The perfect two-week holiday in Patagonia

The perfect two-week holiday in Patagonia

Explore the stunning southern extremes of Argentina and Chile, including beautiful lakes, remote national parks and unforgettable road trips


When Paul Theroux stopped off in Buenos Aires in 1978 and told Jorge Luis Borges he was heading south, the Argentinian author was dismissive. “There are no people there,” he said. “There is nothing in Patagonia.” 

Thinly populated, barren-looking, windswept in summer and bitterly cold in winter, Patagonia shouldn’t really be as enthralling as it is. But there’s something about the triangle-shaped vastness at the far end of South America that stirs travellers’ souls.

Patagonia’s seeming emptiness is a significant “something” for anyone seeking huge, blue skies and lenticular clouds, jagged mountain summits and immense glaciers, not to mention ice-cold turquoise lakes at the edge of steppe-lands stalked by pumas.

Penguins in Patagonia
Patagonian wildlife includes king penguins, flamingos and even pumas Credit: Getty Images

Patagonia was the last region of South America to be colonised, and is shared by Argentina and Chile precisely because neither country gave it much thought until the late 19th century. Its cultural history is surprisingly rich, and often comes with a dash of myth and legend. Ferdinand Magellan landed there in 1520, and in his wake came conquistadors searching for El Dorado, priests and gold-hunters, flag-bearing colonialists and whalers, explorers and naturalists – most notably Robert FitzRoy and Charles Darwin, anthropologists, settlers and soldiers, and travel writers.

Today’s traveller has it easy, thanks to excellent roads, luxury as well as budget hotels in almost all areas and plenty of flights into and around the region. Old estancias house bijou hotels. Treks into the “unknown” are well marked. Nonetheless, distances are still something to be reckoned with when planning a visit. From Buenos Aires to Ushuaia at the foot of Tierra del Fuego, it’s 1,920 miles (3,090km) on the Ruta 3 and the more picturesque Ruta 40, which starts at the Strait of Magellan, runs along the Andes for a mind-boggling 3,157 miles (5,080km) – either of which you would need several weeks to complete.

This 14-day itinerary is a taster, combining a couple of flights, a shorter but thrilling road trip, some hiking and a boat trip, which together showcase coast and cordillera, north and south, desert and forest. There’s plenty of wilderness and, this being Patagonia, there’ll be some weather and a few gusty winds – but there are also opportunities for rest and relaxation. 

Santiago de Chile
Day 1

Cafés and culture

Skyline of Santiago, Chile
Vibrant Santiago de Chile makes a cultural first stop Credit: Alamy Stock Photo

Enjoy a stopover in the Chilean capital after your long – probably overnight – flight. Check in to the Hotel Magnolia, a classy converted townhouse close to the Cerro Santa Lucía city park and the historic centre. Lastarria, a hip, artsy dining area is just round the corner. Wonderland Café is a gorgeous little eatery, ideal for brunch or lunch. Walk over to the La Moneda Cultural Centre; there are always interesting exhibitions, often on Patagonian and indigenous themes. Bocanariz is a great place for dinner and has an excellent wine list.

The Lake Districts
Days 2 & 3

The Ring of Fire

Fly to Puerto Montt in the Chilean Lake District. The northern latitudes of Patagonia are relatively temperate and the lakelands on both sides of the Andes have become holiday regions. Transfer to Lago Llanquihue and check into the striking stone-and-glass lakeside Hotel AWA for one night.

Drive up the road to see the pretty Petrohué waterfalls and the Osorno Volcano viewpoint; you’ll see this impressive cone-shaped volcano from various vantage points during your stay. It’s one of the most active in the area, which sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire.

Half an hour in the opposite direction is Puerto Varas, a prosperous little town and a hub for hikers and holidaymakers. There are restaurants and cafes, bookstores and gear-shops. Pop into the Museo Pablo Fierro, a lovely junk shop-style local museum, and learn about the German settlements of the late 19th century.

Hotel AWA, Patagonia
Hotel AWA boasts panoramic lake views Credit: Sebastian Wilson Leon

Journey by lake

After breakfast, cross to Argentina via a string of lakes buried inside the Andes. Known hereabouts as the Cruce Andino, the journey starts with a bus-ride to Petrohué, to board a ferry across Lago Todos Los Santos. If the weather is good, you’ll see three or four volcanoes and the southern beech forests that cling to slopes around the lake. If it’s poor, the setting is eerily dramatic.

The next stop is Peulla, barely a hamlet, in the middle of the Vicente Pérez Rosales National Park in the densely forested heart of the Andes. Enjoy lunch here and take a stroll. Continue by bus to the mountain-pass border post, passing waterfalls and fast-flowing streams. Board another boat to cross Lago Frías – another beauty. The weather tends to improve as you move west thanks to the rain-shadow effect of the mountains. Another short ride on dry land takes you to Puerto Blest and a final trip to Puerto Pañuelo is accomplished via the enormous Lago Nahuel Huapi (said to have its own answer to the Loch Ness monster: Nahuelito).

This brings you into San Carlos de Bariloche, which was founded in 1902 and grew when the railway arrived from Buenos Aires in the 1930s. Its original architecture was intended to look Tyrolean and today Bariloche is a major regional hub and ski resort. After a look around town, check in to the Llao Llao Hotel for one night – it’s a luxurious resort with lake views.

The Ruta 40
Days 4 & 5
Ruta 40, Patagonia
The Ruta 40 runs from the Bolivian border to the bottom of Argentina Credit: Alamy Stock Photo

Road trip views

After breakfast, set off on the Ruta Nacional 40 – with a driver or your own hire car. This highway is a legend in its own right. Established in the 1930s, it runs from the Bolivian border at La Quiaca to the Cabo Virgenes lighthouse at the bottom of Argentina. Driving along it used to be arduous, because of gravel roads, fuel issues and a lack of accommodation. In recent years, amenities have improved, long sections have been paved and the epic highway is open to all.

The 180-mile section from Bariloche to Esquel is only a small portion of the whole, but it gives a sense of the scale and beauty of northern Patagonia. The route will bring you to the Los Alerces National Park, a Unesco World Heritage Site and a wonderland of forests, mountains and rivers named after the globally threatened Alerce tree – the second longest-living tree species in the world.

Los Alerces National Park, Patagonia
Los Alerces National Park is home to the globally threatened Alerce tree Credit: Credit: Dom Slike / Alamy Stock Photo/Dom Slike / Alamy Stock Photo

The town of Esquel is the terminus of the Old Patagonian Express narrow-gauge railway line. Book into Hosteria Canela for one night, a homely B&B that feels a bit like a farmstead – though it’s only half a mile to the town centre. 

The trail of outlaws and artists

On your return drive to Bariloche, visit Cholila to see a replica of the log cabin where Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid and Etta Place laid low in 1901-2. Grab lunch at El Bolsón, a hippie town that took off in the 1960s when the Buenos Aires cast of the rock opera Hair decamped there. Take a gentle hike around the turquoise-hued Lago Puelo – a great place for a picnic – with views of the snow-capped peak of Tres Picos, and, to the east, the magnificent jagged massif of Cerro Piltriquitrón, a Mapuche name meaning “hanging from the clouds”.

Spend the night at Estancia Peuma Hue, a luxurious ranch-type property on the shores of Lago Gutierrez (a great base for those who might rather opt out of the road trip and enjoy a few leisurely lakeside days).

Southern Patagonia’s two big parks
Day 6, 7 & 8
Perito Moreno glacier, Patagonia
Explore the Perito Moreno glacier, a nearly 60-metre wall of ice Credit: Getty Images

Glacial exploring

Fly from Bariloche to El Calafate; this will take you into Santa Cruz – Patagonia’s southernmost province – where you will be poised to explore the region’s famed national parks. Check in to the Mirador del Lago Hotel, before setting out to explore the Parque Nacional Los Glaciares, which contains the largest ice-cap in the southern hemisphere outside Antarctica.

From steel walkways you can admire the Perito Moreno glacier. The nearly 60-metre wall of ice rises above the western reaches of Lago Argentino, advancing and breaking up when the water beneath undermines it. It’s nigh-on impossible to predict when the ice-bridge will collapse, but sections of the wall calve off every year. An ice-hike over the glacier, with crampons, allows you to get up close to the wavelike surface and see sky-blue pools that form in the crevasses.

Summits and ice caps

Spend your second day in the area exploring El Chalten, Argentina’s youngest town and hiking capital. There are lots of options, but the classic walk takes you up to a small lake overshadowed by the soaring needle-like summits of the Mount Fitz Roy massif.

Mount Fitz Roy, Patagonia
Don't miss hiking to the iconic Mount Fitz Roy Credit: Getty Images

As you return to El Calafate, you’ll pass two huge lakes – Lago Viedma and Lago Argentino. Their opaque green-blue colour is a result of the glacial milk that runs off the glaciers. Pop into the Glaciarium ice museum to learn about the process that created Patagonia’s ice caps, glaciers and lakes. Back in town, have a classic Argentinian pizza (cheesy as anything) for dinner at cosy La Lechuza.

Iconic vistas

Drive, or take a taxi or bus down the Ruta 40 and over the Andes, crossing the Argentina/Chile frontier, to arrive at Puerto Natales. Drive into Parque Nacional Torres del Paine to see viewpoints and take in the photogenic summits: the main massif of Paine, the so-called Cuernos or Horns and the three Torres (Towers) after which the park is named.

Torres del Paine, Patagonia
Tour the photogenic summits of Parque Nacional Torres del Paine Credit: Getty Images

Check in to The Singular, an ingeniously converted cold-storage warehouse from the sheep farming heydays. The hotel still houses original machinery, on display in a sort of museum; rooms have floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook Last Hope Sound – a tidal inlet with a backdrop of snowy peaks. Have dinner in the onsite restaurant; there’s an excellent cocktail bar to get started. The chefs make full use of local produce, including guanaco meat, king crab, wild rhubarb and southern hake. 

Waterfalls and wildlife

Spend a whole day at Torres del Paine. Cross Lago Grey in a boat to see the Grey Glacier, enjoy a picnic on the lakeside and then take an easy walk to see the Río Paine waterfall and Laguna Azul. Look out for Chilean flamingos, black-necked swans, buff-necked ibis and Andean geese along the water’s edge. If you’re very lucky, and your guide is a whizz, you might see pumas.

Punta Arenas
Day 10
Punta Arenas
Look out for Chilean flamingos along the coast Credit: Alamy Stock Photo

In Magellan’s footsteps

Head south to Punta Arenas, and check into La Yegua Loca, a charming eight-room hotel that’s a winning combo of cosy and rustic, with wood-panelled walls, antiques, objets d’art and fleeces and woollens to honour the local ranching industry.

Port city Punta Arenas boasts a grand central plaza, with a striking Magellan monument, and the cemetery is full of the tombs of sailors and settlers, many from England and Croatia. The open-air Museo Nao Victoria has full-size replicas of Magellan’s ship, the Chilean schooner Ancud, HMS Beagle and the tiny boat (Greenock-built Yelcho) that saved Ernest Shackleton and his men when the Endurance was trapped in drifting ice off Antarctica. Have dinner at Estilo Magellanico; the menu includes salmon ceviche, fish soup, oysters in chilli and Aberdeen Angus tomahawk steaks.

The Land of Fire
Days 11, 12, 13 & 14
Ushuaia, Argentina, Patagonia
Tierra del Fuego is home to cormorants, gulls and penguins Credit: Getty Images

Penguin encounters

The island of Tierra del Fuego is cut off from mainland South America by the Strait of Magellan, and was once believed to be connected to Antarctica. Magellan baptised it the “Land of Fire” probably after seeing the indigenous Yamana tending fires on the banks and perhaps also in their canoes.

Drive from Punta Arenas to Ushuaia, crossing the Strait of Magellan at Porvenir. The drive will take you along Bahía Inútil (Useless Bay), where there’s a king penguin reserve – breeding colonies are normally seen near sub-antarctic islands. As you approach the Atlantic coast, you’ll see signs for estancias on both sides of the road. Wetter than mainland Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego is home to some very large sheep farms.

Spend the night at Villa Maria Lodge, which forms part of the Estancia José Menéndez – a property dating back to 1894 and named for one of the most famous/notorious Fuegian feudal ranchers. Used mainly by anglers, the lodge is an idyllic place to spend a night and enjoy top-end food and wine.

Ushuaia, Patagonia
Charming Ushuaia is the launch point for marine tours in the area Credit: (c) 2007 Dan Fairchild/Dan Fairchild Photography

History and seafood

Drive to Ushuaia, making stops at picturesque Lago Fagnano and Estancia Harberton – where you can have a delicious lunch of lamb stew. Located on a well-shielded bay off the Beagle Channel, it’s a fantastic place to explore; the guided tour takes in the family cemetery, well-tended gardens, shearing shed and replicas of Yamana huts. On arrival, check in to the lavishly appointed Las Hayas resort hotel, set on a slope high above the city. The in-house restaurant is excellent: sample the trout or seafood spaghetti.

Marine life excursions

Ushuaia is Argentina’s most southerly conurbation, at latitude 54 degrees south – the same as Harrogate in the north of England, but the weather is far more dramatic because of its location on the Beagle Channel. In the morning, take a boat trip along the Beagle Channel, visiting several small islands occupied by several species of cormorants, southern fur seals and gulls. Penguins, dolphins and porpoises are regular visitors to the waterway. 

Ushuaia, Patagonia
The Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego is the perfect destination for wildlife spotting Credit: Getty Images

Visit the Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego in the afternoon. It’s a 20-minute ride by taxi, or just over an hour if you use the former prison train. The park protects sub-antarctic forests of beech and peat bogs, and fauna such as guanaco, Andean foxes, condors, a native parrot and the Magellanic woodpecker. For dinner, try Ushuaia’s famous centolla (king crab) at the gourmet restaurant Maria Lola’s.

A moment in Buenos Aires

Fly to Buenos Aires. You can catch the night flight home. Alternatively, check into the opulent Alvear Palace in Recoleta, spend an afternoon strolling round the neighbourhood and have a final meal at the hotel’s grill restaurant.

How to do it
Los Arrayanes, Patagonia
The best time to visit Patagonia is between October and March Credit: Alamy Stock Photo

When to go

October to March is the optimum visiting time. While the Argentine coast can be very windy, temperatures across the region are pleasant and the days long. Rain is always a possibility in the Andes, but it is usually short-lived and rather refreshing. In winter (July–September), there’s snow and the roads can become blocked. Southern right whales can be seen off the coast of Argentina between June and December.

What to book

The full works

Last Frontiers can arrange a holiday mirroring the above itinerary, combined with the Australis cruise to Ushuaia. From £11,300 per person, including accommodation with breakfast throughout and full-board for eight days, hire car, transfers and flights.

Perito Moreno glacier, Patagonia
Holiday packages can include guided tours of the Perito Moreno glacier Credit: Getty Images

The Chilean option

Swoop has a two-week Highlights of Chilean Patagonia Tour that combines an active visit to Torres del Paine, a cruise around Tierra del Fuego and a drive down Chile’s Southern Highway, bookended by stays in Santiago and Buenos Aires. From £9,600 per person, including flights, transfers and B&B accommodation.

Walk in the national parks

Exodus has a two-week Patagonian Highlights group tour that includes hikes in Los Glaciares, Torres del Paine and Tierra del Fuego national parks, a visit to the Perito Moreno glacier and a stay in Buenos Aires. From £6,059, including flights.

Torres del Paine National Park, Chilean Patagonia
Some areas of Patagonia can be extremely remote, but that's part of the fun Credit: Getty Images

Expert tips

Take high-factor sun protection and a peaked hat. The sun is very strong down south and the wind makes you think you’re not getting burned. The ozone hole over the southern hemisphere still exists.

Hire a 4WD vehicle for your long independent leg along the east side of the Andes. It’s safer and more comfortable for the long drives.

Don’t expect luxury at every lodging; parts of Patagonia are remote and rarely visited by South Americans or anyone else. Estancia stays can be quite basic, but the food and welcome will be hearty.

The above itinerary is brisk; if you can, add on extra days to do some horse-riding, walking/climbing, fly-fishing or golfing.

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