The Meaning Behind The Song: Angel of the Morning by Merrilee Rush - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Angel of the Morning by Merrilee Rush

The Secret Meaning Behind “Angel of the Morning” by Merrilee Rush


It’s a tune that has been covered by countless artists, from Juice Newton to Chrissie Hynde, and yet, Merrilee Rush’s “Angel of the Morning” remains one of the most beloved and iconic pop songs of all time. But what is it about this tune that makes it so enduring and universal? Perhaps it’s the haunting melody, the soaring vocals, or the poetic lyrics? Or maybe it’s the fact that the song taps into a deep, raw emotion that we all can relate to: the desire for love and connection.

The Origin of “Angel of the Morning”

“Angel of the Morning” was written in 1967 by Chip Taylor, a songwriter and producer who had previously penned such hits as “Wild Thing” and “Try (Just a Little Bit Harder).” While Taylor originally envisioned the tune as a country song, he soon realized that it had a broader appeal and potential as a pop hit.

He sent the song to a number of different artists, but it was Rush’s soulful, bluesy rendition that truly brought the tune to life. Rush’s version was released in 1968, and it reached the number seven spot on the Billboard Hot 100.

The Lyrics: A Story of Love and Heartbreak

At its core, “Angel of the Morning” is a song about the complex, messy nature of love and relationships. The lyrics tell the story of a woman who has spent the night with a man she is deeply attracted to, but who is ultimately unable to make a lasting commitment to her. She longs for more than a physical connection, but knows that she can’t force the man to feel the same way.

The opening lines of the song set the stage for this bittersweet tale: “There’ll be no strings to bind your hands / Not if my love can’t bind your heart.” Throughout the song, the narrator grapples with the conflicting emotions of desire and insecurity, hope and despair.

The Symbolism of the “Angel”

One of the most striking elements of “Angel of the Morning” is the repeated use of the word “angel” throughout the lyrics. At first glance, this might seem like a simple metaphor for the narrator’s lover, but there is actually a deeper layer of meaning here.

According to Chip Taylor himself, the “angel” in the song is meant to represent a kind of spiritual guide or guardian. In an interview with Songfacts, Taylor explained that he was inspired to write the song after a dream in which an “angel” visited him and offered him guidance and protection.

This interpretation adds another level of depth to the song, suggesting that the narrator is not only seeking affection and connection, but also a sense of guidance and purpose in her life.

The Song’s Impact and Legacy

Over the years, “Angel of the Morning” has become a timeless classic, beloved by generations of music fans. Its poignant lyrics and soaring melody have inspired countless covers and adaptations, from punk rock to reggae to country.

But beyond its musical legacy, “Angel of the Morning” has also had a profound impact on popular culture as a whole. The song has been featured in numerous movies, TV shows, and commercials, cementing its place in the public consciousness.

Perhaps most famously, the song was used in the opening scene of Quentin Tarantino’s “Pulp Fiction,” in which the character of Butch Coolidge (played by Bruce Willis) sings along to the tune as he drives around Los Angeles.


“Angel of the Morning” is a song that continues to resonate with audiences today, more than five decades after its initial release. Its timeless themes of love and heartbreak, and its powerful use of language and symbolism, make it a true work of art.

Whether you first heard the song in the 1960s or just discovered it recently, there is something about “Angel of the Morning” that speaks to us all. It reminds us of the beauty and pain of love, and the importance of cherishing the moments of connection and joy that we find in life.

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