Admissions - Cheltenham College

Facts & Figures

Cheltenham College curly bracket from their branding materials


We are delighted you are considering Cheltenham College for your child.

This section of our website contains all of the information that you will need to support you from your very first visit to College and The Prep, through to your child’s first day at school with us.

If your child will be between 3 and 7 years old on entry, they will join us in the Pre-Prep. If your child will be between 7 and 13 on entry they will join us at The Prep, and if they will be between 13 and 18 on entry they will join us at College.

As a first step on your journey, we would recommend downloading the Pre-Prep, Prep or College Prospectus. You can also view your entire admissions journey using our admissions calculator. This will provide you with a full timeline of steps based directly on your child’s age and preferred entry year group.

If you require support at any time, our Admissions Team are always more than happy to help. They can be contacted via (for College, ages 13-18 enquiries) or (The Prep, ages 3-13 enquiries) or please call us on 01242 265 600 (College) or 01242 265 639 (The Prep).

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