YESASIA: Always - Sunset on Third Street '64 (DVD) (Deluxe Edition) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version) DVD - Miura Tomokazu, Yakushimaru Hiroko, Xiao Xue Guan - Japan Movies & Videos - Free Shipping - North America Site
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Always - Sunset on Third Street '64 (DVD) (Deluxe Edition) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version) DVD Region 2

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All Editions Rating: Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10 (1)

YesAsia Editorial Description

Director Yamazaki Takashi takes audiences back to Third Street with the third installment of the blockbuster Always series. Picking up five years where Always 2 left off, Always '64 depicts another turning point in the lives of Third Street, including the family of Suzuki Auto, aspiring fantasy writer/storeowner Chagawa, his wife Hiromi, and his adopted son Junnosuke. By setting the film during the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, Takashi and co-writer Kosawa Ryota once again take the chance to show off state-of-the-art special effects with an impressive recreation of 1964 Tokyo while telling a moving story about familial bond, following your dreams, and the importance of having good neighbors. As part of one of the most successful film franchises in recent Japanese cinema, Always '64 (the first installment in the series to be shot in 3D) was again a huge hit with nostalgic baby boomers and those in love with the endearing people of Third Street.

Five years have passed since the events of Always 2, and Tokyo - including the people of Third Street - are swept up by Olympics fever. Suzuki (Tsutsumi Shinichi) is seeing his Suzuki Auto business booming, his son Ippei is falling in love with American rock-and-roll music, and his loyal employee/adopted daughter Mutsuko (Horikita Maki) has fallen in love with a young doctor (Moriyama Mirai). Across the street, writer Chagawa (Yoshioka Hidetaka) is happily married to bar owner Hiromi (Koyuki), and his adopted son Junnosuke is also becoming a talented writer in his own right. However, the happy life is threatened when his writing is pulled from serialization. With modernization coming just around the corner, what does the future hold for the people of Third Street?

Deluxe Edition DVD features the 2D version of the film. It includes an audio commentary, special effects featurette, stills gallery, stage events, deleted scenes, and promotional material. It also comes with a set of 3D photos, the 3D version of the film's poster, a vintage red and green 3D glasses, a pamphlet, and a papercraft.

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Technical Information

Product Title: Always - Sunset on Third Street '64 (DVD) (Deluxe Edition) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version) 三丁目之黃昏 '64 (DVD) (豪華版) (英文字幕) (日本版) 三丁目之黄昏 '64 (DVD) (豪华版) (英文字幕) (日本版) ALWAYS 三丁目の夕日 ’64 【豪華版】 Always - Sunset on Third Street '64 (DVD) (Deluxe Edition) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version)
Also known as: Always - Sanchome no Yuhi '64 Always - Sanchome no Yuhi '64 Always - Sanchome no Yuhi '64 Always - Sanchome no Yuhi '64 Always - Sanchome no Yuhi '64
Artist Name(s): Miura Tomokazu | Yakushimaru Hiroko | Tsutsumi Shinichi | Koyuki | Suga Kenta | Motai Masako | Yoshioka Hidetaka | Horikita Maki 三浦友和 | 藥師丸博子 | 堤真一 | 小雪 | 須賀健太 | Motai Masako | 吉岡秀隆 | 堀北真希 三浦友和 | 药师丸博子 | 堤真一 | 小雪 | 须贺健太 | Motai Masako | 吉冈秀隆 | 堀北真希 三浦友和 | 薬師丸ひろ子 | 堤真一 | 小雪 | 須賀健太 | もたいまさこ | 吉岡秀隆 | 堀北真希 Miura Tomokazu | Yakushimaru Hiroko | Tsutsumi Shinichi | Koyuki | Suga Kenta | Motai Masako | Yoshioka Hidetaka | Horikita Maki
Director: Yamazaki Takashi 山崎貴 山崎贵 山崎貴 Yamazaki Takashi
Release Date: 2012-07-20
Publisher Product Code: VPBT-15618
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: English, Japanese
Place of Origin: Japan
Picture Format: NTSC What is it?
Disc Format(s): DVD
Region Code: 2 - Japan, Europe, South Africa, Greenland and the Middle East (including Egypt) What is it?
Publisher: Xiao Xue Guan
Other Information: 2DVDs + Goods
Shipment Unit: 3 What is it?
YesAsia Catalog No.: 1030922050

Product Information

タイトル:ALWAYS 三丁目の夕日 ’64【豪華版】

2005年11月に公開された「ALWAYS 三丁目の夕日」は、異例のロングランヒットを記録し、日本アカデミー賞をはじめ各映画賞を総なめにしました。
さらには再び日本に「昭和」ブームを巻き起こすなど「映画」という枠を超えた「社会現象」にまでなりました。その2年後には、続編を望む多くの声に応えて「ALWAYS 続・三丁目の夕日」が公開され、前作を上回る大ヒットとなり、日本中を再び感動の渦に巻き込みました。

昭和39年(1964年)――アジア初となる東京オリンピックが開催されるこの年、東京はビルや高速道路の建築ラッシュとなり、熱気に満ちあふれていました。そんな中、東京下町の夕日町三丁目の住民たちは、5年前と変わらず元気に暮らしています。茶川はヒロミと結婚し、高校生になった淳之介と3人暮らし。茶川商店の一角は改装され、ヒロミがおかみを勤める居酒屋が…。2階も増築しました。ヒロミは身重で、もうすぐ家族が増える様子です。茶川は「冒険少年ブック」の看板作家として活躍していますが、新人・緑沼アキラに人気を奪われつつあり、焦った茶川はまたまたスランプ気味で…。一方、則文、トモエ、一平、六子が暮らす鈴木オートは順調に事業を拡大し、新たな従業員・ケンジも加わりました。後輩を厳しく指導する六子ですが、毎朝おめかしをして出かけていきます。それは通勤途中の医者・菊池孝太郎を待ち伏せて朝の挨拶をかわすためでした。それを目撃したたばこ屋のキンはいろいろお節介を焼きはじめますが…。そんな折、茶川のもとに父・林太郎の訃報が届きます。ヒロミを連れてお葬式に行った茶川は、父の真意を知ることに…。一方、六子は菊池とバカンスに行くところを丸山と吉田に見られて、則文はじめ鈴木オートは大騒動に。果たして六子と菊池の恋の行方は? 父の思いを知った茶川の決意とは? 



・豪華パンフレット「記録 ALWAYS 三丁目の夕日’64~お帰りなさい、三丁目の町角へ~」
・新・昭和玉手箱(「ダイハツ ミゼット」ペーパークラフト/懐かしの赤×青3D眼鏡&立体写真4枚セット/「冒険少年ブック」表紙シール集/「ALWAYS 三丁目の夕日’64」ポスター原画レプリカ3D版)



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YumCha! Asian Entertainment Reviews and Features

Editor's Pick of "Always - Sunset on Third Street '64 (DVD) (Deluxe Edition) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version)"

Picked By Rockman
See all this editor's picks

July 27, 2012

Just like going home
A great thing about the Always – Sunset on Third Street series is how spoiler-proof the films are. I can find out everything that happens in the stories beforehand and still enjoy them for the sentimental nostalgia exercises that they are. Despite being created by a director better known for his technical wizardry than crafting humanistic stories, the Always films are about warmth, familiarity, and - pardon me for the cliché - the triumph of the human spirit.

Always '64, the third film of the series, is certainly no different. Five years have passed since the events of the second film, and even as the rest of the Tokyo continues its rapid societal changes during the economic boom, the people of Third Street remain just as friendly and warm as ever. Chagawa has found success as a writer, with adopted son Junnosuke and local bar owner Hiromi back at his side. However, a new, more popular writer is threatening his place at the magazine that is serializing his stories. Across the street in the Suzuki Auto family, Mr. Suzuki has trained loyal employee Roku into a great mechanic, even as she is falling head over heels for a local doctor. Meanwhile, the Suzuki-Chagawa feud continues, as Mr. Suzuki once again outdoes Chagawa when he becomes the first family in the neighborhood with a fancy new color television.

While Always '64 depicts a new stage in life for some of these characters (the kids are nearly unrecognizable here now that the young actors are in puberty), the spirit of the film remains the same. The shadiest characters will turn out to have the best intentions, and even the direst situations always come with light at the end of the tunnel. Watching Always '64 is like going home, checking in with people you have come to care about over the course of two movies. They're all flawed human beings (the men are often too proud, and the women often have no real personalities), but they're flawed in a lovable way.

Always doesn't seem to be the ideal film to show off new 3D cinema technology. However, if anyone can pull off shooting a sentimental tearjerker in 3D, it's probably director/visual effects supervisor Yamazaki Takashi. In addition to its cast of lovable characters and strong dose of nostalgia, the Always series is known for using the latest in special effects to recreate 1960s Tokyo. From the signature shot of the paper aircraft flying through the neighborhood to the use of 3D in showing the transformation of an angry Mr. Suzuki, it's clear that Yamazaki sincerely made an effort this time around to further enhance the world he has built over the three films.

Unlike the previous films, Always '64 offers a more definitive ending to the story than the previous films. Of course, the filmmakers will create ways to bring everyone back again if this installment makes money, but the ending here is so satisfactory that it's hard to imagine that the filmmakers can pull off a fourth film that retains the quality of the current trilogy. Then again, considering that Japanese cinema gave us long-running film series such as Otoko wa Tsurai yo (which went on for 20-plus films), it would be no surprise to see Always continue for many years to come. Despite my doubts, the truth is that I've come to like the Always series so much that I am willing to keep watching for as long as they're willing to keep making them.

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Customer Review of "Always - Sunset on Third Street '64 (DVD) (Deluxe Edition) (English Subtitled) (Japan Version)"

Average Customer Rating for All Editions of this Product: Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10 (1)

Kevin Kennedy
See all my reviews

October 3, 2014

This customer review refers to Always - Sunset on Third Street 3 (2012) (DVD) (Taiwan Version)
1 people found this review helpful

It's 1964 on Third Street Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10
"Always Sunset on Third Street 3" begins well. Mutsuko (Horikita Maki), the adopted daughter of 'Suzuki Auto', has grown into a lovely young woman and has become smitten by a handsome young doctor. However, rumor has it that the doctor is a womanizer who can't hold a job. Has Mutsuko fallen for the wrong man? Across the street, the writer Chagawa (Yoshioka Hidetaka) finds himself in a losing battle for his livelihood against a hot young writer. As if having another writer swiftly become more popular than Chagawa isn't tough enough for him to handle, his entire household is turned upside down when the true identity of the rising star is revealed.

It is a treat to return to this Third Street world and these affectionately rendered characters. As in the previous "Always" movies, the look and feel of this time and place are captured beautifully. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, "Always 3" begins to feel ponderous and overwrought. The 144 minute long movie surely would have been improved by having a half-hour of Chagawa's whining and feeling sorry for himself pruned from the production. Perhaps the "Always" franchise is running out of steam, but I enjoyed this opportunity to visit with my old friends once again.
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