Competition: Win Tickets For Live At The Hall Featuring Razorlight - Leftlion - Nottingham Culture

Competition: Win Tickets For Live At The Hall Featuring Razorlight

Monday 29 April 2024
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Get ready for an epic night of music at Wollaton Hall on Friday 30 August, as "Live at the Hall" brings together an all-star lineup featuring Razorlight, Feeder, The Pigeon Detectives, and The Sherlocks.

LeftLion have three pairs of tickets to give away. The winners will be drawn on Monday 20 May and notified by email soon after. To be in with a chance of winning read on...

Liveatthehall Razorlight 1000

Razorlight, the headlining act, will take the stage to deliver a powerhouse performance that will have the crowd on their feet.The British indie rock band known for hits like "America" and "In The Morning," will be taking the stage to deliver a high-energy performance that is sure to captivate all attendees. 

Joining them are Feeder, known for hits like "Buck Rogers" and "Feeling a Moment." The Pigeon Detectives and The Sherlocks will also be bringing their indie-rock sounds to the stage, promising an evening of non-stop entertainment and excitement.

This is a 14+ gig and ickets can be purchased from the Live At The Hall website. 

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