Cliff Parisi: where is Minty Peterson from EastEnders now?

Cliff Parisi: where is Minty Peterson from EastEnders now?

He left the show in 2010

eastenders minty

by Brooke Pollock |
Published on

Noughties EastEnders fans will remember the lovable Minty Peterson (Cliff Parisi) who was in Albert Square for eight years between 2002 and 2010.

During his first appearance he was known as Rick but was later called Minty by his friends because he was always running late to work (his nickname is also a nod to the chocolate After Eight).

He enjoyed nearly a decade of failed romances and being thick as thieves with some Walford icons before his departure, but because it’s been so long since Minty packed his bags, we thought we’d take a trip down memory lane.

What happened to Minty Peterson on EastEnders?

As well as having many failed relationships, Minty also followed in Phil Mitchell’s (Steve McFadden) footsteps and started to get involved in crime.

eastenders minty and garry
minty and gary together ©BBC

He helped Phil plant drugs on mutual enemy Dirty Den (Leslie Grantham) but their plan failed, Den and his son Dennis Rickman (Nigel Harman) got revenge and Minty ended up in prison while Phil went on the run.

He also formed a close friendship with Garry Hobbs (Ricky Groves) after he stopped him from taking his own life, and Minty was good pals with Heather Trott (Cheryl Fergison).

What happened to Minty and Heather in EastEnders?

When people talk about Minty, Heather usually isn’t far behind. The two had a brilliant friendship and even sparked romance rumours a few times.

Their friendship took a turn when Heather encouraged Minty and his girlfriend Hazel (Kika Mirylees) to enter a competition to win their dream wedding. The couple made it to the final but when Hazel left the Square, after becoming menopausal, Heather told Minty to continue with the competition so that the cash prize wouldn't go to waste.

eastenders minty and heather
cliff and cheryl (aka minty and heather) in 2009 together ©Getty Images

In classic EastEnders style, Heather developed feelings for Minty but he didn't feel the same way and they annulled their marriage.

Fast forward and the two reunited with Minty promising to put Heather first. They even meet with a reverend to discuss getting married again, but he ruined his chances with Heather after leaving her son George’s (Joshua Jacobs) christening and kissing Sam Mitchell.

Who was Minty's girlfriend in EastEnders?

As we mentioned earlier, Minty had many failed relationships. His most prominent one was with Sam, who he went back and forth with throughout his time on the Square. It was clear that Minty always had affection for Sam and they even got engaged, though she never really returned his feelings.

He also dated Heather, Garry’s mum Hazel and Manda Best (Josie Lawrence) an old flame of Phil’s.

Who was Minty's best mate in EastEnders?

Minty was close pals with Garry and Phil but he was pretty much inseparable from Gaz.

eastenders minty and garry
cliff and ricky (aka minty and garry) together in 2007 ©Getty Images

Why did Cliff Parisi leave EastEnders?

It was reported that Cliff left the soap alongside a few of his fellow cast mates for a shake up on the show.

At the time, the BBC said, “It’s sad to see characters leave the Square but obviously when a new executive producer like Bryan Kirkwood comes on board they’re always keen to refresh the show and make some changes.”

Is Minty Peterson returning to EastEnders?

After what Cliff said about the show, we don’t think we’ll see Minty make his way onto the Square anytime soon.

He told The Mirror, "I had post-traumatic stress on occasion after watching it.

"I don't wanna slag it off because it's been brilliant to me. I think the best writers and some of the best actors I've ever worked with are in that show, and it was really brilliant whilst I was there.”

What is Cliff Parisi doing now?

One of his most recent ventures was appearing on Celebrity Masterchef last year, but unfortunately he didn’t win.

eastenders minty
minty was a loveable character ©BBC

Since 2012 he has starred on Call the Midwife as Fred Buckle.

Was Cliff Parisi on I'm A Celeb?

He sure was. Cliff competed on I’m a Celebrity in 2018 and was the third celeb to be voted off.

Who is Cliff Parisi's wife?

Cliff's wife is Tara Wyer, a BBC producer. They have one child together, and he has three from previous relationships.

How old is Cliff Parisi?

He is 63. He was born on May 24, 1960.

Does Cliff Parisi have Instagram?

Yes, he does. His username is @officialcliff_paris.

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