Parts of the Hand with Pictures • 7ESL

Parts of the Hand with Pictures

The hands have a variety of different parts and when talking about your hands, you might need to refer to a specific part of it. This can be very useful in a medical situation or simply when talking to your friends. Much like body parts, there are certain English idioms where parts of the hands are involved such as ‘thumbs up’ and understanding the parts of the hand can help you figure these out too!

Parts of the Hand

Parts of the Hand: Useful Hand Parts Names with PicturesPin

  • Thumb
  • Index finger
  • Middle finger
  • Ring finger
  • Little finger
  • Palm
  • Wrist
  • Knuckle
  • Fingernail

Parts of Hand Names with Examples


– She accidentally hit her thumb with a hammer while trying to hang a picture.

Index finger

– He used his index finger to point out the location of the hidden treasure on the map.

Middle finger

– She raised her middle finger to express her frustration with the rude driver who cut her off in traffic.

Ring finger

– He slipped the engagement ring onto her ring finger and asked her to marry him.

Little finger

– She held the teacup delicately with her little finger extended, just like they do in fancy tea parties.


– He held the hot cup of coffee in the palm of his hand to warm up on the chilly morning.


– She twisted her wrist to adjust the dial on her watch and check the time.


– He cracked his knuckles before starting to type on the computer keyboard.


– She painted her fingernails with a glossy red polish to match her outfit for the evening.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the different parts of a human hand?

The human hand consists of various parts such as the thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger (also known as pinky). These fingers are supported by knuckles and are connected to the palm. The wrist connects the hand to the arm and helps with movements.

What are the names of the finger bones?

The finger bones are called phalanges, with each finger having three phalanges, except for the thumb, which has two. These phalanges are categorized as proximal, medial, and distal phalanges. The base of the fingers, near the hand, consists of metacarpal bones.

What terms describe the palm?

The palm of the hand is a broader, flat section that includes numerous structures such as the volar plates, palmar fascia, and carpals. The palm has a unique pattern of ridges and grooves, forming fingerprints that are unique to each individual.

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