Tomb Raider
Hardwood transition
Verdant jungle foliage teems with life, from broad leaves to delicate fronds, highlighted by a cluster of vibrant orange flowers.
jungle leaves on the left
jungle leaves on the right
Slide to unlock the Vault
vase relic
mask relic

A Raider's path to discovery starts with a spark.

Seek out the relics to unlock the vault.

Unlit CampfireLit Campfire
horn relic
Top leaves transition
Left jungle leaves
Right jungle leaves
crown relic
helmet relic
Darkness ForegroundDarkness Foreground Pillars
Top leaves transition
Top brick transition
Hardwood transition

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CRYSTAL DYNAMICS and the Crystal Dynamics logo, CRYSTAL NORTHWEST and the Crystal Northwest logo, CRYSTAL SOUTHWEST and the Crystal Southwest logo, TOMB RAIDER and the Tomb Raider logo, and LARA CROFT are trademarks of the Crystal Dynamics group of companies.

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