Bernd Lucke interview: 'Why Germany has had enough of the euro'

Bernd Lucke interview: 'Why Germany has had enough of the euro'

The founder of Germany's first eurosceptic party tells The Telegraph why it is time to break up the euro – and why he is confident of dethroning Angela Merkel.

Bernd Lucke interview: 'Why Germany has had enough of the euro'
Bernd Lucke: “My reaction is that the euro splits Europe” Credit: Photo: REUTERS

At first glance, Bernd Lucke seems an unlikely character to be causing sleepless nights for the high command of the European Union.

Boyish-looking, softly-spoken and an economics professor, he is almost unheard of outside of his homeland, and far from a household name even within Germany.

In coming months, though, the mild-mannered academic from Hamburg may prove a far greater threat to the future of the European project than many more strident Euro-sceptics.

The 50-year-old’s breakaway political party is the first to challenge the previously unassailable orthodoxy that Germany must stay in the eurozone. And his newly-formed movement, the Alternative For Germany, is hoping in general elections this September to tap into the 25 per cent of voters who say they could envisage Germany without the euro.

His party is a direct threat to the fragile coalition of Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has largely underwritten the eurozone’s future by shouldering the bulk of bail-out costs for southern Europe. But after successive bail-outs of the likes of Greece and Cyprus – and little in the way of gratitude from the recipients, who have branded the Germans as “Nazis” for insisting that their generosity is accompanied by economic reform – the patience of many Germans has run out. The eurozone is now promoting strife, not unity, says Mr Lucke – and so it is time to quit.

“My reaction is that the euro splits Europe,” he said. “It is actually dividing the European nations as it involves a heavy economic burden on those countries.

“Many of Angela Merkel’s supporters will vote for us. And when she loses public support, this will be the end of her political life.”

Next weekend Mr Lucke will go to a Berlin hotel to hold the inaugural convention for his party, which he started just earlier this year. The convention has capacity for 1,300 supporters, and is already massively oversubscribed.

The party will have to collect 2,000 signatures in each of Germany’s 16 states to be registered as a party, and gain over five per cent of the vote to enter the Bundestag. But Mr Lucke, who spoke to The Sunday Telegraph ahead of next week’s conference, is more than confident of that.

Thoughtful and scholarly in manner, he does not fit the image of most Eurosceptic politicians around the continent, who typically tend to be boisterous and rabble-rousing. Unlike the Ukip leader, Nigel Farage, he makes no pretence to be a “man of the people” – indeed, he describes accusations that he is playing a “populist” card as a smear dreamt up by Left-wing academics.

But nonetheless, he is firm about the problems created by Europe, and convinced that in its current form, the European Union is fostering disunity, not harmony.

“The euro is not a currency under which the European project can prosper,” he said. “There is a division of Europe now and this is going to become bigger in the future, if we don’t stop this process and introduce more monetary flexibility for those countries who suffer the most.”

Is this a response to the northern European view that their work ethic is incompatible with that of the south?

“Yes,” he said firmly.

As such, Mr Lucke advocates a progressive “dissolution” of the eurozone, with southern European nations – Greece, Cyprus, Portugal, Spain, Italy – leaving forthwith. Even more controversially, he also recommends the same fate for France, leaving a rump eurozone of financially prudent Nordic nations that would likewise eventually dissolve as well.

“They (France) should leave and then we would be left with a much smaller eurozone, which could then perhaps exist for a longer period of time,” he said. “It could live on, or it could perhaps be dissolved after the southern European countries have left.”

Surely his position is not popular in Paris?

“I have actually heard that economists in France are keen on leaving the euro as they see the problems they are running into. I also think the Greek population would actually be quite happy about the stance we take, as we argue for debt reduction for them, rather than increasing the debt burden and pushing them into a corner.”

Chiming with British Euro-sceptics, Mr Lucke’s party also calls for less bureaucracy and the repatriation of many powers from Brussels. Competition policy, foreign policy, defence and banking regulation should remain at a European level, but most other decisions should be returned to national governments, he said.

“Germans have never had the opportunity to vote on major pieces of legislation, some of which have shaped the European Union and have shaped the common currency. They didn’t realise that the decisions taken by our parliament were sometimes grossly misguided.”

Germany is the largest contributor to the European Union and the driving force behind the single currency. It also holds the purse strings.

In 2011, the last year for which statistics are available, the country of 89 million put €7.5bn into the EU pot – compared with around €5bn from France and €4.7bn from Britain, the second and third biggest donors. In addition, though, Germany also contributes substantially more to the euro rescue fund, which is meant to prevent EU countries with financial problems from slipping into bankruptcy by providing such countries with favourable lending conditions. So far, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Cyprus have tapped into the fund.

Given the significant contribution made by Germany, it is perhaps surprising that no serious eurosceptic party has emerged sooner. But Germans have long embraced the European project in ways that are different to attitudes in Britain; benefiting economically from a single market for their exports, and politically from being at the heart of a united Europe. Ever mindful of its Nazi past, Germany is wary of returning to its previous position as an economically powerful “outsider”.

Nicolaus Heinen, an analyst for Deutsche Bank, said: “There have been various Eurosceptic movements, who were not supported by society and therefore not successful. Due to the First and Second World Wars, there is a general understanding in German society that any attempt to be against the peaceful European integration project will end badly.

“But the Alternative for Germany party has had tremendous success in terms of membership so far. They already have 5,000 members and haven’t even had their founding convention.”

For Mr Lucke, his “road to Damascus” moment came in May 2010, when Germany agreed to bail out Greece, breaching the Maastricht treaty which stated that there should be no such bail out of other member states. Having been a member of Mrs Merkel’s centre-right Christian Democrat party for 33 years, he had a sudden crisis of faith.

“It communicated the feeling that governments were not bound by law, and it introduced a policy which was economically misguided.

“It made me feel homeless in my party. And it took me some time to realise this was a deeply-routed problem in my party, the CDU, and by 2011 I knew that I had to leave.”

A former World Bank adviser and father of five, Mr Lucke became the figurehead for a group of disillusioned German academics who form the core of his party. His team carefully screen all potential members in an attempt to weed out anyone who has been a member of Germany’s far-Right NPD.

By contrast, Mr Farage was last week publicly endorsed by the leader of the far-Right English Defence League, leading to a repeat of suggestions that Ukip was a potential bastion of extremism.

“We don’t want to be a populist party,” said Mr Lucke. “There are parts of the German media that try to communicate this idea that we are a Right-wing populist organisation, but we argue against that because I think we have serious and realistic goals. Not populist goals. We are dissatisfied voters of all major German parties who long for the dissolution of the euro.”

And the fledgling party is gaining support. A recent poll by Focus magazine showed that 26 per cent of Germans would consider voting for an anti-euro party. This figure rises to 40 per cent among those aged between 40 and 49.

Mr Lucke is realistic about his electoral chances, laughing off the suggestion that his party could actually rule Germany. But he could cause a headache for the established political figures.

Last week, as shoppers braved the cold on the streets of Berlin, there were clear signs of support for the movement.

Marius Maslowski, 50, an electronic goods repair man, said: “The people in Germany and France were not consulted when the euro was introduced. We were ruled by Brussels. In many respects, the euro wasn’t very well thought through.

“The crisis is worsened by countries that are in the euro, but people just want to live off benefits – like the southern European lands, Greece, Italy, Portugal – that’s well known. I would vote for a party that gave more control to national governments, more control of their budgets.”

Others aren’t so sure.

“I think the euro should stay, we should keep it,” said Ingrid Dreper, a 79-year-old retired secretary. “It was introduced because we didn’t want any more war. I find Merkel very intelligent. She thinks ahead and then she deals with things. The English are against Europe. But they are daft. It’s not going so well in England, is it?”

What does Mr Lucke think of British attitudes?

“I think it would be good for every country to have its own currency again, so I would not advise Britain to join the euro. I am sure there is no mood in Britain to do that,” he said.

And does he think the polls will bring him victory?

“If the current mood continues until September, then yes, I am very optimistic.”