Webster Vienna Course Organizes 'Careers in IR' Event Series

careers in ir

As part of the Spring semester’s course "Careers in History, Politics and International Relations,” Webster Vienna Private University (WVPU) hosted a series of guest lectures related to working in the field of international relations.

The course provided students with the opportunity to explore career paths in history, political science or international relations. Throughout the semester, students worked toward identifying their interests and skills with various careers. The course, taught by WVPU Associate Director Samuel Schubert, was a part of the WVPU Certificate in Diplomacy and International Organizations. 

The guest speakers this semester included Alexandra Deubner, Senior Career Services Officer, who provided an introduction to WVPU Career Services. The Career Services team helps students and alumni define career goals and prepare for successful job recruitment.

"Hosting international relations experts at Webster Vienna isn't just about imparting knowledge; this event series bridged theory that we teach with real-world practice. Each of these speakers shared their on-the-ground experience, discussed how they got to where they are today, and answered students’ most pressing questions,” said Nora Binder, Head of Human Resources and Career Services. 

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Another guest speaker was Faris Juma, a Recruitment Specialist at United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Juma shared information about applying to the UNODC system.  

WVPU alumna Janina Mank visited campus in February. She is a section head in Finance, Contracts and Audit with the European Commission. She shared her career background and experience and more information about working for the European Commission. 

Laura Leyser, the General Director of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Austria, spoke about MSF's impactful humanitarian efforts, as well as what life is like working in the field. 

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Webster adjunct faculty member Andreas Papp presented to the class in March, sharing information about work in humanitarian relief and aid. 

Fatime Barbara Hegyi, PhD, of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology spoke with the class via Zoom, and the final speaker of the semester was Amanda Kratochwil, a Safeguards Information Analyst for the International Atomic Energy Agency.

The Careers in IR event series was another way Webster Vienna provides invaluable field insights and career guidance to students during their studies. Learn more about studying International Relations at WVPU.

careers in irLaura Leyser, General Director at Médecins Sans Frontières Austria, speaks during a Careers in International Relations event.

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