The Raging Tide, 1951 – Heart Of Noir

The Raging Tide

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Cast + Crew

George Sherman
Aaron Rosenberg, John W. Rogers
Ernest K. Gann
Ernest K. Gann (novel)
Russell Metty
Frank Skinner
Hilyard Brown, Bernard Herzbrun
Ted J. Kent
Richard Conte, Shelley Winters, Stephen McNally, Charles Bickford, Alex Nicol, John McIntire, Tito Vuolo, Minerva Urecal

Some films divide noir fans because their noir credentials are seemingly undermined by an overgenerous dose of melodrama, the criminal element sometimes morphing into a romance or family drama that alters the tone of the film. One such film is George Sherman’s The Raging Tide, which stars Richard Conte as a murderer on the run who finds shelter under the wing of a father figure that he didn’t know he needed. Based on a novel by Ernest K. Gann, the film opens with a spectacular noir sequence in which crime boss Bruno Felkin (Conte), after shooting a man dead, runs up and down the lifeless, nocturnal hills of San Francisco until he reaches the pier and hides onboard a small fishing boat that’s preparing to set sail (“the fourth way to exit the city”). After ship captain Hamil Linder (Charles Bickford) and his son Carl (Alex Nicol) discover his presence, Felkin finagles an invitation to stay onboard as a crew member. Meanwhile, police lieutenant Kelsey (Stephen McNally) leads a manhunt for Felkin, which includes visits to — and surveillance of — the fugitive’s insecure girlfriend Connie Thatcher (Shelley Winters). As Felkin comes to appreciate the paternal kindness and approbation of Linder, a feud emerges between the grateful Felkin and the discontented Carl; the pseudo-fraternal rivalry takes on Biblical Cain-and-Abel dimensions, especially in light of Hamil’s prayerful monologue asking God for guidance and mercy. The titular tide rages in the hearts and minds of all involved, but it also becomes manifest in a wild storm (fairly effectively rendered using special effects) which will claim at least one life on board the ship. Prolific character actor John McIntire practically steals the film as dipsomaniac Corky Mullins, who bums around on the wharf with his little dog and soiled Long Johns looking for someone to have faith in him. Noir fans may feel let down as the (melo)drama unfolds, especially after the menacing set-up, but the top-notch performances by a cast of noir stalwarts will satisfy all the same.

By Michael Bayer

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Bruno Felkin (Richard Conte) departs the scene of the crime.
Hamil Linder (Charles Bickford) turns to God to save his son.

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