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Jackie Schaffer
I will say it again for the slow learners in the tax office and county government. I am NOT BACKING DOWN UNTIL THE TAX OFFICE AND THEFT IS EXPOSED!
Crisis Prevention CenterWest Grove, PAJoined February 2022

Jackie Schaffer’s Tweets

pleaded for someone to do something as soon as I found out and ...crickets.. or sorry we "CAN'T HELP?" THE COMMISSIONERS OFFICE? CAN'T HELP? Someone needs to explain how this could happen and continue to happen as we live daily with a lump in our throats in constant fear
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free from the confines of a home paid for by the government, as the con denies the county an ongoing and growing delinquency that pays first responders, the VERY SERVICE THIS COUNTY IS PUSHING TO THE EXTREME WITH ONLY ONE CLOSE HOSPITAL TO COVER THE GAP! I cried, begged, yelled
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relying on Medicaid, robbing him of his independence, his ability to remain at home in an accessible environment, without the funds to every have his own home with modifications to stay with his family as the con and the tax director cash in on every dollar he had to live
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a pandemic. They transfer a deed for a home paid in full to a con that did not pay a dime, pass it off as an Upset deed sold at JUDICIAL, MAKE A FAKE DISTRIBUTION (CHECK THE DATES) stealing the money in equity and forcing a disabled young man into a lifetime of
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allowing the con to build a delinquency of property taxes (more than $120,000.00) removing the home from FOUR UPSET SALES when they claim to have sold a home at the very tax sale that covers up the con. As residents in the county struggle to bounce back from
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The fraud and theft of the deed is so obvious and yet they do nothing, Medicaid fraud happens in more than just medical billing right? Forcing a family and a young man with disabilities on the street while they steal the home and 100% equity of $700,000.00 while
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Sheriff came to my door November 1st because of this fraud (now over $120,000.00 denied to the school taxes just audited) and they continue to allow it to grow! This con was handed my deed by tax director fraudulently
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Forgot to mention that the tax office DOESN'T DO A TITLE SEARCH! Just another part of the con to create a FRAUDULENT document with a judge's order! That's ok though denying residents the county tax funds and throw a family on the streets. #felony is allowed!
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Ready for a math lesson? No wonder the ⁦@ChescoGovt⁩ can't get shit right. The tax office can can't do basic math to pull off the fraud of taxes. Stupid is as stupid does.. bummer! Day is coming ⁦@ChesCoRamblings
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If I illegally transferred the deed of someone by lying that I own their house I would be in jail correct? But the CHESCO tax director does it they will allow him & the con to roam free,deny the residents the 110k in delinquent taxes caused by the fraud
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I think it should be considered that the COUNTY DIRECTOR ILLEGALLY handed the deed to my home over to a NONRESIDENT and has allowed him to accumulate a delinquency of more than $110K and is pushing a lifelong resident w/ two grads of chesco schools
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Will Wood: Angst over school property tax and fund balances is misplaced #NewsBreak perhaps the audit should include the tax office procedures, I personally know of more than $110,000.00 sitting in the pocket of The Kevin Jackson Group
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It’s a real shame when the country will do the same thing to a family and a young man in a wheelchair. They will always just cover it up with lies and corruption regardless if it would kill you. Money is more valuable than life.
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In the richest nation on earth, a man died in the freezing cold Mississippi woods on Christmas Day while trying to walk home to his family. They had been unable to wire money to him or help him get a bus ticket because he didn’t have a current ID.
June 30, 2020!! The Kevin group is handed two deeds worth more than a million dollars for free! And runs the tax delinquency on just my home more than 110K. Tax director removed home from four upset sales to hide the delinquency!
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This county is a disgrace! You will bury your secrets and destroy residents life if it protected the image of @ChescoGovt there is no integrity of this county govt only selfish greed! #Taxofficecons #Corruption at it's worst!
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