Tripadvisor | 2024 年清邁 CAD Yi Peng 元宵節官方門票 | 泰國
2024 年清邁 CAD Yi Peng 元宵節官方門票

2024 年清邁 CAD Yi Peng 元宵節官方門票

提供者:Trippest Travel
在您的日曆上標記 2024 年 11 月 15 日至 16 日,因為此時正是泰國舉世聞名的清邁依彭燈節的時間。 我們是授權旅行社,銷售 CAD 2024 怡蓬元宵節官方門票。我們提供一手活動門票,即時查詢座位狀況。 15:30 安排您的交通在以下地點與我們會面: 1. P&V門票:MAYA SHOPPING MALL(噴泉區)、 2. S票:MORe SPACE停車場。 出示手機上的電子票券即可搭乘免費接駁車前往會場(車程約 50 分鐘)。 16:30-18:30 到達會場,出示電子門票到正門登記。接收紀念品並享受活動、工藝和藝術區、部落村莊、水燈節。 18:30-20:00 享用泰式蘭納自助晚餐、小吃、甜點和飲料。 19:30 進入寶塔祭祀區。擊鼓、燭光錶演、宗教儀式、僧侶誦經。 20:15 午餐燈籠並觀賞煙火。 20時45分,儀式結束。返回瑪雅購物中心。

8-100 歲
所需時間: 7 小時
開始時間: 查看供應狀況

  • 儀式入場二維碼電子票
  • 每個座位2個天燈
  • 紀念品套裝
  • 在儀式區觀看表演並參加各種活動。
  • 零食籃
  • 泰式蘭納自助晚餐+非酒精飲品
  • 集合點與會場之間的免費往返接駁車接送
  • 天燈節和水燈節 (元宵節) 門票
  • 保證無需排隊
  • 其他個人開支
  • 飯店接機。請自行安排交通在集合點與我們會面。

    • 1. 在集合點與我們會面: 高級門票和 VIP 門票 - 在瑪雅購物中心(噴泉區)領取; 標準票 - 在 MORe SPACE 停車場領取。 2. 出示手機上的電子票券(或列印出來),搭乘我們的免費接駁車前往會場(車程約 50 分鐘)。我們的接駁車從 15:30 至 16:30 每 5 分鐘一班,最後一班於 16:30 出發。
    • MAYA Lifestyle Shopping Center Chiangmai, 55 หมู่ที่ 5 Huay Kaew Rd, Tambon Chang Phueak, Amphoe Mueang Chiang Mai, Chang Wat Chiang Mai 50300, Thailand
    • MORe SPACE, 293 2 Chiang Rai Rd, Tambon Su Thep, Amphoe Mueang Chiang Mai, Chang Wat Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand

      • 不設無障礙設施
      • 附近的公共交通
      • 嬰兒必須由成人手抱
      如果您有交通方面的疑問,我們非常樂意為您提供協助。 只要撥打下方電話號碼,然後提供產品代碼即可:7137P259

      • 您將於預訂時收到確認訊息
      • 大多數旅客均可參加
      • 2024年清邁CAD Komloy天燈節門票為電子門票,包含您的護照資訊(全名和護照照片,需在9月30日之前註冊)和場地資訊(日期、門票號碼、地點、時間和座位)數字) 。此票僅供您本人使用。
      • 在任何丟失的情況下,門票均不予退還且不予賠償。為確保您的預訂,您需要支付押金才能進行預訂。
      • 不允許穿短褲、無袖上衣或迷你裙。我們建議你穿上蘭納風格的衣服,下裝龍衣,肩上穿一件衣服。
      • 素食者可用的蔬菜食品角。

      • 所有商品服務一經售出即無法退還,如果取消需支付 100% 的罰款費用。

      2024 年清邁 CAD Yi Peng 元宵節官方門票的價格是多少?
      2024 年清邁 CAD Yi Peng 元宵節官方門票價格 HK$1,233.66 起。 在 Tripadvisor 探索和預訂2024 年清邁 CAD Yi Peng 元宵節官方門票
      哪間公司提供2024 年清邁 CAD Yi Peng 元宵節官方門票的服務?
      2024 年清邁 CAD Yi Peng 元宵節官方門票是由 Trippest Travel 負責提供服務 在 Tripadvisor 閱讀評論、探索其他體驗或聯絡 Trippest Travel在 Tripadvisor 探索和預訂2024 年清邁 CAD Yi Peng 元宵節官方門票
      2024 年清邁 CAD Yi Peng 元宵節官方門票是否包含免排隊?
      2024 年清邁 CAD Yi Peng 元宵節官方門票包含免排隊。 在 Tripadvisor 探索和預訂2024 年清邁 CAD Yi Peng 元宵節官方門票

      如果您對此遊覽有任何疑問,或需要協助預訂,我們非常樂意為您提供協助。 只要撥打下方電話號碼,然後提供產品代碼即可:7137P259



      2.0/5 分7 則評論

      此服務可能包含由 Google 提供的翻譯。 Google 並不提供任何與翻譯有關的明示或暗示保證 (包括對準確性和可靠性的保證),亦不對適銷性、適用於特定用途和不侵權提供任何暗示保證。

      Nancy M
      夏威夷津匯1 則投稿
      2.0/5 分
      2024年5月 • 單獨旅行
      Was expecting $5 parking as advertised. Upon entering there where several $10 signs for parking. Not a good start to the event. Then no one knew where the handicap parking was.

      And the farmers market? I was expecting to buy fresh produce - none.

      And the lineup for music? No schedule of musicians. For a 7 hour event I would have liked to plan my visit around who was playing.

      The 45 minute tour lasted 1/2 hour and consisted of a drive around the sunflower field including 1 stop for photo ops. Driver admitted to just making up answers to questions asked by guests.

      I plan to attend again next year and I hope that some of my input would help to achieve a better experience for the $$100.00 pp entrance fee.
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      Dear Nancy, We have some confusion regarding your review and wonder if you might review in the wrong place. Our CAD Lantern Festival package includes a complimentary shuttle bus service, eliminating the need for parking on your end and incurring additional costs. Additionally, we do not have a sunflower field parking for photo ops or a farm market visit. We apologize if we have misunderstood your feedback. Best Regards, Trippest Customer Care.
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      sakura a
      20 則投稿
      2.0/5 分
      2023年12月 • 夫妻情侶
      We paid a lot to get premium tickets. The seats were so close together. Twice someone's lantern caught fire and we had nowhere to escape. One worker was climbing the chairs to put the fire out with this tiny fire extinguisher.

      All our pictures came out us squished between rows of chairs and not aesthetic. I was also constantly told off for not wearing my ticket/lanyard around my neck when I'd taken it off for a picture

      They sold so many 'premium' tickets that the premium food area had long queues. There weren't as many vegetarian options despite us telling them ahead of time.

      The shows were boring and we couldnt wait for the lanterns to be honest. Seeing all them lanterns in the sky was amazing. But I wish I'd seen it from afar and not bothered with all this
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      Dear Customer, Thank you very much for your suggestions and inquiries regarding the seating class and matching service for the Lantern Festival. We send your feedback to the organizers today. Improvements planned for the 2024 festival include expanding the venue to twice the size of 2023, ensuring a minimum distance of 1 meter between seats for guests. Premium dining will have a larger dining area and a more diverse culinary selection. Different ticket holders will have designated boarding locations and staggered entry and exit times. The organizers will announce further optimization of the activities in due course. We will continue to submit our suggestions and gather feedback from guests to ensure continuous improvement of the event.Thank you for your understanding, and we hope to have the opportunity to invite you to participate again and experience the improvements we are implementing. Once again, thank you for your feedback. Have a wonderful day! Best Regards, Trippest Customer Care.
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      Marcelo G
      西班牙Cunit7 則投稿
      5.0/5 分
      The Yi Peng party in Chiang Mai is so extraordinary that I can't remember another experience that compares to it. The spectacle of paper lanterns lighting up the sky creates indescribable amazement. I thank life for allowing me to live such exceptional moments, where magic and wonder intertwine, leaving an indelible impression on my soul.
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      Dear Marcel, we are delighted to receive your feedback on the Yi Peng Lantern Festival. We were excited to celebrate this event with you at the venue. It was an incredibly exciting and romantic evening, and we are lucky to have witnessed an activity that deserves to be on everyone's bucket list. Wishing you and your family and friends good fortune, and we look forward to seeing you next year!
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      Maurício T
      巴西聖保羅23 則投稿
      1.0/5 分
      2022年11月 • 單獨旅行
      Phony shows of what are supposed to be traditional music and dances. Poorly organized, long lines for restroom and food, delays and no concern for safety. The stage just burnt down and people had to be evacuated. Way preferable to book cheaper and simpler events directly at the local travel agencies. This one is too big, badly organized and a rip off. They make it look like it's the only option available, but it's not.
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      Dear MauTk, hope you has had a memorable night with all the bad luck wiped away with the flying lanterns. Though we are just a ticket agent of this wonderful event, we want to try our best to help you experience this festival to the best extent. Because we truly understand how important it is for many people, it is your once-in-a-life-time experience! We feel deeply sorry for the unpleasant experience and even getting lost trying to get the van to the venue, which is definitely not what the event holders would like it happen. We have noted and saved all these feedback. We will send all of them along with our suggestions to the event holder. We believe the event holder will improve itself especially in the pick-up part next year. Thanks again for spending this wonderful festival together. We look forward to creating more beautiful journeys with you together in Asia, and a bigger world outside Asia.
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      luigi g
      3 則投稿
      1.0/5 分
      2022年11月 • 夫妻情侶
      Siamo andati a Chiang Mai appositamente per assistereYi Penh ma nessuna manifestazione con lanterne è stata effettuata e neanche fuochi d’artificio.
      Una truffa colosssle 😡😡😡😡😡
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      We feel deeply sorry for the unpleasant experience and even getting lost trying to get the van to the venue, which is definitely not what the event holders would like it happen. We have noted and saved all these feedback. We will send all of them along with our suggestions to the event holder. We believe the event holder will improve itself especially in the pick-up part next year. Thanks again for spending this wonderful festival together. We look forward to creating more beautiful journeys with you together in Asia, and a bigger world outside Asia.
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      Maurício T
      巴西聖保羅23 則投稿
      1.0/5 分
      2022年11月 • 單獨旅行
      Terrible organization. Messy, confusing. The performances were poor to say the least. Drum show had playback and wasn’t even synced properly. Everything was late due to having only one entrance for the stage area, so they had to wait until everyone was in to start. Finally, the horrible lack of planning and safety, when the clearly very flamable stage burned down completely. Luckily, no casualties or significative injures reported, only minor injuries. Leaving the place after that took forever and was very chaotic. Would’t ever go again.
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      Hi Mauri, hope you has had a memorable night with all the bad luck wiped away with the flying lanterns. Though we are just a ticket agent of this wonderful event, we want to try our best to help you experience this festival to the best extent. Because we truly understand how important it is for many people, it is your once-in-a-life-time experience! We feel deeply sorry for the unpleasant experience and the flamable stage, even getting lost trying to get the van to the venue, which is definitely not what the event holders would like it happen. We have noted and saved all these feedback. We will send all of them along with our suggestions to the event holder. We believe the event holder will improve itself especially in the pick-up part next year. Thanks again for spending this wonderful festival together. We look forward to creating more beautiful journeys with you together in Asia, and a bigger world outside Asia.
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      Sophie M.
      5 則投稿
      1.0/5 分
      2022年11月 • 好友旅行
      Tonight Loy krathong 2022 chiang mai
      Worst experience ever!!!!
      Horrible horrible horrible!!!!!!!!!!!

      You can find the full reply to the CAD survey, not sure if they will reply or take it into account.
      Today Nov 8, 2022 Loy Krathong went absolutely wrong!

      [BIG DANGER ⚡🔥🔥🔥]
      It was very very dangerous, all went on fire🔥. Lanterns were wild and harmfulness to everyone.
      People got hurt, burned, scared, shocked...
      It was crowded, scary and very dangerous. No staff were prepared or organized properly.
      The stage went all on fire after a lantern got stucked to it. No fire fighter, no fire extinguisher, no water tank, no ambulance were on site. All arrived after the drama.

      The show was so so. Translators had Thai, English, Japanese and Portuguese...
      The performances were very not at the level expected. Example the first dance from male performers look like messy.
      I guess may need more rehearsal to provide a better show to all guests.

      We purchased VIP tickets 🎟️
      Price is 11,800 BAHT for two persons.
      This is a steal for all the overall experience which went totally wrong. Cannot post videos but they are very scary.

      Hope the people who got hurt have been taken care to clinic or hospital. Take care, stay safe. One experience is not worth the human life and safety. Don't go. Will never recommend it. Was very dangerous and scary.
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      Hi Sophie, hope you has had a memorable night with all the bad luck wiped away with the flying lanterns. Though we are just a ticket agent of this wonderful event, we want to try our best to help you experience this festival to the best extent. Because we truly understand how important it is for many people, it is your once-in-a-life-time experience! We feel deeply sorry for the unpleasant experience and the flamable stage, even getting lost trying to get the van to the venue, which is definitely not what the event holders would like it happen. We have noted and saved all these feedback. We will send all of them along with our suggestions to the event holder. We believe the event holder will improve itself especially in the pick-up part next year. Thanks again for spending this wonderful festival together. We look forward to creating more beautiful journeys with you together in Asia, and a bigger world outside Asia.
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      2024 年清邁 CAD Yi Peng 元宵節官方門票
