What’s a horror film performance you feel doesn’t get enough credit? : r/moviecritic Skip to main content

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What’s a horror film performance you feel doesn’t get enough credit?

My pick: Sean Pertwee in Dog Soldiers

r/moviecritic - What’s a horror film performance you feel doesn’t get enough credit?
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The whole cast in Dog Soldiers is phenomenal

"we need something loud and fast"

spoon, "wut?"


“I hope I give you the shits, you fucking wimp”

RIP Spoon



God what a fucking badass Spoon is. Most quotable man in existence lol.

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Legitimate bad ass.

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u/Richeh avatar

"Where's Spoon?"

"There is no Spoon."

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u/Striking_Benefit7202 avatar

I read somewhere that the actor was literally hammered for this scene :D

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Was no one else annoyed with their non-sensical plan to drive the jeep into the barn?

Ruined the movie for me.

u/Number174631503 avatar

You are not alone there are halves of dozens of us

I see you, brother ✊

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u/squitsquat avatar

The movie was a bit campy, but when the one dude started boxing a werewolf that was a bit much lol

Yeah, a wolf that was tearing other soldiers to shreds in seconds at the beginning of the film, is apparently vulnerable to bodyshot combos.

I don’t know how this stuff passes the edit.

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It’s one of my favorite horror films. Could you imagine if Ray Stevenson would have been in the movie?

I just watched this last night. It was much better than I thought it would be.

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He was awesome in Event Horizon as well

u/bravet4b avatar

Man... He had probably the most horrific death of the entire group too.

u/horrorqueen92 avatar

Nah haha getting blown up is not the most horrific. Lawerence character legit goes to hell lol

u/Caesar_Seriona avatar

Lawerence is by himself which saves him from a lot of bullshit.

He did sacrifice himself so that could have saved him

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He had by far the “best” death anyone on that crew could have hoped for….😑🤔

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And Wilderness.

And Love, Honour and Obey (London gangster rather than horror, but still excellent)

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Dog soldiers doesn’t get enough credit in general

Shauna MacDonald in The Descent.

u/No-YouShutUp avatar

Just because the descent wasn’t mainstream when it came out doesn’t mean it isn’t spoken about frequently in movie/horror circles. I’d say the movie and performances get a ton of kudos 20 years after the movies release.

Fair enough. Guess I’m OOL.

20 years? Fuck I'm old

This. It's a god damn cult classic, and it's ascended that echelon several years ago.

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Natalie Mendoza Descent 2. Badass survivor just to have a shit end.

u/Control_Me avatar

Not only is The Descent 2 a bad movie but it also ruins the ending of the first one.

Here is the proper ending to The Descent for those who only saw the bad ending that leads into The Descent 2.

I hated the second one. It took everything good about the first and ruined it.

True. It didn't need a second one. My wife really wanted to watch it and yep we were both disappointed.

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Gregory Peck in The Omen

Brad Dourif in the exorcist 3

u/DrRonnieJamesDO avatar

One of those guys who is just amazing in everything (eg Deadwood)

u/woyzeckspeas avatar

Dourif was his usual chilling, mesmerizing self. But I wasn't prepared for George C Scott to bring me to tears.

Brad Dourif in Death Machine.

u/S-Markt avatar

ah, memories of my childhood. when movies wasnt cash cow universes, but having an idea, grabbing some money and a junkyard.

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u/S-Markt avatar

brad dourif in star trek voyager (ok, not a horror movie, but some sort of, because suder is some sort of dexter. awesome performance)

u/NutellaGood avatar

And then somehow believable and sympathetic as a reformed maniac.

u/Upstairs_Internal295 avatar

Agreed. Source: am massive Trekkie

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u/Right_Rev avatar

“Legion” (Exorcist 3) is one of my favorite horror movies of all time. Creepy existential dread.

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u/michealrourke avatar

Sam Neil in Event Horizon.

Sam Neil in In The Mouth of Madness.

u/Richeh avatar

In The Mouth of Madness doesn't get enough credit. One of the few movies I've seen that captures the terrifying concept of... another place, utterly, unimaginibly alien to our own that is teeming with creatures beyond description. And the idea of being compelled to your own destruction by forces beyond your control.

Sam Neill has done some absolutely stellar cosmic horror shit.

u/thisismeritehere avatar

I couldn’t agree more, I don’t think theirs a better cosmic horror movie out there!

u/Richeh avatar

I agree - but on the offchance that you haven't seen it, Color From Out Of Space came pretty close - certainly on the special effects.

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u/DiegoForskinForlan avatar

I agree 100% he was phenomenal in The Mouth of Madness.

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Tim Curry in Rocky Horror Picture Show 🙀

Shit, Tim Curry as Pennywise.

Poop. Tim Curry in Legend.

u/PickledCaveman avatar

Hell, Tim Curry in CLUE.

Tim Curry in Loaded Weapon ("Vilderness girls!")

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Animated shit: Tim Curry in Ferm Gully

I wouldnt really call rhps a horror movie even if horrors in the title. But i do agree he deserves much more credit. Without him i think the movie wouldve fallen flat. To this day in world of warcraft when someone hits the Time Warp spell i start singing timewarp. And i have a habbit to randomly sing sweet transvestite, even if it is a bit of a nono word nowadays to say. The song is fucking masterfully performed by him

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u/EsotericElegey avatar

Joseph Pilato in Day Of The Dead is crazy memorable


u/dazedsmoker avatar

Thank you

Not a piece of scenery not chewed on

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Elijah Wood in Maniac. By far one of the most terrifying serial killers on screen


Jonesy in alien

Rewatched that last weekend. I know it’s mostly editing/timing but the cat is legit on point acting throughout.

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u/SevroAuShitTalker avatar

Brendan Gleeson in 28 Days Later

u/BushDaddyKane avatar

One man swat team guy

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The Thing, one of the best horror movies ever made

u/Greaser_Dude avatar

Jeff Goldblum - The Fly

u/Mcclane88 avatar

Still blows my mind that he wasn’t nominated. He brought a lot to that role whether it be the way he speaks or how his physicality changes with the transformation. It’s an amazing performance. I haven’t seen Goldblum be that good since then.

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u/InkedMetalHead avatar

Dog Soldiers is epic.

u/RLIwannaquit avatar

Sean Pertwee is always good - Smitty on Event Horizon too

Ben Affleck in Gigli

u/Secure-Ad-4482 avatar

Mathew Lillard in 13 ghosts

u/DrRonnieJamesDO avatar

Rebecca Ferguson in The Night House. Absolutely nailed the tone the director was going for.

u/jamieliddellthepoet avatar

She was excellent in Dr Sleep, too.

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u/Sweet-Inside5900 avatar

The wild boar that Mac absolutely destroyed with his knife in Predator

Could you have found something bigger?

u/SokkaHaikuBot avatar

Sokka-Haiku by Sweet-Inside5900:

The wild boar that Mac

Absolutely destroyed with

His knife in Predator

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.

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u/RandomGreekPerson avatar

Essie Davis in The Babadook

Matthew McConaughey in Texas chainsaw massacre was pretty good. He didn't really have to act that well in a slasher but he did

u/burnn_out313 avatar

He delivers an absolute manic performance and I'm here for it

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Event Horizon - Sam Neil and Lawrence Fisburne

This and Alien are actually scary. Night of a thousand corpses is also just terrifying

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Sinister 1.

u/SuperbBison2867 avatar

Pretty much the whole cast of “the descent “… The sequel is hilariously awful but the original is super scary and a lot of it is based on the actors behavior and reactions

Thomas Jane in 1922

Thomas Jane in The Mist was good.

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The one where Jason Voohries goes into space. I mean to be able to kill in outer space must have been a real challenge for the little kid who could not swim in the lake as a child

Linda Blair in the The Exorcist

u/NoChallenge6095 avatar


Robert Shaw

u/63crabby avatar

Joaquin Phoenix in Signs (if Signs is considered a horror film). Mel Gibson was great too.