Nosso Lar - Nuestro Hogar. Película del Medium Brasileño Chico Xavier. | By Tantrayana Sabiduria&Sanación | It was like waking up from a long dream and then finding out I no longer belonged in the world of the living. I came across a surprising truth that life is an eternal source that goes through various stages. I woke up in a dimension called Umbral. Some kind of purgatory and my story was just beginning. Come in my son Daddy Dance Daddy Lost all sense of time and space. I felt aches in my body and pains in my soul. I was a toy of forces I couldn't understand. All my knowledge would be unable to help me at that point. Dream turned into jewelry nightmare Cheers A toast. Has Mariana finished studying? Yes daddy. You can play . Reminiscing the past I realized that not always appearances indicate reality. Sometimes our dark side hides in a false image of tranquility. But one day it all comes to the surface. And it's never too late. And off you go! Suicide get out of here it's your fault Simbora get out of here See you later. See you later. Thank you Ana Sofia. See you on Wednesday Thank you very much. Doctor? Please come in. I hope when I ran out of strength please someone listen to me all hope seemed finished I did the only thing that was true to me help me I don't know how long that plea lasted that came from the bottom of my soul but I was heard Andr is. Is from God. For God's sake for God's sake help me help me get out of here help me Tobias! Your bird has arrived André. Let's take her away. We need to hit town soon shall we? Suicide. She is such a disgrace. Cameras dead or not? Dead. Just that. Not without that. The soup is top notch. Andre best little boy? Did you like the soup? At least take away that hungry feeling surely left the well-willed leaders I need bye. I need to get my health update For now you just need the treatment. I don't know if you know, but I'm a doctor and I know what happened. I don't remember the hospital you don't know what I suffered when I discovered that disease forty days hospitalized my wife my children watching me suffer outside the shame there happens the impossible I die and wake up in that horrible place next to those m we are our brothers even if we don't know Look at it like this, brothers. You've gone crazy. Where is that gentleman who found me? I'm your superior. Does anyone need to tell me something? I'm not thirsty. It's medicine. Put it in your mouth. Try to keep it in your mouth as long as possible it will do you good. I don't swallow it. Thank you. Without swallowing Hum speaks man. It's awful outside the body. There my friends arrived and took me to bury. I lost myself, you know? Then I ended up in hell, in hell and how I suffered. How did I suffer ? I still remain wondering .... I don't know if I'm dreaming, but also if this here wasn't a dream, you mean that God really exists, right? And did it work out??? Baby. But I just drank water that boy. Drink more, you need it and don't think twice and don't swallow it. Stayed like this for about five hours. I am sleepy, need to sleep. Maybe then you can think about the life you had on earth. Skepticism ends when you wake up in the spiritual realm. Buddy seems to have understood the meaning of water the water of patience. Now you know I expect alot of complaints. Water. I won't stop until I know everything that's going on. Who knows we might get some answers. Hello André my name is Claricio. Clarice thank you so much for rescuing me. I don't even like to think about what I been through A nightmare, an injustice. What can I do for you Andre ? I need explanations. Ah, sure, it's understandable after all the suffering, but unfortunate that it came by suicide. What the Lord doesn't know what the Lord is talking about. Never would I do that The spiritual body keeps a record of all actions performed in the material world. It should show I had a disease that took my life. This disease is the result of a higher law. Which law? Action and reaction. Mental status is defining human history. Idk what y'all talking about When you could imagine anger, hatred, envy, selfishness, intolerance would be part of a diagnosis. Moreover, the organs of the somatic body have innumerable reserves, but they cannot stand year after year of abuse. Your bowel apparatus was completely destroyed by excess of all kinds. Well the term is self-explanatory an act performed over long, long years the result is only one. Unconscious suicide. Is there an explanation for the size of suffering? Hundreds and hundreds of creatures leave life on earth for the same reasons every single day silent catastrophe. Now André enjoy the discansu calm your spirit the affliction does not solve the problems the good thing in life is to always start over There are many newcomers among us who are surprised according to the similar attraction. They were not informed that mental creation is almost everything in our life. They forget that energies vibrate in different dimensions and states. Yes life goes on and relationships between beings meet this truth whether they like it or not the good we do is our lawyer for eternity now we understand the greatness of this moment and the blessing that this city for all André thought I already had ready for here minister has already authorized visiting the city sometimes like this? Well, I teach you how to materialize another outfit. So, André, did you like the lecture of Minister Veneranda? I could never imagine a picture like that and such impressive ideas. I know it's been hard times here at the hospital. Try now to change your thoughts, my friend. Lisis, it's not easy going through what I've been through. Your recovery depends also that's the law of tune does that mean if I explode with anger I can go back to Umbral? You never know André. Our feelings and thoughts dictate where we will be. I need to hear from my family Everything has it's time Do you remember? I was suffering alot with my life Its my relatives that died before me They dont belong around here My Father And My Mother Oh my god. Oh so do you believe it? I thought you were an atheist. Thank you G O D. Little by little you'll know more we go. Taking on Europe. Get What ? Where is this energies coming from? Will engineers reincarnate soon to bring technologies similar to these to the planet? What kind of technologies? How to use magnetism, for instance? Don Amelia. It was me and my husband, I didn't charge anything. Oh yeah, the lady had a headache. Stomach pain in ur tummy Of course. Has it gotten better ? I died right? Stayed out good Ahhh I'm here waiting for Antenor Look there full of sickness, do you remember? But dieing that no good. Ma'am, excuse me, but Dr. André is still fresh. I know for sure you sir came straight for you, you didn't have to stay in that horrible place. The Lord is a good man, he makes no mistake, he came straight to our home. As soon as the Lord is answering, I'll come and pay you a visit. Thank you Ms. Aurelia. Amelia. Amelia. When it's like this it's better to not say anything Thanks for the advice. You could be a minister. I'm going to tell you a little bit of the history of that place, but pay attention. I'll tell you everything at once, agreed? That one in front is Elevation Ministry. Our home was built in the sixteenth century, everything here has a why and a meaning as you will see, there we have the divine union that deals with the matters of the higher spheres along with the palace of the governorate These are the buildings of enlightenment and communication that takes care of research and messages to the relatives of the earth among other matters. You are in the Ministry of Regeneration that stays next to the reincarnation pavilion I must confess, I don't really like it. Why? One day you will know the main square shelters each of the six points of the star a ministry there are seventy-two ministers in the city André just as the breath of God I lived a new paradigm, lived people leaving to be reborn on earth but leaving the sadness behind Slowly everything started to make sense our home was real life and the earth is just a passage won't make it as you know I've already lost myself a lot on these trails unless that's the intention. I want to see my family and do you think is possible? One day who knows I was still the same man stuck to my own mistakes, my selfishness, my past. Doctor Doctor André! Doctor Andre. pardon me. Can i interrupt ? Oh yeah. I need to research much harder anyway. My pleasure, Emanuel. My pleasure André Luiz Man I wish I knew how I can message my family, let them know I'm here thinking about them. There's actually so many things that I don't know where to start. You start right here, have you been told how our ministry of communication works here. You pick the tech and the oldest. The oldest ones I know pls. Do you think it will make her less sad? I know she is in a lot of pain after I'm gone Oh Jonas, your mother will no longer suffer after knowing that you are doing very well with so many details that you tell here. Huh? What we do now Now you wait when you have permission to say, I warn you, we have an incarnate brother who is ready to psychograph all the messages we can send. Thank you very much. André, hard to start writing? True, it's always like that. You can search for brother Genesio in the Ministry of Aid, there you will find what you are looking for. Licensed Minister, may I have a private? Pardon for our brother, after them I will surely render him the necessary help. But my business is quick, so is theirs. Find me out. Excuse me. André Luiz The service is peer to peer. Thank you minister. Thank you very much. We help each other first . What can i do for madam? Genius Minister, I need to see my children on earth. Poor things, they are suffering so much because of my departure. Although family ties are not broken by the temporary separation of death. It's a fair request. How many hour bonuses does the lady present to deserve the request? work just like that. How long has the lady been in the colony? Six painful years And all this time you didn't find anything that sparked your interest? I have never had to work She knows that our home offers from food factories, to visitation services to friends in recovery. All a little bit tiring Do you agree? All merit is achieved through work That's what I was told Evaluate your actions sister and see how pride and selfishness are permeated. It's the great chakras of humanity Every form of service is a blessing. Sir, excuse me, so can I go back to acting as a doctor? It depends on you but maybe the earthly doctor is not the same spiritual doctor. Wat can I do ? Knowing that will persistence and merit go hand in hand when the server is ready the service appears Let's look at work my sister. There's an ocean of invisible matter around the earth our home is on top of a spiritual mountain chain just one of thousands of cities hovering around the planet retification chambers Welcome my sister welcome. Rectification camera, this may not be the sky you dreamed of, but let's take care of everyone with lots of love. My niece has arrived In that machine. Luiza Building camera could never imagine the possibilities of our mind. Here many still maintain the appearance of their lives on earth, but the changes had to be deeper. Uncle, I never thought that the lord would receive me when I died. What to drink Luiza. Mother was so sad when the master died. No, all of a sudden. She always prayed to the lord. Yeah, I know so. How do you know ? The early hours are the worst, so soon the aches pass. Have you suffered too much what happened to her? I don't want nobody's pity. We will take care of you Luiza. I dont need no care Uncle. Help me get back, my fiancé must be waiting for me. Luísa, I'm going to take you home here. Your grandmother Laura, Aunt Judite and Holland are waiting for you. Auntie, uncle, there is no house here. Uncle send me back please Take it easy, take it easy. I'm going to prepare your exit André. Take the opportunity to observe. There are many to learn here. Thank you Ulisses. Dont tell me to chill out how does it feel ? Living and dying at the same time. You know I couldn't hear a better definition. Who are you? I'm a doctor Dr. André Luis So explain it to me why do i still feel so much pain Can you lift up a little please Allow me to examine you that that Will I stop suffering even after death? Deep breath does it hurt here How about this place? This. Do you breathe? Calm take her hands off her please but she needs help hands Thank you. But what would have happened here? What did i do more or less I mean, you can say yes. I can measure clinical person The Ground Levels. But what would have happened if she's already dead then why? Oh lord were you researching? No im trying to learn and help too Help? sure as hell i gotta work Yeah? And for what purpose? I want to visit my family. You don't have to have merit for that. Do you want to have merit? Is this how things work here? Do you really want it? I want to have merits so it comes along It comes. Our cleaning brother, you can start from here. Oh, but this is work for nurses. Will you or will you not? But I can be used in so many other things, I have studied so much in life. What do you know about spiritual medicine, my friend? I know nothing but I want to learn. Are there so many new laws or new ways to enforce old laws? No, the laws are the same, they are applied individually. Recharged your required strength. Wherever you are, I always want to love you. Beautiful your mother's prayer. Yuh my fiancé ? Didn't he pray for me? But doesn't he know that life goes on? We never talked about it This couldn't have happened to me. We loved each other, we were going to get married, but just because you left, love has to end. How can i get out Soon as your uncle comes to get you? Rest now G.o. . Try not to think about anything so friend how are you doing I owe him an apology No we only apologize to those we get offended and that's not my case. I didn't mean to hurt her. Patient takes care of a patient? You were passing fluids to her, from your fragile mind. I am not a suicidal person But that's not what we talking about. André you are not ready yet but you will be Tobias accompanies our brother leaving the cameras when he was born you dedicated yourself to raising a good man and when he died your dedication increased. It's not an easy task Clarisse, you were there with us, you know that. Yes, but you have done the best and I know you will continue to do so. Took time to accept the fate he created. It's hard to see brothers stumble. Welcome to our home Luiza. Glad he's here I believe soon you will be able to chat André it's not worth telling people you're alive, it's no use. To know the truth, beings need some spirituality whatever it may be. Emanuel I don't have your faith. Did you get permission to send the message? Not yet. André, why don't we do something? Let's come in and you talk to the governor? And will he be worth reading? Here leaders lead by example. Welcome André Luiz To my father's house there are many addresses. I won't trade our beautiful blue planet to live somewhere in this galaxy and not in the happy worlds. Thank you, Andre. Thanks for looking out for me Lord. I came to beg ur permission Beg it Andre. I need to see them. Andre the family. See this is my family Joyful Moran. In the valleys of suffering, they are also my family, I need to see them too. But that's not what makes him suffer. When you were found, you spoke to the heart. When the heart speaks, God, unconscious repentance, my brother, forgive me. I threw my life away There are hearts praying for you What hearts ? Why daddy cant come see me Your father is in lower regions. But what did he do I don't have the right to enumerate his father's deeds but he is already reaping the harvest unfortunately. I cant take any chances yet How about you ? I get close to a distance I was thinking who knows we could have a new experience in the flesh. When we wake up after death. It all makes sense, André. I don't blame myself, but I don't absorb myself either. you have access to the earth But don't ask Gisele or the kids. My wife and my kids You are still a patient. They wont let me work Free will is also the law here. You're a doctor, but above all you're a good man. I'm glad you're already finding yourself again. André do you want to walk with a free spirit? Or to wait for the time to pass? My son, if you need me, I'll come. Just think calm sister calm down. It's going to get better. It's happening. Lay down here my brother calm down this is cleaning Tobias what's up A moment please. I need you to call more servers for this squad If not, we won't care. G.o. . Calm. That's all a good server knows when it's time to rest. Thanks nurse Narcisa, but I need to work. No no its time to stop now huh The quality of the work is what matters, don't get fucked. Lisas, I have a concern, where will I live? How do you mean that? You've just started working But I didn't know that I would be leaving the hospital because of it. André, some time ago I thought I was already complaining. I needed some water I can't contain my curiosity. Were you a doctor or a journalist? How many people live here? It's about a million back and forth. How do I buy a house? Buy andre ? Not here on earth. It's not just accumulating. Gotta deserve it remember? Dont you worry about it nah Lets enjoy our dinner I spent so long in that hospital that I don't even remember what a good meal tastes like. You wont even believe it. Veneranda flowers our beloved minister. Ms. Laura, you guys are very kind. I want to thank the invitation made by André this house is an achievement for all of us. Especially from my husband who is already on earth. I actually forgot to mention andre It only took my dad eighteen years to get this house. By the time you get yours I must be born again Lisias now that he's left the hospital André is worried about the same situation. I don't want to bother you with that Ms. Laura. There's room for one more in our house André. I swore never again after disarray. But what to do ? I love it yes Attention André, a special menu for you. Today we will have soup. Made with lots of love And accompanied by water. Heloísa my grand daughter You also need to re-energize your energy. Why u playing happy family Glad you guys liked it Can't wait for our date I'm sure we can be peasants. Live on a beautiful farm. Baby you know I'm a city boy Reading you guys plan the next incarnation like this seems easy. Cause I'm sure we'll stick to the plan. We've failed so many times that it gives you so much certainty. Incarnation processes are not so easy, do you know André? Does Luiz need careful planning? pardon me. Will you excuse me ? Of course not. The minister will receive us soon I can't wait Luis have you ever imagined life after life the Lord knows how we do to get back I want to know how my fiancé is unfortunately I don't have to go There are cases harder than yours po because You don't focus on your recovery? I aint worried bout other people I ain't worried about getting back I am really dead already. Did You Get It ? You are a privileged one No praise please. I, for one, never received those prayers from relatives on Earth. See no one liked you. Wow take long to find it Its been a while hasn't it? There are only two files How do you mean that? The record of two persons. Just two. Yum. You looked up my right name Andre Luiz. No mistakes here sir. Now to wait for the pictures to show up. Excuse me. Bless. So nice to me Of the love there is in this world. Bless your own. How long has the lady not seen my grandfather? He's already a boy of and one day you'll understand learn to cope with the temporary separations of life family bonds are eternal when built with love everything that is the fruit of vanity of pride is lost with the pains of the way and if I don't o If you want to understand grandma, and if I don't want to keep listening to these lessons, I'm sorry. I really missed this lady. I ve been watching u Sound and Saint Andrew Saint Andrew my husband died and he not here he not here yet Help rescue him sir you are such a good man I need your help. And the world needs happy stories. Heloisa, Eloi. Off. Lets be happy for real IT WONT WORK OUT RIGHT It's our life doctor, we have that right. We do not have that right. This book that we just completed and edited for our brothers of the earth tells the story of the Roman senator Slow Public of Cornelios and you will allow me to treat him in third person since he is one of my incarnations. Galilee didn't know but it was changing our times forever. Back then walked Jesus Christ, the man who snatch the crowds, who performed miracles, whose words echoed in every corner. And I met this man one day in a dream, in a brief moment, a radiant moment of those capable of changing our existence forever. What if this moment is gone? How many years does it take to rebuild the lost past? How many years does it take to rebuild an instant? On September 39 spirits of elevated hierarchical expression descended from heaven. Chirps were heard far away, the city would go through important moments. Beloved brothers citizen ministers as you know our work of helping those who came to the planet recording the process of renewal of human life reaches the point of double punishment to those who are in building services a great war ti ho Recommended, you don’t know the internet, I’ll finish it completely. Millions and millions of souls voted into a spiritual world. Ask for mercy God. All those spiritual cities all over your planet unite for peace. Same because imbalanced Obsessed with the groom Heloísa. I could never break through the dense layers of a trench that search the earth from the surface to the boundaries of the city. The result of the law of action and reaction. Luiz, you were right, doctor. I didn't make it. I never thought that they would stop you. But one day all the answers arrive. Why am I like this? Why do i hurt people so much? Some day you'll understand When that day comes you will feel certain. When this certainty is unshakable you will grow. I'm super horrible, no taste of anything. Do you want to know, Luíza? I also think so But for our friendship, drink, it'll do you good. I've learned so much from you Thank you for everything. Narcissistic? Clarity? Something I can do for you André? Have you become a minister? Have you made it allow me ? In our home it is indispensable to learn from all experiences but there was one thing we could never forget the past cannot be changed mysterious are the paths traveled by the soul and the heart it was then that I proved once again the that love is able to make a boss Laura, I know that the lady doesn't need to reincarnate anymore, so why come back to live on earth? I asked and Minister Clarencio accepted. You have to live again to evolve. There are lessons that only life on earth can give us. Besides, we program a life that has everything to go right, but you never know. Meanwhile, Dr. André takes good care of Heloísa. or her that I'm doing it reincarnation is the best school she if us as soon as possible. It will be my daughter as a mother I hope I can help her be more accepting and not be so attached to it. Let's trust in divine providence and have faith. So we hope. Laura thank you for everything. Take care of my son Andre. I know my friend How is your planning Ulisses? Looks like it will take a while now. Have you heard from them? Mom has been reborn and Aunt Judite and Iolanda are in the process of letting go of the past. There is a big difference in everything you are feeling Ulisses. U might know how I feel Tune in. We just say see you later here. You say that because your mother lives in the higher spheres and always comes to visit you, right? You didn't lose your mom Philosophically I asked yes She will accomplish everything she planned and will help her niece a lot I'm sure of that Now read my thought. No but visit my mother. I don't even know how to behave among the Elysians incarnate anymore. Anything turns us into a sad soul. Hum to arrive and not to sweat. I was drawing H mask. Wow my this is in you seen or the live wow concerned with the presence of wives that man didn't exist but a new Andre was born. Thank you for coming doc henrique I really hope everything turns out ok Zélia you shouldn't worry so much But tell me, will he be alright? Well he just needs to rest and take all his medication I don't think I could take it twice. It all goes well. I heard the same thing years ago. Whenever you need,you can call me It's okay, doctor. Thank you so much for coming One more time So with your excuse . Doctor said your going to be ok Treasure doctors know nothing. Men don't know anything. Check it out here. Check it out. We are killing ourselves again. But I know love in me And you'll be fine Your meds. Hold on hold on. Come on over. I love you for my I love you so much. I'm your husband who has never missed and I never say I will. Mommy? Glad you came Clarisse. How are you ? Well a little scared but ok That's nice. Do you know I thought about daddy a lot today? At your father's ? Daughter. Thats what i was missing Who was a mother? Afflicted as I am, you come to me with this melancholy. It's not a good time to talk about your father, don't you think? Sorry I just wanted to tell you a feeling Clarice your father is no longer with us I know it was painful for me too but it is part of the past and the past is buried who is buried? Mom doesn't want me to talk about dad but what's the use of remembering him Clarice? I just miss you. I don't know if I miss you. Did not want to have it. I read in a book that people don't die Alice please. That's nonsense my sister. Stop being a fool. Science is there to prove these frauds. Now you talk just like your daddy And that's why I decided to be a doctor. How is Ernesto doing? Come on, let's see. Mommy! I have arrived ! Maria Clara? Hi Clarice. Who taught you that music you're playing? I don't know, I sat and touched. Do you know the sequel? Not. I learned it when I was your age, did you know? Daddy loved watching me play as he was Clarisse? Ah, he was a good man, very busy, he didn't have much time for us. He was tough, austero. I've never seen him cry, did you? But man don't cry Yup that's right I guess he did what they expected him to do. But he loved us, that's what matters, isn't it? Yes, but I don't understand anything. There's no need for one day things to be the way I really think they are. We're going to find each other. Go hi. Dj. Congratulations. What a beauty. Life does not cease and death is a dark game of illusions closing the eyes of the body does not decide our destinies one must navigate in one's own drama or comedy itself until we have crossed all the paths of spiritual evolution only then en we will cross the ocean waters Divine an existence is an act a body a dress a century a day and death death death is the renewing breath Did you know this text? I couldn't imagine waking up could be this intense. But I won't suffer with the idea of eternity. It's always time to start fresh. Now the divine voice that speaks in the sanctuary of my soul, only forgiveness and love. Zélia forgive me. Go with God, Doctor André. Ernesto? Good-bye. Ernesto wake up! For God's sake don't do that to me Ernesto wake up breathe Ernesto breathe I'm sick in di noi ah tesoro mio tesoro mioso io non fodesciavo sesso su da Facebook should open a vacancy in the Samaritans group and could I? If you so desire it Yeah, we just can't forget work in the cameras, huh? The work , always the work , André. Truth, tourism. What about the books? Man, I don't know if our friend on earth would love to meet you. Who is this about? Call him chico only chico god bless him