The Legend Of Robin Redbreast | Bird Spot
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The Legend Of Robin Redbreast

Robin In Snow

The Legend Of Robin Redbreast is from A Christmas Stocking by Louise Betts Egan. It tells the story of how the robin got his red breast after burning himself on a fire he fanned to keep the baby Jesus warm.

Another legend says that the robin’s breast is red because of his association with Christ’s death and crucifixion. When Jesus was on the road to Calvary it is said that a robin plucked a thorn from Christ’s temple and a drop of Jesus’ blood fell on the robin’s chest, turning it red.

The Legend Of Robin Redbreast

On that first Christmas, it is said, the night was wrapped in a bitter chill. The small fire in the stable was nearly out, and the Mother Mary worried that her baby would be cold. She turned to the animals about her and asked them for help.

“Could you blow on the embers,” she asked the ox, “so the fire might continue to keep my son warm?”

But the ox lay sound asleep on the stable floor and did not hear her. Next, Mary asked the donkey to breathe life back into the fire, but the sleeping donkey did not hear Mary either. Nor did the horse or sheep. She wondered what to do.

Suddenly, Mary heard a fluttering of little wings. Looking up, she saw a plain, brown-coloured little robin fly into the stall. This robin had heard Mary calling to the animals and had come to help her himself. He went over to the dying fire and flapped his wings hard.

His wings were like little bellows, huffing and puffing air onto the embers, until they glowed bright red again. He continued to fan the fire, singing all the while, until the ashes began to kindle.

With his beak, the robin picked up some fresh, dry sticks and tossed them into the fire. As he did, a flame suddenly burst forth and burned the little bird’s breast a bright red. But the robin simply continued to fan the fire until it crackled brightly and warmed the entire stable. The Baby Jesus slept happily.

Mary thanked and praised the robin for all he had done. She looked tenderly at his red breast, burned by the flame, and said “From now on, let your red breast be a blessed reminder of your noble deed.”

And to this day, the robin’s red breast covers his humble heart.


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15 Responses

  1. This is the most beautiful story I have ever heard. Stories of Jesus is so heart warming especially with this little beautiful Robin . We need to hear more stories like like this Thank you

  2. I was awakened this snowy morning with birds chirping in a tree by my window. To my surprise/ ROBINS.
    If my mom had lived 1 1/2 longer, today she would be a 100 years old. I always associate a Cardinals with Angels.
    Thank you ROBINS , you sang to her HAPPY BIRTHDAY. What a Blessing.

  3. Like Chris, I have heard the story of the robin at Christ’s crucifixion but not at his birth.
    Last week in my feeding box, I saw in outline what I thought was a robin. It was actually a humble sparrow but the low winter sun through the perspex of the feeding box had put a rosy glow on his chest. I’ve been trying to weave that into a folktale/parable/poem ever since.

  4. Love these stories Iv got a red breast of my own had him all year looks in at my window followers me around the garden I know when he want feeding I just have to see him and it makes me feel happy what an amazing bird .

  5. I came across this story this morning after I saw a redbreast outside (I live in New England). Last year the redbreast population was disappearing due to a mysterious illness. So this morning when I heard birdsinging I wondered which bird it was. Imagine my delight to see a fat healthy redbreast perched on the deck railing singing his heart out! I jumped online to find out a bit more information about the general health of the population and found these delightful stories! I will never look at a redbreast (American Robin) quite the same!! ?

  6. I love this story. I watched this story with my grandson and we absolutely loved it, he was very young but never forgot it. It touched our hearts SO MUCH ❤️?

  7. I Love this and other stories of the Robin. My name is Robin and I am a Christian who does Love my Lord Jesus my SAVIOUR. And it helps to bring Love to those who hear these stories a little closer to my Lord Jesus.
    Thank you for Sharing
    Robin Teague
    Texas Resident


  9. What a wonderful story! I’ve heard the story about the robin at the crucifixion, where it took a thorn from Christ’s forehead and got blood on his breast, but this is just a good.

  10. I never had heard this wonderful Christmas story. Today I went to a bird seed store to see if they a a small Robin which I could place in my manger seen. They didn’t have any that small and never heard of the Robin story but I was told they will have little Robins for next Christmas.

    1. Well I have had a Xmas magical myself I had a robion in my yard now for 3 days she wakes me up in morning,,,with her lovly song feeds herself she did that for 3 days visiting me in between the vist I have found myself a new job and a home 🏡 she came to me to help me now she done her dutie she gone to help someone eles she was sent to me from our good lord Jesus’s christ to help me armen

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