John Adams Quotes - John Adams Quotations, Famous Sayings - FamousFix
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Abigail Adams: Half-fed slaves building our nation's Capitol. What possible good can come from such a place?

Edward Rutledge: South Carolina, on behalf of its sister colonies...
John Adams: STATES!

John Adams: I will not voluntarily put on the chains of France while struggling to throw off those of Great Britain!

John Adams: Thomas Jefferson survives.

Benjamin Franklin: You are a guest in Philadelphia. Fish, and guests, stink after three days.

John Adams: Liberty will reign in America!

John Hancock: (reluctantly) God save the King.
Samuel Adams: God damn the King!
Benjamin Franklin: (happily) God bless the King. Who else could've brought such a spirit of unity to the Congress?

John Adams: I have seen a queen of France with 18 million livres of diamonds on her person, but I declare that all the charms of her face and figure added to all the glitter of her jewels did not impress me as much as that little shrub right there. Now your mother always said that I never delighted enough in the mundane, but now I find that if I look at even the smallest thing my imagination begins to roam the milky way!

John Adams: My thoughts are so clear to me... each one takes perfect shape within my mind. But when I speak, when I offer them to others, they seem to lose all definition.

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