1. jimbo1mcm's Avatar
    On my 8830, I could press ALT, right CAP and DEL and get a reset without removing the battery. I don't have my Storm yet. Does this procedure work with the Storm?
    12-14-08 03:10 AM
  2. neolantis's Avatar
    On my 8830, I could press ALT, right CAP and DEL and get a reset without removing the battery. I don't have my Storm yet. Does this procedure work with the Storm?
    i don't think that works...but i use quick pull from the crackberry store. it's a free program
    12-14-08 03:26 AM
  3. ace242's Avatar
    do a search on the forums.
    12-14-08 03:35 AM
  4. noaim's Avatar
    do a search on the forums.

    download quickpull from crackberry free.

    "compare the size of those to sentences"

    would it have really been that hard to help?
    12-14-08 06:50 AM
  5. Peaugh's Avatar
    Anyone having issues with quickpull? I installed it earlier and everytime I open it it also opens the keyboard and WILL NOT let me select "YES" as an option. It just stays on "NO." It's not the phone freezing up, since I can immediately back out of the program run everything else just fine. Should I reinstall?
    12-17-08 02:31 AM
  6. Jaysus Cutler6's Avatar
    I downloaded Soft Reset from here: geek and proud - BlackBerry Software
    Works fine.
    12-17-08 02:35 AM
  7. noaim's Avatar
    Anyone having issues with quickpull? I installed it earlier and everytime I open it it also opens the keyboard and WILL NOT let me select "YES" as an option. It just stays on "NO." It's not the phone freezing up, since I can immediately back out of the program run everything else just fine. Should I reinstall?
    ok something you should know..

    alot of applications that are not prefered on the storm start off in compatibility mode..

    if the keyboard is forced up it is more then likely in compatibility mode..

    so go to options>advanced options> applications

    highlight the application hit the BB menu key and click disable compatibility mode..

    usually this is a 1 time process for the offending app..

    it will then work as intended
    12-17-08 02:37 AM
  8. zookeper3's Avatar
    Its doing the same thing to me I have to try a couple times before I can select yes.

    Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com
    12-17-08 02:37 AM
  9. howarmat's Avatar
    soft reset works well
    12-17-08 02:47 AM
  10. jmw102602's Avatar
    Never had any issues with soft reset
    12-17-08 03:04 AM
  11. Evil Sports's Avatar
    Soft Reset, got it here
    12-17-08 05:41 AM
  12. ADay8945's Avatar
    QuickPull and SoftReset work perfectly if you disable compatibility mode. I prefer QuickPull.
    12-17-08 06:47 AM
  13. JRSCCivic98's Avatar
    Hey, prior to the Storm I never used QuickPull since I loved me the 3 finger salute. With that said, QuickPull throws up this module install BS message. I'm not going to test it on my 8830 because I'm lazy, but do both of these programs throw that up as part of their normal restart process or is this something new on the Storm that the devs might needs to polish up?

    I honestly expected it to just restart the phone when the program is run, not display anything.
    12-17-08 06:51 AM
  14. Ultrafied's Avatar
    I don't remember SoftReset doing that, but then the mind is the second thing that goes!
    12-17-08 07:38 AM
  15. pkcable's Avatar
    Hey, prior to the Storm I never used QuickPull since I loved me the 3 finger salute. With that said, QuickPull throws up this module install BS message. I'm not going to test it on my 8830 because I'm lazy, but do both of these programs throw that up as part of their normal restart process or is this something new on the Storm that the devs might needs to polish up?

    I honestly expected it to just restart the phone when the program is run, not display anything.
    Softreset operates the same way.
    12-17-08 08:08 AM
  16. JRSCCivic98's Avatar
    I'm willing to bet all they do with these programs is install a small module and then uninstall it. This natively triggers the BB's inherent need to reboot to delete the module on startup. In other words, an exploitation of the install/uninstall subsystem on the BB to do something else.

    A nice way of approaching it, but it would have been nicer to actually just trigger a reset like the BB natively does on its own. Perhaps there's no API for that, but who knows. I'm just saying... it would have been "cleaner".
    12-17-08 10:17 AM