What currency is used in The Netherlands | Plus exchanging and credit- and debit cards tips - Visiting The Dutch Countryside

Visiting The Dutch Countryside

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What currency is used in The Netherlands | Plus exchanging and credit- and debit cards tips

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Currency in The Netherlands | What currency is used in The Netherlands | Plus exchanging and credit- and debit cards tips Currencies are everywhere. And different, almost everywhere. That makes it confusing, but after this article you don’t have to worry about not knowing the currency of The Netherlands anymore.[/caption]


Currencies are confusing. Does Amsterdam use euros? What is the currency used in The Netherlands? You’ll find that here, including the best exchange tips. The former Dutch currency was called Gulden or Guilder in English.

The type of money and currency that is used in The Netherlands are the Euros. So yes, the currency that is used in Amsterdam and the rest of The Netherlands is the euro. We started using the Euro on the 1st of January, 2002. For the current exchange rates from, for instance, USD to EUR, have a look below.

For more tips on where to change money in Amsterdam or the rest of The Netherlands, go to the bottom of the page. If you are curious about the currency of The Netherlands before the Euro was, keep on reading.

The former Dutch currency was called Gulden or Guilder in English. The old Dutch currency was only accepted four more weeks after the official changing date. This made The Netherlands one of the countries that transferred their currency, the Gulden (or Guilder) to euro, the quickest. And it ended a currency, the Gulden, that survived in The Netherlands almost 700 years on the 28th of January 2002.

We were able to change the Gulden coins into Euros at banks and post offices until the 1st of January in 2007. Most of the Guilder bills can be exchanged until 2032 at De Nederlandsche Bank (Dutch bank).


The history of the Gulden dates back to 1252. The first gulden (meaning golden in Old Dutch) was named a florijn. The name florijn or florin came from the Florentanian lely, which was the armour of the city of Florence. The sign of our Gulden had the Ć’- sign and has the abbreviation of fl.

The first Dutch Gulden (Hollandse Gulden) was made in 1378, in at that time Holland. After that time different rulers created their own Gulden. All regions of, now, The Netherlands created Guldens by the end of the 15th century. Except. Well. Except for one. The, now, province of Groningen refused and continued to use their currency, the Kromstaart.

In 2001 the last Dutch Guilders were made and is seen as a farewell Gulden by people from The Netherlands. The reason? Because of its design and message. The design was created by a young boy. He was the winner of a design competition that was organized by the ministry of finance to give a big, beautiful goodbye to the Gulden. The participants of this competition had to be in the final two years of primary school to take part in the contest.

More than 55.000 primary school students sent in a design, but a boy, who designed a lion (symbol of The Netherlands) with a flag in its hands, won. 16 million Guilders were created. Not too shabby for a 10-year-old boy. The portrait is one of Princess Beatrix, the previous Queen.

Questions, Answers, and tips on exchanging money in The Netherlands

Is the exchange rate for dollars to euros the same no matter what country you are in that uses the euro or does it vary by country?
The Euro is the same. It is called the Euro, not the Dutch Euro, German Euro etc. You can pay within all of the countries that use the Euro, with all Euro coins.

Should I take dollars to The Netherlands to change into Euros?
No. Your rate will suck. Believe me. It will.

Should I take money out of the ATM instead of taking money with me?
Yes. Use the ATM but first find out what you need to spend to take out money. Most banks have fees for taking out money. And don’t carry a lot of cash (hundreds of euros are not needed). Take out the money you think you need. But don’t forget to ask your bank or credit card company what fees they have so you don’t get surprised with extra costs.

When I pay by credit card or other cards, should I pay in Euros or my own currency?
Always choose to pay in Euros, not Dollars or any other currency. This will make it cheaper for you, as you get a better exchange rate.

Tips for using credit cards in the Netherlands

Keep in mind that we do not always accept credit cards in The Netherlands. We, Dutch people, don’t use them so our system isn’t built for it. If you want to pay in restaurants in Amsterdam many have adapted their system so you can pay with credit cards. But definitely not all restaurants.

If you want to buy stuff out of supermarkets you might have trouble. In smaller shops and outside of the big cities as well. Another important thing to notice is that you have to use a credit card with a pin. You are not allowed to sign with a credit card as that’s not secure enough.

Tips for using debit cards in The Netherlands

In The Netherlands, we have a system that is built on Maestro and V- Pay. So, if a debit card is from VISA it is on the VISA network. This means, if a store doesn’t accept credit cards, they won’t accept your debit card from a credit card company either. If a store accepts credit cards, then you can use your VISA debit card.

So, if you have a VISA debit card that means it is on the VISA network. If a credit card is accepted, then you can use your VISA debit card because the system is supported. When you have a VISA debit card you cannot use the card where they only allow debit cards because the system is different than V- Pay and Maestro.

Currency used in The Netherlands | Currency in Amsterdam | Credit cards in The Netherlands
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