Rauter, Johann Baptist Albin "Hanns Albin" - TracesOfWar.com

Rauter, Johann Baptist Albin "Hanns Albin"

Date of birth:
February 4th, 1895 (Klagenfurt/Carinthia, Austro-Hungary)
Date of death:
March 25th, 1949 (Scheveningen/the Hague, the Netherlands)
Service number:
Nr. 262.958 (SS-Mitglied)


SS-Obergruppenf�hrer Hans Rauter was Higher SS and Police Leader in the occupied Netherlands during the period of 1940-1945. He was responsible for the repression of the Dutch resistance and supervised the deportation of the Dutch Jews to the concentration and death camps. In March 1945 he was severely wounded by an attack of the Dutch resistance. After the war he was handed over to the Dutch government by the British Army. He was tried by a special Dutch court and sentenced to death. He was executed by a firing squad on March 25, 1949.

July 1st, 1918: Oberleutnant de Reserve;
1934: SS-Standartenf�hrer;
February 20th, 1935: SS-Oberf�hrer;
December 21st, 1939: SS-Brigadef�hrer;
April 20th, 1941: SS-Gruppenf�hrer/Generalleutnant der Polizei;
June 21st, 1943: SS-Obergruppenf�hrer/General der Polizei
June 1st, 1944: General der Waffen-SS.

? - 1912: Oberrealschule;
?: Technischen Universit�t Graz;
1914: Gebirgssch�tzenregiment 1;
May 1921 - July 1921: Freikorps Oberland;
1921: Stabchef Steirischer Heimatschutz;
? - October 17th, 1934: F�hrer Kampfring der �sterreicher im Reiche;
1934 - March 1938: Sachbearbeiter NSDAP-Fl�chtlingshilfswerk;
February 20th, 1935 - April 1936: Offizier z.b.V. Pers�nliches Stab Reichsf�hrer-SS;
April 1936 - June 1936: Stab SS-Hauptamt;
June 1936 - November 1938: Pers�nliches Stab Reichsf�hrer-SS;
1938 - ?: Mitglied des Reichstags;
November 1st, 1938 - September 1st, 1940: Stabsf�hrer SS-Oberabschnittes S�dost, Breslau;
June 26th, 1940 - May 8th, 1945: Generalkommissar f�r das Sicherheitswesen / H�herer SS- und Polizeif�hrer �Nordwest", Reichskommissar f�r die besetzten Niederlande.

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