Hannah Cruz, Marin Ireland, Kecia Lewis and More Receive Actors’ Equity Foundation Performance Awards | Broadway In San Antonio
Broadway Across America


Hannah Cruz in Suffs - Marin Ireland in Uncle Vanya - Kecia Lewis in Hell's Kitchen - photos by Joan Marcus

Hannah Cruz, Marin Ireland, Kecia Lewis and More Receive Actors’ Equity Foundation Performance Awards

May 8th, 2024 | By Hayley Levitt

The Actors’ Equity Foundation has announced its 2024 Performance Award recipients, honoring outstanding performances on and off-Broadway this past season.

The Richard Seff Awards for two veteran actors go to Kecia Lewis (Miss Liza Jane in Hell’s Kitchen), and Ciaran O’Reilly (S.B. “Screwballs” O’Donnell in Philadelphia, Here I Come!).

The Clarence Derwent Awards for the two most promising performances of the season are given to Hannah Cruz (Inez Milholland in Suffs and Robin in The Connector) and Andrew Durand (Elmer in Dead Outlaw).

The Callaway Awards for the two best performances in a classical play have been awarded to a pair of actors from two different productions of Anton Chekhov’s Uncle VanyaMarin Ireland (Sonya in O’Henry Productions’ Loft production of Uncle Vanya) and Jonathan Hadary (Waffles in Lincoln Center Theater’s Uncle Vanya).

“It is our great pleasure to be able to honor these hardworking artists,” said Judy Rice, president of the Actors’ Equity Foundation, in a statement. “The Foundation celebrates them in a theater season filled with unforgettable performances.”

The Foundation will hold an awards ceremony on June 24 in New York City. The Judges Panel included Joe Dziemianowicz, New York Theatre Guide</em>; Adam Feldman, Time Out New York</em>; Elysa Gardner, New York Sun, New York Stage Review</em>; Harry Haun, The Observer</em>; Kobi Kassal, Theatrely</em>; and Frank Scheck, Hollywood Reporter, New York Stage Review.


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