walkie talkie - BlackBerry Forums at CrackBerry.com
  1. slickstre's Avatar
    I just went on a cruse and when I new the service was going to crap out the wife unit and I thought we would try walkie talkie like older models are able to,but no luck,these advanced phones no walkie talkie feature? anyone tried this?
    04-07-09 04:47 PM
  2. Krashedin2u's Avatar
    I forgot all about that feature. Just loaded up my i885 and its called Talk Around. Anybody run across this with the BB?

    "Talk Around allows direct two-way radio contact within a 3km range between two or more handsets equipped with Talk Around service, so you can stay in touch even when you are outside of network service."
    04-07-09 05:52 PM
  3. GeechDahwa's Avatar
    I had it on my Motorola i560 and it was fun to have and a big help when inside some buildings with metal roofs ... WallyWerld, Lowes, Home Despondent ...

    04-07-09 06:10 PM
  4. justlovejoy's Avatar
    an excellent feature for all the right reasons! *shakes head*
    what the heck is that? we are getting dooped out of the nextels greatest features? not cool homie! Not cool!
    04-07-09 07:12 PM
  5. piper975's Avatar
    The "talk around" feature is only found on Motorola phones. Another great point to this feature is that it can relay messages from "off air" phones back onto the network. Never had the chance to use it but it is a great feature ...

    So no, it is not found on BlackBerry.
    04-07-09 07:31 PM
  6. justlovejoy's Avatar
    who owns the dc rights?
    04-07-09 07:38 PM
  7. piper975's Avatar
    MOTO Talk, DirectTalk, Talk-Around ... MOTO Talk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    It would appear that Motorola owns the pattens to the "walkie-talkie" developed by Donald Hings (a Canadian) for the Canadian Government during WWII. Walkie-talkie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Interesting read on Sprint|Nextel network ... Nextel Communications - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    What is PTT (PoC) ... Push to talk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    04-08-09 09:34 AM
  8. slickstre's Avatar
    thanks guy`s I thuoght somthing so simple would surley be in a $400 dollar phone,oh but I guess they would have to take the complete headphone jack out then where would we be?
    04-08-09 10:56 AM
  9. ruizjes2's Avatar
    No with else this phone can do they figure why would we want the direct talk. it was nice but i hardly used it my wifes probably has it as she has the i776. but come on when you have a bb with all the ways to communicate would you reall care about direct talk? for most of us we would rather have the 3g speed for the internet.
    04-08-09 12:28 PM
  10. _BIG_'s Avatar
    MOTO Talk, DirectTalk, Talk-Around ... MOTO Talk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    It would appear that Motorola owns the pattens to the "walkie-talkie" developed by Donald Hings (a Canadian) for the Canadian Government during WWII. Walkie-talkie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Interesting read on Sprint|Nextel network ... Nextel Communications - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    What is PTT (PoC) ... Push to talk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    :: sigh ::

    nextel was such a monster in this industry many moons ago, so many great 1st and features and for it to have fizzled to what it is now

    sprint needs to step up their game and realize what nextel had with corporate america, emergency services, and the loyal customers it had and bring that back into play with the newer technology
    04-08-09 04:34 PM
  11. 2soX's Avatar
    So basically, I should not throw two i760s away yet just in case I need them on my cruise to Fiji.
    04-08-09 05:06 PM
  12. Krashedin2u's Avatar
    Yep, or you are a truck driver in Northern Ontario
    04-08-09 06:14 PM
  13. aojaguar's Avatar
    Anybody use direcrt connect

    Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com
    04-20-09 11:16 AM
  14. speedtrip's Avatar
    That's why I bought my 8350I

    Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com
    04-20-09 11:53 AM
  15. Golddawg's Avatar
    That's why I bought my 8350I

    Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com
    Me Too!!,
    Work requires me to have DC. Most managers get Verizon BB. If the 8350i didn't have the DC, I would still be stuck with my i880.
    04-20-09 07:04 PM
  16. GeechDahwa's Avatar
    Hmmm ... I should try and get another i560 to do this ...

    04-20-09 07:11 PM
  17. ruizjes2's Avatar
    For the record guys it's called Direct-Talk. Yeah now to think of it i did use a bit when we go to walmart and we lose signal inside.
    04-21-09 12:13 AM
  18. whiskey_digital's Avatar
    Anybody use direct connect

    I have it but have only used it once. The service I am paying for comes with it. I only know one person who has Nextel Direct Connect. And they don't like using their phone...
    04-21-09 05:09 AM
  19. piper975's Avatar
    For the record guys it's called Direct-Talk. Yeah now to think of it i did use a bit when we go to walmart and we lose signal inside.
    For the record ... it has 3 names as seen in post #7

    MOTO Talk, DirectTalk, Talk-Around ... MOTO Talk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    04-21-09 10:12 AM
  20. Casper34's Avatar
    For the record ... it has 3 names as seen in post #7
    yes but.... this is taken FROM YOU WIKI LINK

    This feature goes by different names on iDEN service providers. In the US, Nextel calls it 'DirectTalk' and includes it as a free service on most new models of Motorola handsets.

    this is mostly a NEXTEL forum and i am pretty sure that the orginal poster has NEXTEL

    MOTO talk is BOOST
    DirectTalk is NEXTEL
    Talk-around (Mikes Talk-around on the wiki page) is Telus

    so he would be right by calling it "DrectTalk"

    Krashed is on telus so it would be talk around (post 2)
    ruiz is on nextel (post 9)
    and noone from boost posted

    i understand that they are all in the same, but dont discredit the man for calling it what it is on his network
    04-21-09 10:22 AM
  21. ruizjes2's Avatar
    you the man casper thanks for havin my back and sorry to the peeps who have other sevices i never they offered elsewhere so sorry if i offened anyone i dont want to discredit anyone else either.
    04-21-09 04:55 PM
  22. piper975's Avatar
    You missed the point Casper ... if people would read through entire threads before they make comments they may see the answers before posting other misleading information. I'm not putting anyone down and I'm not saying I have all the answers either. I just think that if people would send a few minutes reading everything or doing a search in general for information then threads would not get filled over and over again with the same information or have several threads covering the same topic.
    04-21-09 09:23 PM
  23. Casper34's Avatar
    The "talk around" feature is only found on Motorola phones. Another great point to this feature is that it can relay messages from "off air" phones back onto the network. Never had the chance to use it but it is a great feature ...

    So no, it is not found on BlackBerry.
    this is mis-leading then.... every nextel (non BlackBerry, and before the sprint buyout) was made by motorola.... its called direct talk

    Last edited by Casper34; 04-21-09 at 09:34 PM.
    04-21-09 09:32 PM