‎‘Mr. Deeds’ rewatched by Scott Audetat • Letterboxd
Mr. Deeds

Mr. Deeds ★★★½

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Pretty funny at times, with the usual Sandler brand of humor. Ryder actually works in the plot, but the butler steals the movie: he's a very sneaky!

The bit with Deeds' foot never seems to get old. If you don't care much for Sandler movies, you probably won't like this much.

Watching this back again, there did seem to be a lot of cheesy stuff that my older self found more annoying than I probably did back 20 years ago when this came out.

I still like that Sandler played this normal, no weird voices, and I still think Ryder is great here.

Al Sharpton cameos here and he's like one third of his size he is today. Crazy.