HATEFUL | definizione, significato - che cosa è HATEFUL nel dizionario Inglese - Cambridge Dictionary

Significato di hateful in inglese

Esempi di hateful

These are the vices that primarily require attention, a priority lost when the law announces that expressing hateful beliefs will not be tolerated.
Some patients were hateful or unlikable, some denied their disease state, some became unusually dependent on the physician, some were intimidating to the doctor.
In these ways, hateful fighting words are especially traumatic and divisive.
The author explains that because these various groups are his responsibility, he must distinguish 'even the hateful varieties'.
And he ends his career after he slugs the big boss who utters one hateful slur too many.
However, the question is whether there is anything impermissible in the state focusing on the salient subclass of hateful fighting words.
A presumption of enablement over punishment shows that criminal sanctions for hateful speech are almost never appropriate.
In general, therefore, hateful speech does not preempt further speech, whereas conflating pain and harm simply begs the question in favor of political regulation.
Yet he was rotten on the - inside,18 held hateful doctrine, and understood little.
There is an uncomfortable further cost in neglecting the distinctive issues of responsibility attaching to hateful speech.
Whereas all fighting words wound or invite confrontation by being provocative, hateful fighting words are special.
They can encourage courts to recognize hateful speech as possible grounds for actionable torts.
Unfortunately, the psychological state and psychosocial morbidity may be missed as it masquerades under somatic symptoms, noncompliance, defiance or uncooperative, paranoid, and hateful behavior.
But if not, it will only be experienced as a hateful thing that elicits cursing and further defiance.
Of course, people's capacity to deal with unreasonable views discursively can be exaggerated, making it easier for hateful speech itself to have serious costs.
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Traduzioni di hateful

in cinese (tradizionale)
in cinese (simplificato)
in spagnolo
odioso, detestable…
in portoghese
horrível, odioso…
in altre lingue
in turco
in francese
in Dutch
in ceco
in danese
in indonesiano
in thailandese
in vietnamita
in polacco
in malese
in tedesco
in norvegese
in Ukrainian
in russo
iğrenç, tiksindirici, çok kötü…
odieux, haineux…
buruk, sangat membencikan…
đáng ghét…
nienawistny, nienawidzony…
vemmelig, ekkel, motbydelig…
ненавистный, отвратительный…
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every dog has its day

said to emphasize that everyone is successful or happy at some time in their life

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