What exactly was Germany's Atlantic Wall?

What exactly was Germany's Atlantic Wall?

The story behind Nazi Germany's ambitious coastal defense project

Stars Insider

09/05/24 | StarsInsider


The Atlantic Wall was built on the orders of Adolf Hitler as an extensive system of coastal defenses and fortifications designed to protect Nazi-occupied countries from Allied attacks. This ambitious enterprise was realized using forced labor and required millions of tons of cement to build, along with industrial-grade steel reinforcing and armor plate. It was a colossal undertaking, the wall earmarked to run from the France-Spanish border all the way to the northern tip of Norway. Deemed impregnable by the Germans, the wall's formidable installations did indeed appear insurmountable. But that was before D-Day.

So, what is the story behind one of the most impressive military engineering feats of the Second World War? Click through and find out more about Hitler's Atlantic Wall.

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