Does unlocking Telus Blackberry void warranty? | Howard Forums - Your Mobile Phone Community & Resource

Does unlocking Telus Blackberry void warranty?


New member
Nov 28, 2004
Current: Virgin Mobile Canada | Rogers PAYG
Using actively: BB 9700
Does anyone have any experience making a warranty claim on a Telus Blackberry that has been unlocked?

I want to buy the Pearl 3G for my girl and unlock it for her, however at a Telus store they told me that once it's unlocked, they will not be able to do anything with it under warranty. If that's the case, is it possible to deal directly with RIM if there were a warranty issue to arise once it's unlocked?

Furthermore, I've been reading some other posts related to Rogers Blackberries phones, and I see that it shouldn't be an issue as the provider wouldn't even know that they've been unlocked as long as there hasn't been any re-branding done. Now my question however more specifically in this case would be, wouldn't Telus reference a phone to an account, and when they find out that I have no Telus account (since the phone will be used on Rogers), then there's no way to do the warranty work on it in case it's ever needed?
Unlocking wont void the warranty AFAIK.
I've used that "free unlock" promo from a while back, and its worked fine.
Also once your phone is unlocked, it is unlocked "forever" --> an OS upgrade/downgrade or wipe will not reset the lock.

Unbranding software however will void your warranty.

I believe since you dont have an account, they will not help you (assuming you are just buying the phone outright) ... but I am not too sure of this... someone else should be able to clear this up
But hopefully at least the warranty from RIM itself may be there?
How willing will telus be to provide the unlock code?
Not at all.

Several Telus insiders have confirmed that the codes are not even stored in the standard inventory systems for them to read and give out even if they wanted to do it.

Likely someone in the inventory department has a nice collection of codes stored away in their groups file server in a bunch of spreadsheets that come with every new shipment of phones they get sent. Stored away for a rainy day.
Wirelessly posted (BB Tour 9630: BlackBerry9630/ Profile/MIDP-2.1 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/126)

They have to have them; it's just how accessible they actually are like you said. Front-line staff won't have access to them though. Too bad TELUS wasn't more like Wind or Sprint with unlock codes.
I just received my Blackberry back from warrenty (TOUR) trackball issues. I had my phone unlocked and that was never an issue when it was sent in. However when I reveived my phone back yesterday my phone was SIM locked again, the same unlock code worked to unlock the phone so there isn't an issue.

Getting your MEP code from telus is 99% impossible, if you try to get the code you'll want to speak to the data department but your going to need all the planets aligned and the sun and moon almost in lunar alignment for you to be sucessful. I used to get a code for 4 different berries all free of charge.

Unlike apple you do not deal directly with RIM for warrenty issues, so you have to go through telus in order to get your phone delt with under warrenty.
if you try to get the code you'll want to speak to the data department but your going to need all the planets aligned and the sun and moon almost in lunar alignment for you to be sucessful.

Well.. jupiter and Unanus are actually aligned right at this minute.. (look at the star walk ap for iphone) so maybe there is a chance tonight ? :p