Home » Morgan Spector Steals the Show with an IWC Portugieser Automatic 42 at the 2024 Met Gala

Morgan Spector Steals the Show with an IWC Portugieser Automatic 42 at the 2024 Met Gala


Morgan Spector Steals the Show with an IWC Portugieser Automatic 42 at the 2024 Met Gala

Photo by Marleen Moise/Getty Images

The 2024 Met Gala, themed “Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion,” was the stuff of fairy tales. Celebrities arrived in gowns that looked like they were spun by Rumpelstiltskin himself and suits that probably needed a magical incantation to fit just right. Among the myriad of stars, one man stood out—not just for his dashing looks and killer smile, but for his impeccable taste in timepieces. Enter Morgan Spector.

Morgan Spector, the American actor known for his roles in “The Plot Against America” and “Homeland,” graced the red carpet with a presence that made even the most seasoned paparazzi fumble with their cameras. And what was that gleaming on his wrist? None other than the IWC Portugieser Automatic 40 (Ref. IW501705). Yes, you heard it right—Morgan was not just here to be seen, but to make a statement.


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Let’s talk about this watch for a moment. The IWC Portugieser Automatic 40 is a masterpiece of horology, a timepiece so elegant it could probably get Cinderella home by midnight without the help of a fairy godmother. The stainless-steel case gleamed under the Met Gala lights, complementing Morgan’s suave attire. But the real showstopper was the Dune dial (Ref. IW501705). It’s called the Dune Dial because, much like actual dunes, it makes you want to get lost in its beauty for hours—though you won’t lose track of time thanks to IWC’s precision engineering.

As Morgan posed for photos, the watch seemed to take on a life of its own. It practically whispered, “I’m sophisticated yet approachable, just like the man wearing me.” And let’s be honest, if a watch could flirt, the IWC Portugieser would be the smooth talker in the room, getting all the numbers.


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Rumor has it that Morgan’s choice of accessory was a strategic move. In the world of Hollywood, where every little detail is scrutinized, the right watch can elevate an outfit from “nice try” to “nailed it.” And nail it, he did. The combination of his tailored suit and the exquisite watch was enough to make fashion critics swoon and his fans cheer. The 2024 Met Gala will be remembered for its theme and dazzling outfits, but let’s not forget the real star of the night—Morgan Spector and his IWC Portugieser Automatic 40. After all, in a room full of Sleeping Beauties, it was Morgan’s timeless style that truly woke us up.

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