.当我们被直升机提离地面的那一刻,紧绷着我们的紧张情绪开始解除;我们相互交换了一个眼神,无声地承认了我们一起度过了一次磨难。
1 This harrowing experience reinforced the vital lesson that respecting the distance between us and the wild is not just about safety, but about preserving the awe-inspiring beauty of nature.这次惊心动魄的经历加深了一个重要教训:尊重我们与野生动物之间的距离不仅仅是为了安全,更是为了保护自然的令人敬畏之美。
2 As we flew away, leaving the vast wilderness below, I realized that distance allows us to truly appreciate the magnificence of these creatures, ensuring that both humans and polar bears can thrive.当我们飞离,留下下方的广阔荒野时,我意识到距离让我们能够真正欣赏这些生物的壮丽,确保人类和北极熊都能繁荣生存。
3 As the helicopter lifted us away from the imminent danger, the overwhelming sense of relief was tinged with a newfound respect for the power and unpredictability of nature, reminding us of our place within it.当直升机将我们从迫在眉睫的危险中带走时,那强烈的解脱感中夹杂着对自然力量和不可预测性的新发现的尊重,提醒我们记住我们在其中的位置。
一到晚夏,池塘就会被绿色的起泡浮渣覆盖。有时候,池塘里冒出一阵强烈的难闻的味道。ln late summer, the pond would be covered by a green and bubbly scum(起泡的浮渣).Sometimes a strong, unpleasant smell rose from it.
(2)在池塘中间,冰面忽然露出了一条裂缝。In the middle of the pond, the ice gave way with a sudden crack.
(3)空气里弥漫着浓厚灼热的味道。A thick burning smell filled the air.
(1) Watching the shore in the distance, I felt powerless(无力的) as if we were broken tiny boats at the mercy of strong waves.
(2) Exhausted and cold, the thought that we might die here flashed across my mind, which made me quiver with an uncontrollable terror/horror/fright(难以控制地发抖)
(4) Looking at the vast sea, I felt a sense of fear surging through my whole body(在身体涌动)【第二步:救人之中(挣扎努力+救人相关的惊险场面和过程+如释重负)】
(1) Tom looked thoughtful(若有所思)
(2)“We need to think out a way!" I muttered (喃喃自语),scratching my head.(绞尽脑汁)
(3) ...,We swam tooth and nail(全力以赴地).
(1) The next thing I knew I was hanging on to the edge of a hole in the ice by arms outstretched on the ice. From my shoulders down I hung in icy water.
(2) I tried to climb out of the hole, but when I got a knee on the ice, it broke like window glass(像玻璃一样破裂).
(3)As the coat became completely wet, it dragged me down(把我拖下水). I was tired of the struggle and rested with my arms stretched out on the ice.
“帮我把西蒙斯弄下车!”诺伍德对惊慌失措的朋友们大声喊道。“Help me get Simmons out of the car!” Norwood yelled loudly to her friends, who were left in a panic.
(2)尽管紧张而焦虑,诺伍德努力让自己镇静下来,对西蒙斯进行了急救。Nervous and anxious, Norwood struggled to calm herself down and carried out first aid to Simmons.
Ensuing their safety, I felt a surge of triumph .(感到一阵胜利的喜悦)
Hearing the news, I couldn't help restraining my excitement.(情难自抑)
(3) It thrilled us to hear the good news (听到新消息很高兴).
(4) On hearing the good news, Tom and I sighed in great relief(如释重负地叹了口气), grinning merrily at each other.
"If I had not been given first aid, I would have dead.” Simmons said to Norwood gratefully.
Simmons showed her gratitude to Norwood, saying "It was you who came to my aid and saved my life.”西蒙斯对诺伍德表示了感谢,她说:“是你来帮助我,救了我一命。”
“Thank you for entering my world and I will always remember what you have done for me."Simmons whispered to Norwood.
(1)花点时间来学习急救和心肺复苏术。拯救了生命,而且很有效。Take some time to learn the knowledge of first aid. It saves lives, and it works.
(2)这个故事表明,良好的急救知识真的可以起作用。The story shows that a good knowledge of first aid can make a real difference.
(3)每个人都应该学点急救知识,因为在紧急情况下每一秒都很重要。Everyone should learn something about first aid, for every second will count in an emergency.
(4)了解基础的急救知识有助于你对紧急情况作出迅速的反应。Knowing basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies.


