11 Astounding Facts About Huda Kattan - Facts.net
Rachael Stoddard

Written by Rachael Stoddard

Modified & Updated: 21 May 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Harpersbazaararabia.com

Huda Kattan is undeniably one of the most influential figures in the beauty industry. As a makeup artist turned entrepreneur, she has built an empire around her passion for all things beauty. With over 50 million followers on Instagram and a successful makeup line, Huda Beauty, she has become a household name among beauty enthusiasts worldwide.

But there’s more to Huda Kattan than just her stunning looks and business acumen. In this article, we’ll delve into some astounding facts about Huda Kattan that you might not be aware of. From her humble beginnings to her relentless pursuit of excellence, prepare to be amazed by the story behind this remarkable celebrity.

Key Takeaways:

  • Huda Kattan, a makeup mogul, started as a beauty blogger and now runs a successful beauty brand, inspiring millions with her natural beauty message and philanthropic efforts.
  • Huda Kattan’s journey from a beauty blogger to a global beauty icon showcases her passion, creativity, and dedication, inspiring others to chase their dreams and embrace their natural beauty.
Table of Contents

Huda Kattan is of Iraqi descent.

Although born and raised in the United States, Huda Kattan is proud of her Iraqi heritage. She often incorporates Middle Eastern influences into her makeup products.

Huda Kattan started as a beauty blogger.

Before launching her own makeup brand, Huda gained popularity through her beauty blog where she shared makeup tutorials, product reviews, and beauty tips.

Huda Beauty is one of the most successful beauty brands.

With a range of high-quality makeup products, Huda Beauty has gained a massive following worldwide. It is loved by makeup enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Huda Kattan has a massive social media following.

Known for her flawless makeup looks, Huda has amassed millions of followers on platforms like Instagram and YouTube. Her engaging content and beauty expertise have made her a social media sensation.

Huda Kattan’s favorite makeup product is false eyelashes.

Huda is known for her love for false eyelashes and has designed a wide range of lashes under her brand. They are a must-have for anyone looking to achieve glamorous eyes.

Huda Kattan has collaborated with major beauty brands.

Huda’s expertise and influence in the beauty industry have led to collaborations with renowned brands like N.Y.M.P.H, Tarte, and Kayali, further solidifying her position as a beauty authority.

Huda Kattan believes in embracing natural beauty.

While Huda is widely known for her makeup skills, she emphasizes the importance of self-acceptance and embracing one’s natural beauty. She encourages her followers to feel confident in their own skin.

Huda Kattan is a philanthropist.

Beyond her success in the beauty industry, Huda actively participates in charitable endeavors. She has donated to various causes, including refugee aid and education initiatives.

Huda Kattan has her own reality show.

Offering a behind-the-scenes look into her life and business, Huda’s reality show gives fans a glimpse into the hard work and dedication it takes to run a global beauty empire.

Huda Kattan has written a best-selling book.

Titled “Huda Beauty: A Makeup Manual,” her book provides readers with valuable beauty advice and tips, making it a must-read for makeup enthusiasts.

Huda Kattan’s influence extends beyond makeup.

With her undeniable success, Huda has become a symbol of empowerment, inspiring aspiring entrepreneurs, makeup lovers, and women all around the world to chase their dreams.

These 11 astounding facts about Huda Kattan shed light on her remarkable journey in the beauty industry. From her early days as a beauty blogger to her now-iconic status, Huda continues to innovate and redefine the beauty world. Her passion, creativity, and dedication have made her a true icon in the industry.


In conclusion, Huda Kattan is a trailblazing beauty entrepreneur who has left an indelible mark on the world of cosmetics. From starting as a beauty blogger to building a multi-million dollar empire, she has proven that hard work, innovation, and passion can turn dreams into reality. Her incredible journey serves as an inspiration to aspiring business owners and makeup enthusiasts worldwide.Through her brand Huda Beauty, Kattan has revolutionized the beauty industry by creating high-quality products that cater to a diverse range of skin tones. Her dedication to inclusivity and authenticity has garnered her a loyal following, and she continues to empower individuals to express their unique beauty through her makeup line.Not only has she brought positive change to the beauty industry, but Kattan is also a philanthropist who strives to make a difference in other people’s lives. Through her charitable initiatives and advocacy for various causes, she exemplifies the true essence of giving back.Huda Kattan’s impact transcends the world of beauty. She has redefined success and continues to inspire millions with her entrepreneurial spirit and unwavering determination. With her relentless pursuit of excellence, it is safe to say that Huda Kattan is a force to be reckoned with in the world of beauty and beyond.


1. How did Huda Kattan gain fame in the beauty industry?

Huda Kattan gained fame in the beauty industry through her successful beauty blog and social media presence. Her expertise and passion for makeup attracted a wide audience, leading to the creation of her renowned brand, Huda Beauty.

2. What sets Huda Beauty apart from other makeup brands?

Huda Beauty stands out due to its commitment to inclusivity, high-quality products, and innovative formulas. The brand offers a wide range of makeup options that cater to different skin tones and types, allowing individuals to express their unique beauty.

3. How did Huda Kattan build her empire?

Huda Kattan started her empire by leveraging her expertise and social media following. Through strategic partnerships, collaborations, and product launches, she expanded her brand’s reach and solidified her position as a prominent figure in the beauty industry.

4. How does Huda Kattan give back to the community?

Huda Kattan actively engages in philanthropic endeavors and supports various charitable causes. She uses her platform to raise awareness and funds for organizations dedicated to empowering women, education, and social equality.

5. What is Huda Kattan’s vision for the future of her brand?

Huda Kattan envisions further growth and expansion for her brand. She aims to continue developing innovative products, expanding into new markets, and creating opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs in the beauty industry.

Huda Kattan's inspiring journey from beauty blogger to makeup mogul is truly remarkable. Her passion for embracing natural beauty and empowering others shines through in every aspect of her life. If you're curious about other captivating scents that can elevate your beauty routine, consider exploring the alluring world of Kayali Perfume. Each fragrance tells a unique story, much like Huda's own path to success.

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