The Oneonta Club Foundation Honors South Pasadena Seniors ‹
    • students pose for a photo

      Glenn Crawford, 2023-2024 Oneonta Club President; Sawyer Fox; Mia Ramos; Truman Lindenthaler; Danica Stirling; Dean Serwin, The Oneonta Club Foundation President (Photo – Oneonta Club)

      At their 49th Annual Banquet the Oneonta Club awarded four graduating students a total of $30,000 in scholarships, and teachers $2,000 in grants.

      By Dean Sheldon Serwin

      As another school year winds down, 100 Club members, South Pasadena School Board members, SPUSD Superintendent Yantz, Mayor Zneimer, awardees with their families, and other guests joined South Pasadena’s Oneonta Club on May 13th as the Oneonta Club Foundation presented its Philip V. Swan Scholarships.

      This special night, hosted by Club Board member and SPHS alum, Tom Rogers, featured retiring conductor Howard Crawford leading the South Pasadena High School Jazz Band during dinner. After, the group sang a few songs (a staple of Oneonta Club meetings), including a rousing rendition of the SPHS Alma Mater, this year’s scholarship recipients were joined on stage by the nearly 30 SPHS alums from the Club.

      Foundation president Dean Serwin welcomed everyone, declaring “The Oneonta Club Foundation seeks out interesting and dedicated students, providing them and their families with tuition assistance as they take the first steps to their next chapter.”

      Serwin thanked those in attendance, including the Club, Foundation Board, School Board members and the local government officials that presented certificates honoring the students and the teachers. He explained that Foundation was able to honor four students this year, instead of the usual three, because one will be attending West Point which has no tuition. Then, he introduced this year’s recipients:

      Truman Lindenthaler. Truman heads to UC Irvine this fall, studying engineering. Truman has a passion for many things other than merely academics, at which he excels. From the school’s origami club to volunteering with local theater troop Upstage, though Truman’s true passion is engineering, specifically as it relates to Formula 1.

      Sawyer Fox. Sawyer will attend West Point this fall, where the athleticism and dedication he showed on the Football field will serve him well. Sawyer’s passion for and commitment to service were evidenced by his volunteerism, including the snuggle a senior, blankets for seniors drive he spearheaded.

      Mia Ramos heads east to Boston College this fall as an Applied Psychology and Human Development major where she hopes to find time to again become involved with research projects. Aside from rigorous studies, Mia combined her dedication to volleyball and her support for those with mental illness into a very interesting Girl Scout Gold Award project.

      Danica Stirling heads not quite so far east, to Claremont McKenna College. Her many interests abound, including sports, community, working with the homeless, and animals. Danica is pursuing veterinary studies in school.

      Foundation Liaison Carl von Bibra presented this year’s Teachers of the Year with commemorative plaques and grants of $1000.00 in recognition of their outstanding service. From the Elementary schools, SPUSD selected Marengo Elementary 1st Grade Mandarin Dual Immersion teacher, Judy Ho. Ho was introduced by incoming Principal and long-time Marengo teacher, Noelle Fong, who lauded “Judy’s passion for teaching Mandarin to little ones,” and how she spends extra time working with their families. South Pasadena High School Principal John Eldred selected Art teacher, Aimee Levie-Hultman, now in her 20th year at the school. Eldred praised Levie-Hultman’s talent and her popularity with students, remarking, “I could fill her classes all day long, there is so much demand.”

      “What a grand night,” remarked Oneonta Club president, Glenn Crawford. Also a Foundation board member, Crawford noted, “So much prospect, so much anticipation, so much hope. The Oneonta Club is thrilled to host the Foundation and participate in starting these young scholars on their way to the next big step in life.”

      Serwin concluded the evening by presenting past Foundation president, William J. Cullinane with a trophy commemorating his decade+ of guidance.

      Teachers pose for a photo

      Glenn Crawford, 2023-2024 Oneonta Club President; SPHS Arts Teacher, Aimee Levie-Hultman; Marengo Elementary Dual Immersion Teacher, Judy Ho; Dean Serwin, The Oneonta Club Foundation President (Photo – Oneonta Club)

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