The Meaning Behind The Song: Something’s Coming by Jim Bryant, Johnny Green & West Side Story Orchestra - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Something’s Coming by Jim Bryant, Johnny Green & West Side Story Orchestra


The Meaning Behind The Song: Something’s Coming by Jim Bryant, Johnny Green & West Side Story Orchestra

When it comes to iconic musical numbers, few hold a candle to “Something’s Coming” from West Side Story. This timeless classic, written by Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim, serves as the “I Want Song” for the musical, and it beautifully captures the anticipation and hope that comes with the possibility of something great entering your life.

Song Details

Title Something’s Coming
Artist Jim Bryant, Johnny Green & West Side Story Orchestra
Writer/Composer Leonard Bernstein & Stephen Sondheim
Album West Side Story (1961 Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Release Date December 7, 1961
Genre Soundtrack
Producer Saul Chaplin & Didier C. Deutsch

Listening to “Something’s Coming,” you can’t help but feel a sense of excitement and optimism. The song begins with Tony musing on the imminent arrival of something extraordinary in his life. He has no concrete details, only a persistent belief that something good is on its way.

I remember the first time I heard this song. It was a sunny afternoon, and I was feeling a bit lost and uncertain about the future. As I played the familiar tune, Tony’s words resonated deeply with me. Like him, I yearned for a change, for something remarkable to enter my world. The lyrics seemed to mirror my anticipation and hope for a better tomorrow.

As the song progresses, Tony’s excitement builds. He imagines that this miracle will come “cannonballing down through the sky” with a gleam in its eye. The imagery of something bright and beautiful captures the sense of wonder and possibility.

The lyrics also speak to the fleeting nature of opportunity. Tony sings about how this miracle is “only just out of reach.” It’s a feeling many of us can relate to – the sense that the things we desire are tantalizingly close yet frustratingly elusive. But Tony remains undeterred. He believes that if he can wait, this something good will ultimately arrive.

With each verse, the song builds in intensity. Tony’s anticipation is palpable as he envisions the knock on the door or the ring of the telephone signaling the arrival of this long-awaited miracle. He implores it to come in, to not be shy, and to take a seat. It’s as though he’s setting a place at the table for this extraordinary arrival, eagerly awaiting its entrance.

For me, “Something’s Coming” is a reminder of the inherent beauty and excitement of life’s possibilities. It captures the feeling of hope in the face of uncertainty and speaks to the universal desire for something great to come our way.

As the song concludes, Tony proclaims that the air is humming and that something great is indeed coming. It’s a culmination of his anticipation and a reassurance that his instincts were right. Something wonderful is about to happen, and Tony can feel it in his bones.

Reflecting back on my own experiences, “Something’s Coming” has become a personal anthem that I turn to whenever I need a reminder of the potential that lies ahead. It stirs within me a renewed sense of hope and excitement, urging me to embrace the unknown and trust that something amazing is just around the corner.

Whether it’s a new job opportunity, a budding relationship, or simply a shift in perspective, we all have moments where we sense that something good is on the horizon. “Something’s Coming” captures that feeling with its infectious melody and poignant lyrics.

So the next time you find yourself on the cusp of something new and unknown, take a moment to listen to “Something’s Coming.” Let it ignite that spark of hope within you and remind you that something great is just around the corner.

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