11 Fascinating Facts About The Exorcist - Facts.net
Carmita Romans

Written by Carmita Romans

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Parkcircus.com

The Exorcist is a horror film that has become a landmark in the genre and continues to captivate audiences even today, decades after its release. Directed by William Friedkin and based on the novel by William Peter Blatty, it tells the chilling story of a young girl possessed by a malevolent entity and the desperate attempts to save her soul.

This iconic film has left a lasting impact on popular culture and has been the subject of countless discussions and analysis. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of The Exorcist and uncover 11 captivating facts that surround its production, themes, and reception. From the controversial reactions it received upon release to the enduring legacy it has spawned, get ready to be intrigued and astonished by these insights into one of the most enduring horror films of all time.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Exorcist, released in 1973, was the first horror film nominated for Best Picture, sparking controversy and inspiring a wave of demonic possession films. Its practical effects and cultural impact continue to influence filmmakers today.
  • With its terrifying storyline and groundbreaking special effects, The Exorcist remains a cultural phenomenon, captivating audiences and solidifying its status as one of the greatest horror films of all time.
Table of Contents

The Exorcist was released in 1973

The Exorcist, directed by William Friedkin, hit theaters in 1973, forever changing the landscape of horror cinema. With its terrifying storyline and groundbreaking special effects, the film became an instant classic.

The Exorcist was based on a novel

The Exorcist was adapted from a 1971 novel of the same name, written by William Peter Blatty. The novel was inspired by a real-life case of demonic possession, which added an eerie element of reality to the story.

The Exorcist was the first horror film to be nominated for Best Picture

In a groundbreaking moment for the horror genre, The Exorcist became the first horror film to be nominated for the prestigious Best Picture category at the Academy Awards. This recognition solidified its status as a cinematic masterpiece.

The Exorcist had a controversial reception

Upon its release, The Exorcist sparked controversy due to its graphic and disturbing content. Many theaters implemented age restrictions, and there were reports of audience members fainting or experiencing intense fear during screenings.

The Exorcist inspired a wave of demonic possession films

Following the success of The Exorcist, the horror genre saw a surge of films centered around demonic possession. This trend included movies like The Omen, Poltergeist, and Rosemary’s Baby, which were all influenced by The Exorcist’s impact on pop culture.

The Exorcist broke box office records

The Exorcist became a box office sensation, grossing over $440 million worldwide. It held the record as the highest-grossing R-rated film until it was surpassed by It in Its commercial success further solidified its place in cinema history.

The Exorcist used practical effects

Unlike many contemporary horror films that rely heavily on CGI, The Exorcist utilized practical effects to create its chilling visuals. This approach added an authenticity and realism to the horrifying scenes, making them even more impactful.

The Exorcist had a delayed sequel

After the success of The Exorcist, a sequel titled Exorcist II: The Heretic was released in However, the film received negative reviews and failed to capture the same terror and acclaim as the original.

The Exorcist was re-released with additional footage

In 2000, a special edition of The Exorcist was released, featuring additional footage that was not included in the original theatrical version. This extended cut added new dimensions to the story and offered fans a deeper exploration of the supernatural occurrences.

The Exorcist has influenced countless filmmakers

The Exorcist has had a profound influence on the horror genre, inspiring countless filmmakers to explore themes of possession and evil. Its impact can be seen in films like The Conjuring series, Paranormal Activity, and Insidious.

The Exorcist remains a cultural phenomenon

Decades after its release, The Exorcist continues to captivate audiences and terrify viewers. Its legacy is evident in its portrayal of the battle between good and evil, its memorable quotes, and its enduring status as one of the greatest horror films of all time.


In conclusion, “The Exorcist” remains a groundbreaking and enduring piece of entertainment. Its impact on the horror genre, memorable performances, and shocking special effects have solidified its place in cinematic history. The film’s cultural significance and continued popularity speak to its ability to captivate audiences even decades after its release. Whether you’re a fan of horror movies or simply appreciate well-crafted storytelling, “The Exorcist” is a must-watch for anyone interested in the genre. Prepare to be both terrified and enthralled by this iconic film.


Q: Is “The Exorcist” based on a true story?

A: Yes, “The Exorcist” is partially based on the real-life exorcism of a young boy in 1949. The events surrounding the exorcism have been fictionalized for the film, but they were influenced by actual accounts.

Q: Who directed “The Exorcist”?

A: The film was directed by William Friedkin, who brought the chilling story to life with his skilled direction and innovative techniques.

Q: Are there any sequels or prequels to “The Exorcist”?

A: Yes, there have been multiple sequels and prequels to “The Exorcist” over the years. Some of the notable ones include “Exorcist II: The Heretic,” “The Exorcist III,” and “Exorcist: The Beginning.

Q: Is “The Exorcist” too scary to watch?

A: “The Exorcist” is known for its intense and horrifying scenes, which may not be suitable for everyone. It is recommended for viewers who enjoy horror and have a high tolerance for disturbing content.

Q: Has “The Exorcist” won any awards?

A: Yes, “The Exorcist” was nominated for multiple Academy Awards in 1974, including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actress for Ellen Burstyn’s exceptional performance.

If you're hungry for more spine-chilling details about "The Exorcist" franchise and its creators, we've got plenty to satisfy your appetite. Delve into the lesser-known facts surrounding "The Exorcist III," a film that continued the legacy of terror. Explore even more trivia about the original masterpiece that started it all. And don't forget to check out the fascinating background of William Friedkin, the visionary director behind this iconic horror classic. Each article offers a unique perspective on one of cinema's most enduring and influential franchises.

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