Polish President Andrzej Duda stresses need to aid Ukraine at Qatar Economic Forum - English Section - polskieradio.pl
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Polish President Andrzej Duda stresses need to aid Ukraine at Qatar Economic Forum

14.05.2024 12:30
At the Qatar Economic Forum, Polish President Andrzej Duda has said that it of “critical importance” to prevent a Russian victory in Ukraine.
Polish President Andrzej Duda.
Polish President Andrzej Duda.Photo: PAP/Marcin Obara

President Duda's remarks came during his diplomatic visit to Qatar, which started on Tuesday and will conclude on Wednesday.

Earlier, Duda also met with the Emir of Qatar to explore bilateral cooperation in security and military areas.

In a session titled “Head of State & Government Spotlight,” Duda responded to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s recent comments expressing skepticism about Ukraine's prospects for victory.

"It depends on how we understand the issue of victory," Duda stated, asserting that the primary objective should be to thwart Russian ambitions in the region.

"A Russian offensive is practically certain, and we expect it could begin in the next few weeks," he added.

Duda’s further engagements at the forum include scheduled meetings with Anwar Ibrahim, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, and Prabowo Subianto, the President-elect of Indonesia. The Polish leader’s agenda also features a meeting with Jassim bin Saif bin Ahmed Al Sulaiti, Qatar’s Transport Minister.

In addition to his diplomatic engagements, Duda plans to visit Polish troops stationed at the Al Udeid base in Iraq, southwest of Qatar’s Doha.


Source: IAR, PAP