150+ Movies And Shows With Beauty In The Title
Photo: Beauty and the Beast / Beauty and the Beast

150+ Movies And Shows With Beauty In The Title

Jason Bancroft
Updated May 11, 2024 158 items

Beauty isn't just skin deep, it's also a popular word in the titles of some pretty epic movies and shows. Whether it's classic tales that have been told through generations or fresh, modern narratives that capture today’s vibes, "beauty" pops up everywhere. It hints at stories filled with aesthetics, transformation, and often a touch of romance.

This list rounds up the best films and series where "beauty" isn't just part of the title but is woven into the fabric of the storyline itself. From enchanting adventures to heartfelt dramas, each pick promises to dazzle your senses and maybe even tug at your heartstrings. Get ready for a visual feast that celebrates beauty in all its forms!