The terrible twos are very real. Here's how to cope | BabyCenter

The terrible twos are very real. Here's how to cope

Are you in the midst of the terrible twos – or dreading them? Learn why kids go through this stage and what you can do.

Little girl screaming as her mom puts on her sweatshirt
Photo credit: Tanya Yatsenko / Stocksy United

What are the terrible twos?

The terrible twos is a term for a rough patch of childhood. While the stage often begins around 18 to 24 months, it can start as early as 12 months or as late as 3 years.

You'll know your child is going through it because of their challenging behaviors, including frequent outbursts, mood changes, tantrums, and endless no's! They may have a meltdown because the peanut butter has oozed out the side of their sandwich, for example, or because you cut the sandwich diagonally instead of straight, or because it has the wrong jelly in it (despite the fact that they picked out the jelly flavor).  

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Before you brace yourself, keep in mind that for some kids, the terrible twos aren't a thing. These kids sail through their twos with an occasional teary day or hangry episode, but in general they're, well, a terrific two.

Read more about your 2-year-old's milestones and development.

Even if you do have a terrible two on your hands, keep in mind that they can also be lots of fun, full of curiosity and "can do." They're eager to learn things and to become independent, which is mostly impressive and adorable. But it can also be quite the challenge for them – and you.

Causes of the terrible twos

The typical 2-year-old wants independence but isn't quite ready for it – their desire to do things often outpaces their ability to accomplish the task. And so putting on their own socks or pouring their own milk, for example, results in more than a little frustration – and sometimes anger.

Frustration also mounts as 2-year-olds learn that they can't always get what they want – that they can't wear the red dress because it's in the wash, they can't have peas because there aren't any in the house, and they can't use the sharp knife because it's dangerous.

Parents sometimes expect their young children to understand reasoning, logic, and consequences of their actions, says Kelley Yost Abrams, Ph.D. in developmental psychology, early childhood researcher, parenting consultant, and member of the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board.

"But because of the lack of many connections in the frontal lobe of their brain, a 2-year-old isn't quite capable of that yet," says Yost Abrams. "When strong emotions hit, their brain is even more disconnected from the ability to control or think through their actions."

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To top it off, while a child's gross and fine motor skills are quickly developing at this age, their language skills aren't at the point where kids can fully explain their feelings. When a 2-year-old's big emotions and frustration are partnered with an inability to express them, their behavior often becomes "terrible."

Temper tantrums, outbursts, tears, and screaming are called "externalizing behaviors" because your child is attempting to express what they're feeling but can't quite find the words.

A studyOpens a new window of 2,001 mothers reporting on their child's vocabulary and temper tantrums found that children with language delays had almost twice as many severe temper tantrums as children without language delays.

Another studyOpens a new window of 1,259 mothers of children between the ages of 18 and 36 months concluded that stronger language skills are associated with fewer disruptive behaviors.

Signs of the terrible twos

Here are the "terrible twos" behaviors you're likely to see:

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  • Unpredictable mood changes
  • Temper tantrums
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Aggressive behaviors – such as biting, kicking, or hitting – towards other kids, parents, daycare providers, babysitters, and others
  • Increased fighting with siblings and friends
  • Screaming
  • Saying "no" frequently, noncompliance, defiance
  • Insisting on doing everything by themselves ("me do!")
  • Crankiness
  • Throwing things

That said, the way a child deals with frustration and anger isn't always the same – from child to child or even from day to day.

How to handle the terrible twos

Parenting a child going through the terrible twos takes patience. Try to keep in mind that your child isn't purposely having an outburst. Their feelings are just getting the better of them, and they need your support and help to get through it.

Pediatric psychologist and author Mona DelahookeOpens a new window tells parents, "Your child is not throwing a tantrum. A tantrum is throwing your child."

A lot of factors go into how a child handles frustration and how intense their reactions are, says Yost Abrams. Temperament is the main factor, she says, but a lot of other things can push your child into a full-on meltdown.

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"On any given day or moment things like hunger, tiredness, and overstimulation can have a big impact on tantrums. These are things parents have more control over in helping to prevent or mitigate the intensity of tantrums."

Here are some ways to help calm the storms:

Help your child feel their best

Try to make sure they're well rested and well fed. Skipping naps and snacks can shorten your child's fuse.

Provide consistency

Have set times for sleeping, eating, reading, and playing. This helps your child know what to expect and feel a bit more in control. You won't always be able to stick to exact routines, of course, but having a rhythm to the day is comforting for little ones.

Don't overtax them

Keep tasks and expectations in line with what your child can do. Maybe doing two errands is fine, but making one more stop sends them into a tailspin. Or that new puzzle says "1 to 2 years" on the box, but your child just isn't ready for it. Or putting away their blocks is doable, but asking them to also pick up all the crayons leads to disaster.

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Provide choices

Your child loves to assert themselves now, so give them choices, but keep them minimal. A choice between two pairs of shoes might feel empowering, while choosing a pair from a closetful might be too much. 

Minimize your "nos"

One way to do this is to pick your battles. Maybe it's okay to let your child wear their favorite pants every day. In fact, you might proactively wash them so that they're always ready. And maybe letting your child scoop out their own cereal is going to result in a mess, but it's a mess that's worth the trauma it avoids. Another way to minimize your "nos" is to provide a safe environment for your child – with gates to block unsafe areas and breakables up out of reach, for example. Here's a complete guide to childproofing your home.

Use distraction

If you sense your child's frustration is mounting, try changing their situation. Suggest a different game, offer to read them their favorite book, or show them something outside the window. Most children this age are still young enough to have their attention diverted sometimes. If you have to accomplish the task at hand (say, getting their coat on), try making it fun. "Is your hand lost in that sleeve? Where did it go? I think I see it!"

Make tasks more attainable

If they often insist on pouring their own milk, for example, try giving your child a smaller container to pour from and a larger glass to pour into. And break tasks into smaller parts that your child can do on their own. For example, put their sock on just over their toes, but let them pull it up the rest of the way.

Help your child through this phase

Validate and help your child with their feelings. For example: "You're very angry that Sophie is playing with that toy now, and I understand. You really want to play with it and have to wait your turn. That's hard!" Learn more about how to help your child manage big feelings.

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Establish limits

Use healthy discipline strategiesOpens a new window rather than punishment. Spanking, yelling, and shaming don't work and can hurt a child's long-term mental and physical health, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. Instead, focus on praising your child when they're doing something good and giving reasonable consequences when they're behaving badly.

Keep calm

All parents lose their cool from time to time, but this usually makes the situation worse. Staying calm can help your child settle down faster. "Your calmness and availability for a hug can go a long way," says Yost Abrams.

When they're not having an outburst, teach your child calming techniques, such as deep breathing. Zero to Three, a national nonprofit organization, provides helpful directions for mindfulness practices for familiesOpens a new window. Remind your child to use the techniques when you see their frustration building. Or do something relaxing together: cuddle up and read, color, or listen to music. Here are some other helpful relaxation activities to do at home with kidsOpens a new window.

When do the terrible twos end?

Don't count on the terrible twos ending when you child blows out three candles. The behavior can last another year or so. It's likely to pop up after a challenging day or when your child is hungry, tired, or not feeling well.  

The tantrums should begin to fade over time, though. ResearchersOpens a new window have found that at least 20% of 2-year-olds have daily temper tantrums, but that drops to 18% for 3-year-olds and 10% for 4-year-olds.

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As your child learns to talk about their feelings and frustrations, they're likely to have fewer and fewer meltdowns. Your efforts to recognize and empathize with your child's big feelings will help, too.

What comes after the terrible twos?

You may have heard phrases like "threenagers" or "fascist fours" to describe what comes after the terrible twos. And it's true that difficult behavior surfaces at different ages for different kids. But in general, your child's outbursts and other negative behaviors are likely to become less common as they get older, as they're better able to express themselves and negotiate solutions to conflicts.

At ages 3 and 4, kids have a growing vocabulary and can be understood most of the time. A preschooler can do more things on their own now, too – not just want to do more things on their own. They love to pretend play and may even have an imaginary friend. They're generally more cooperative now, too, and better able to share with other kids.

Learn more about 3-year-old milestones and development.

When to get help for the terrible twos

If your child's behavior is interfering with their eating, sleeping, or daycare attendance, or if you feel that their behavior is severe, talk with your child's doctor.

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Some children may need extra help because of a neurodevelopmental difference or a temporary delay in development. Your child's doctor can refer you to a child psychologist or therapist who can help identify and treat any problems.

Also talk with your child's doctor if your child:

  • Has tantrums that result in injury to others
  • Has tantrums that last 15 minutes or longer
  • Harms themselves
  • Can't express their needs at all and is struggling to communicate
  • Is having worse tantrums after age 3
  • Seems withdrawn, avoids eye contact
  • Holds their breath to fainting while having tantrums
  • Is violent

Learn more:

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AAP. 2023. Developmental milestones: 3 to 4 year olds. HealthyChildren.orgOpens a new window. The American Academy of Pediatrics. a new window [Accessed March 2024]

AAP. 2023. What's the best way to discipline my child? HealthyChildren.orgOpens a new window. The American Academy of Pediatrics. a new window [Accessed March 2024]

CDC. 2021. Child development. Toddlers (2-3 years). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. a new window [Accessed March 2024]

Cleveland Clinic. 2021. Tips to help you survive your toddler's 'terrible twos'. a new window [Accessed March 2024]

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Mayo Clinic. 2022. Temper tantrums in toddlers: How to keep the peace. a new window [Accessed March 2024]

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Zero to Three. 2020. Pro tips for managing toddler tantrums. a new window [Accessed March 2024]

Karen Miles
Karen Miles is a writer and an expert on pregnancy and parenting who has contributed to BabyCenter for more than 20 years. She's passionate about bringing up-to-date, useful information to parents so they can make good decisions for their families. Her favorite gig of all is being "Mama Karen" to four grown children and "Nana" to nine grandkids.